Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Find out what fuels Bones Gang and others this weekend, even if it means straying from the main drag

You might want to “bone up” on what’s going on this Friday and Saturday:
— The band Bones Gang, which plays at The Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Saturday night, Feb. 18, doesn’t make any bones about it. They participate in: “Drinking, writing music, fighting with each other, drinking some more….” And we’ll hope you’ll agree that the end result is some great rock! After all, it all comes from this (musical?) influence they’ve listed, namely: “being under the influence.” These guys look the part, too, long-haired rockers, not unlike partial namesakes The James Gang, although a bit silver-haired on the edges.
— To start the weekend earlier than those events offered above and below, head up to The Willow on Friday night and take in these longtime locally-based stalwarts, the party-rock band and truly beyond, The Zebra Mussels.
— If you want to take a road trip, although a mini-road trip, a ways “up north” to listen to some music and shake your thing at the same time, you might consider trekking to a few miles north of Somerset and the venue aptly named Not Justa a Bar, and take in the band Shakin on Saturday night.
— Earlier on Saturday, there is something that while a couple of “events” short of a heptathalon, is still an extravaganza of athleticism that’s been coming around each year, not just every four years. Yes, that’s the Bar Olympics in Hudson/North Hudson, starting at around noon and featured these four venues — Kozy Korner in North Hudson, Dick’s Bar and Grill in downtown Hudson, The Hudson Bowling Center up on The Hill, and Mike’s Em Pour E Yum in the town of Hudson. Sign up with your bartender/mentor/coach/personal trainer.
— You also needed to sign up with your bartender at Dick’s for the Valentine’s Dart tournament. And a similar call had to be made to find my Valentine her favorite gift, based on the Minion movies — which now are biting the dust behind a new such flick, The Trolls. Which gets me to a perfect joke for this holiday. She enjoys teasing me about the size of my “Minion” when I’m wearing the themed shorts SHE got me, and a “short” while back I shared this story with a couple of newfound female friends. One of them, a blonde, yucked it up, while another, a brunette, said she didn’t get it. I thought this was role reversal, where the blonde was the astute one!

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