Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

These oddities abounded in Hudson recently.

— In this age of YouTube, people take pictures of the strangest things. A man came into a local haunt and started taking pictures, lots of them from various distances away, of the popcorn machine. The bartenders glanced at each other and apparently didn’t know what to think. He then sat down at the bar like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I wonder if one of those kernels looked like Jesus?
— Other photos get taken, too. Birthday greetings are often posted on bar marquee signs, whether they be at Agave Kitchen, Kozy Korner, Guv’s or other places. However, when a regular who was one of the recipients saw her well-wishes on the sign at the Village Inn, she immediately got out her camera and recorded it, yet again, for posterity. (Just to show how many times you can make record of being 29). That same sign often uses the play-on-words wording “Saturday Nite Live Band” to advertise their music.
— Two things you can find in bathrooms, all in the same block, that are normally not seen. At Agave Kitchen, for years there has been an Ottoman setting in the restroom, which is just plain cool. Down the way at Pier 500, the bottoms of the bathroom sinks have a slanted format that runs at a near-45-degree-angle away from the patron. Less water capacity, more style.
— The same-sex marriage vote clamor in Minnesota has spilled into Wisconsin, over the rock music airwaves. A 93-X radio deejay said this on the air: “I got a text that I think was a same-sex marriage proposal, but it was from Wisconsin, so you never know what the hell it was about.” A sign that was a proposal of a different type — a political endorsement — can be seen in a yard sign along Second Street in Hudson. Does this person know what state he’s in?
— Richard Cheese is also going over well in Cheesehead Country. The artist, and I use that word lightly, takes heavy metal standards and converts them into cheesy — I had to say it, at the risk of being redundant — lounge music. He had an entire album, song after kitschy song, played back-to-back at Dick’s the other day. That was something that I thought only happened at the former Twisted Grille, when the late night scene took over downstairs after dining.

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