Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Of deerly held singers and less dearly held puns …
— Jeff Loven, the ultimate one-man-band, said that he played Whitetails Bar out in the sticks near Webster over the holidays, and while driving back actually struck not only a bunch of chords, but an actual whitetail! He didn’t even make it five miles before the mishap. Which led patrons for whom he was playing at Dick’s Bar to wonder out loud: Where is Jeff’s van? Is he on tonight or is it a redo of the Sunday night before Christmas, when Dick’s was closed to the public for their annual Christmas party, surely the social event of the season.
— Singer-guitarist Chris, who frequently does cameos locally with both Jeff and Saving Starz but has for quite a while backed off of the scene, said that back in the day when he was a wee pup of 19, he was an opening act for the likes of Pat Travers, Trixster and Slaughter. In recent days, he’s been frequently paired off with singer Tawny, as I reported earlier, but I didn’t know until recently that despite some challenging song choices, they had never performed or even rehearsed together before.
— The way to serve my favorite brew at Guv’s Place in Houlton, PBR, has changed, I was told it’s no longer served in a bottle. Is a can all right, I was asked? Sure, just don’t put it in front of me in a box because it could leak. Unless, the bartender noted, you drink it really fast. Maybe PBR actually stands for Pabst Box Rendition!
— The musicians at Dick’s Bar noted that a person who came on and did a cameo was playing an authentic Les Paul guitar. The topic soon shifted to the Beatles. Which made me quip to my buddy, who has heard it all before from me and usually rolls his eyes, what is John Lennon’s greatest wish? The answer, Less Paul, as in bandmate McCartney. My friend, much to my surprise, said he really liked that one.
— The bar conversation recently at Green Mill turned to the next of Tiger Woods’ romantic attachments, the world class downhill skier from St. Paul. It was immediately decided that more information was needed, so a guy did an internet search that took a little longer than you would thing, since the new object of his affection goes by Vonn, not Vaughn. (And we’re hoping that would not be double-V, actor Vince Vaughn. That would be creepy).
— On the other end of town, an announcement on the sign at Kozy Korner made me wonder. It touted a surprise birthday party for someone named Sam. Now if this is supposed to be a surprise …


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