Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Halloween, like elections, just won’t go away, but we’d instead like to lead off this segment of the web page by talking about the lovely Amanda (one of two women going by that name who have bartended at Dick’s):

— When Smirk Worthy had their initial gig at Dick’s Bar and Grill on Wednesday, the style of precise but understated guitar was perfect to promote lead singer Amanda’s vocals, which were invariably dead-on through songs both classic and lesser played by cover bands. Her range of pitch was apparent when covering Blondie’s “One Way Or Another,” and overall skill shown through on Sweet’s “Ballroom Blitz,” a difficult song few would even attempt. The overflow crowd clamored for an encore, which was a song by Adele.
A long-time aquaintance of Amanda’s agreed, saying all the instruments were at an ideal tone. She showed the audience a bit more flair than her usual, both by being animated with her arm motions and dance, and by dressing up with a hot layered look. Her flamboyance was only rivaled by Ben on the bass. When she addressed the crowd by saying, “the heat’s really on in here,” a guy yelled back, “you know it.”
Stay tuned for more opportunities to see Smirk Worthy, a five-piece band that will likely play again in the Hudson area around Thanksgiving.
— Two other holdovers about after-the-fact Halloween costumes. A man came into Guv’s dressed as a nurse, complete with the fact that he was on crutches and sporting a cast on one leg. Physician heal thyself? Also, a group of people who were waiting to pay the cover charge at Dick’s, and sporting the same type of wide brim hats that were profiled last week in the Halloween edition of this web site, found they were having trouble getting in the door as a group because … those hats were just too wide!
— And one more for alternative headgear, the guy doing karaoke at Ellie’s who looked like Jar Jar Binks of Stars Wars fame. Who knew he could sing?
— With the elections now done, this web site is not without political commentary, such as it is. A man who had an Australian accent and his buddy were watching the returns at Green Mill, with rapt attention rarely seen in this country, when they asked about some things that are about elections American style. Just what is this thing called an Electoral College? And what happened in Florida that is so important that everyone keeps talking about it? That only started the discussion.
— Also, at Woody’s in Bayport, a man said he knows an elected official with whom he graduated from an area high school, who was “fourth or fifth in line” in the presidential cabinet. The patron then pulled out his cell phone and showed the bartender photos of his acquaintance with several other, higher profile politicians, including Hilary Clinton.


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