Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife


Sing a tune in honor of bands both local and national:
— Wednesday lived up to its reputation as one of the biggest party nights of the year when James Zachary played at Uncle Mike’s Em Pour E Yum, with music that could best be described as from American-made artists. There can be exceptions, though, with James, such as songs from Nickelback out of Canada, Green Day and Black Eyed Peas.
— Ah yes, Nickelback. I my early days as a reviewer, I was in occasional contact with people from their initial record label in New York, Roadrunner Records, which later went on to feature many prominent metal and hard rock acts. I even got the label’s promo materials and demos in the mail. Some cool free stuff.
— A Willy Nelson tribute band, Billy and the Willie’s, also took the stage on Wednesday at the Village Inn, featuring a female singer, and not one, not two, but three male musicians who I swear look just like Nelson himself, plus a very creative use of keyboards. There was plenty of room for requests and dance music, and the band even tried to get the proprietor to come on stage and sing some Travis Tritt.
— To change styles, how would you actually define “thrash?” One beautiful girl band member, who said she gave up the ghost a half-year ago because of the constraints of her day job, offered a wide-ranging answer to that question in a recent conservation at Dick’s Bar and Grill. We both love the old school metal, but she said that even Joan Jett’s sharp-edged lyrics could fit that “thrash” category. Metallica beware!
— Has anyone seen Kami out and about? One of the last time’s I encountered her was when planning what was her somewhat annual post-Thanksgiving party. It was billed in a way we all can relate: After tolerating your weird relatives all day on Thursday, spent some time with people you really like afterward. And her place was just up the hill, only a little bit, from the bar district, very conveniently along Third Street near the fire hall. And Kami, if you bring back this bonanza, this time I promise not to loose my keys enroute and have to try to bum a ride.
— Since it’s hunting season, I offer this tale: In order to backtrack to Hudson after socializing at Woody’s Bar and and Grill in Bayport, I swing around the entire four corners of a block to return to the main drag, an area frequented by deer. One time recently, a young buck ran a short distance ahead of my car and before I could even turn on my blinkers, turned corner after corner to keep running in front of me. Apparently — how appropriate — a deer with a death wish!
— Talk about being two-faced, or having eyes in back of your head. A man taking in pre-holiday music at Dick’s, with a bald head and just a bit of facial hair, had the face of a skull tattooed on the back of his head. All the better to see the band with!

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