Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

These items are looking forward, while looking back, in honor of the Daylight Savings Time switch.

— Last Halloween, while at Dibbo’s, “the late, great Ronnie James Dio,” as a karaoke deejay once put it, was shown on the tube in a full length concert at Dibbo’s doing his sword and sorcery thing, and even slaying a dragon with a saber, the one that appears on the cover art of his Sacred Heart album.
— The Badgers and Gophers just got done with their annual football contest, which reminds me of the comment Carol made at the Village Inn the previous season they met. She was sporting a Minnesota sweatshirt and quipped that if she herself glances downward at her chest, the letter appears to reverse itself and “it looks like a ‘W’ anyway.”
— Bartending can be a dangerous job, and not just in dealing with rowdy customers, or ghouls at Halloween. In the course of just a week this past summer, a server at Guv’s in Houlton persevered despite her badly jammed toes requiring a boot, one at the Corner Bar in River Falls had a wrapped broken thumb, and one at Woody’s in Bayport needed a similar treatment for a variety of sliverings that included a plastered leg, making you wonder if its possible to do the job in a full body cast.
— Just because you work at a sports bar doesn’t mean that you can get away from the games in your off hours. Megan, who works at Woody’s, lives in Minneapolis and was looking forward to sleeping in after a long shift the previous night. Plans changed however, when runners from the Twin Cities Marathon came streaming past her house, and just kept coming and coming and coming. If you can’t beat them, join them, was her thought — at least in a spectator sense — so she got up sleepily and watched the action.


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