Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

November, 2017Archive for

Halloween in November? Early? And country being queen toward the middle of the month? You betcha boots

Friday, November 3rd, 2017

(Actually, scary is now old news, and country is in, as that form of music takes precedence in the second weekend of November and moving forward. For what to see in the area, check out this web site’s Picks of the Week department).

You would have to be a (post)-Halloween novice, not to notice that its a novelty for nasty hauntings to continue, well into November.
So don’t put those Halloween costumes away just yet, as there are more scary deeds to be done, such as attending the “after party” with prizes for the haunted holiday at the Village Inn in North Hudson on Saturday, Nov. 4. This proves that Halloween is an observance that does not end with the end of October, much like having the extended birthday 30-day month that many people celebrate.
There will be a deejay/karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Village, by the name of Ryan (he’s been there before) and word has it, although we’re not sure, that he doesn’t go by the last name of Secrest. To help you get your courage up, and (costume/song) game on, groups of people can get 96-ounce hoppers of sponsor Michelob Golden Light, which is billed on many coasters as The Gold Standard, for only $20. And of course, there are costume prizes, to see if you have what it takes to take home $75, or other cash awards. That judging will go on at about 11 or 11:30 p.m., depending on the number of people who strut their stuff vocally during the karaoke.

From The Land of 10,000 Lakes, to several times that more spectators, but only two pheasants (on last check)

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

Across the pond go a group from the Land of 10,000 Lakes. With the Most Important NFC North Division Game Of The Week taking place in London — and some local people making the trip over the sea — I recall the time when a patron at Guv’s Place was telling about the time when the then prime minister across the pond, Tony Blair, who was a business associate of a business associate, sent him two special-species pheasants that had been shot in a hunt as a gift, to be used for cooking. Word was that he was initially going to be in another such pheasant hunt prior to the Vikings game, but it’s hard to shoot at them in the dark. (Wait, that 8:30 a.m. start was our time, not theirs).

That didn’t keep the Hudson Buffalo Wild Wings — to name one mostly-night venue, and an unlikely one at that — from opening their doors right before game time on Sunday, although not in time for very much pregame coverage. And we have to keep in mind that London is not far away from the area where the original Vikings — the ocean-going kind, not the sports team — had initially set sail hundreds of years before football was invented.
Speaking of the Vikings, their horned logo and colors are present on a special issue of cans of a name-brand cola, but the rub is that you can’t get the special price in Wisconsin. It says so right at the bottom of the ad, although in fine print. At press time, neither Coke or Pepsi had claimed responsibility for this brutal attack on Cheesehead wallets (just kidding).

Lots of music, and plenty of weird games for your weekend and beyond

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

We’re talking PopROCKS, and not the candy, and also the possible trifecta return of Big Fat Groove within a several week period:
– What, you want pop and rock and dance and party and “hits” music, that might make you laugh to boot? You might want to check out PopROCKS at the Smilin’ Moose on Friday night, Nov. 3, as the venue again takes its occasional steer away from the same bands it usually offers and adds in one that’s only there once in a while.
– It’s been a while since I’ve done a mini-review, so here goes. Big Fat Groove played Pudge’s Saloon and Eatery twice in a month-long period … so we’ll have to see if they come around again in the next couple of months. Their middle set scorched, and the band features a strong rhythm section, and when the guitar comes in its bound to be funky. Also, the drummer is a main vocalist, which again is like the late Grant Hart of Husker Du, who passed on recently. He told me he’s well aware of the energy created with, and shared between, the band and the audience, such as was the case the last time they played. And the cushy chairs and fireplace upstairs at Pudge’s didn’t hurt the ambiance.
– This might be considered WEST Hudson, not North Hudson, but this trivia offering at Alary’s Bar on WEST Seventh Street in St. Paul is just begging to be mentioned — and it over the years has had scores of lovely young women bartending who hail from WESTern Wisconsin, and that’s not trivia when they’re friendly. But coming with their frequent evening bar trivia, that is themed after Star Dust IPA, comes a free pitcher of Surly Hell for teams of four or more, and a similar reward if you buy any shot for an opposing team. That’s got to be hell in there are only three on your team.
– Lastly, in NORTH St. Paul, not NORTH Hudson, actually Gordie’s in Little Canada, where in addition people from THE WEST — Alary’s — apparently also go judging by the bus that can be seen outside, there is this atypical contest. You toss a bean bag, but throw it from the exacting distance of 11 feet, 4 inches, as specified by a very wordy sign, and the target is set-up at a right-on 42 inches, by rule, above the floor. There are also more than 100 words used to describe the rules of the game; really needed? That kind of OCD will get you in Surly Hell!

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