Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

I am thankful for the obscure — what makes a turkey stand up amidst more foul creatures, and bringing some noteworthy people to Hudson, whether to live or play music.
— It’s been a few years now since I photographed a family with many celebrity ties, while at a seasonal event in Willow River State Park. Speaking of photos, they ended up on the front page of the New York Times, just by being in the right place and the right time, gracing the cover with Lindsey Lohan when she was a co-star at the premier of Garrison Keillor’s “Lake Wobegon.” But this was old hat for the family, who had just moved to the Third Street historical district in Hudson from Out East. The husband grew up in a prominent Connecticut neighborhood where Brook Shields was the neighbor and Billy Joel one of the regulars — big time — at the corner bar. His brother was on the same soccer team as Richie Blackmore, the well-known guitarist for Deep Purple.
— Have leftover turkey bones? For a long time, the “Bones” around town was a colorful old gent and Vietnam War veteran who would hang out at Pudge’s and tell the person sitting next to him, and the bartenders whenever they would come by, to watch out for the Tree Leaches and Sand Mites that he jokingly said lay in waiting just outside the door. But why stop there? What about the Concrete Ticks? Talk to Bones long enough, and he’ll come up with a whole zoology of colorful creatures that don’t really exist — or do they, if even just to capture the comely bartender whose fate it was to be closing up that night!
— Speaking of Leaches, people are still raving about the recent — and even more song-filled and lengthy — Bruce Springsteen show at the XCel, and one of them, Matt Leach, said a highlight were the frequent and minutes-long tributes to the late Clarence Clemmens, some with his music, some with long periods of silence. Another recent act that drew a lot of attention, featured North Hudson people dressing up as Madonna for her concert, and meeting first over a drink locally to determine just what incarnation of the Material Girl to go as, and then afterward again to both unwind and be seen.
— That’s got nothing on a former bridal shower for, of all things, a Black Sabbath- and medieval-themed wedding. They met at Dick’s a couple of wedding seasons ago to revel at Dick’s by invoking the imagery of an old and obscure metal song, called of all things, Fluff.
— Skuba season may be over, but the signs live on, posted on the wall at the downtown shop that sells and rents this type of gear. The latest: “Life’s a beach and then you dive.”
— With the college football season waning, a reminder was another sign, this one a Badger-booster from last year’s campaign that unfortunately was missing a space: “gored.” They must have gotten blown-out that week.


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