Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Of bears, boots, bridges, bad sweaters and big drums …

— The Stillwater bridge is now open, but yet another reason to frequent the suddenly more accessible Guv’s Place in Houlton is the Boots ‘n Bears campaign, of which Guv’s is one of the places around the area taking the lead. Patrons are asked to donate clean and lightly used or new items — footwear or teddy bears — for children of any age. Big wrapped boxes that look very festive have been set up as collection sites at various venues by the St. Croix County Tavern League, and can be loaded full of gifts through Dec. 17. The event is co-sponsored by a bar in Baldwin.
— You thought yours was bad? Well show it! On Friday, Dec. 14, Woody’s in Bayport is hosting an ugly sweater contest, just in time for the holiday where it gets colder and people wear ones with weird reindeer and obtuse elves and the like. In this event, the first of a few that will be held in the area in coming weeks, prizes will be given for the most obnoxious sweater at 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and there will be drink specials, especially for those brave enough to show up dressed despicably.
— Rhino is back yet again at Dibbo’s on Saturday, Dec. 8, bringing their trademark rock sounds, which include the well-known line of four or five kettle drums — with the band members abandoning their usual stations to pound away on the percussion instruments as a group for just one song. The act has drawn comparisons to the Blue Man Group. Another highlight of their act are the inspired Purple Rain vocals, with fog machine to compliment the Prince song. A favorite moment for me was last year at this time, when in what has been a theme at Dibbo’s a few weeks running, a man briefly got up on stage, and stole one of the band member’s Aussie-styled big brim hat that’s just fitting considering the band’s name. The patron then got on his knees to play air guitar in front of the real guitarist, before exiting stage right.



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