Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, if you read down far enough:
— With a new pope selected, one recalls the movie Eurotrip, where a bunch of U.S. blundering travelers fall in with a
bunch of soccer hooligans, one of whom saves the leading man of sorts when he’s accidentally named a new pope by setting
Vatican curtains on fire and producing white smoke. The lead hooligan in the movie looks just like a guy who sings
karaoke downtown — heavy metal rather than the soccer club’s theme song, “My Baby Takes the Morning Train.” So, as
Agave’s sign has said recently, “Long Live the Pope,” fictional or real.
— On the sign at Kozy Korner in North Hudson: “Nineteen Letter Day is exactly 19 letters.” That would make it, indeed,
a Red Letter Day. And inside Kozy, a sign way in the back Korner that is even more my favorite — it says “obstructed
view.” That couldn’t refer to Target Field now, could it?
— A St. Patrick’s Day style made “somewhat” famous by Andy the tatoo artist while in the checkout line: A North Stars
baseball hat and a T-shirt dripping on all sides with imagery of the ultimate Irish punk band, Dropkick Murphy’s.
— Across the road at the Village Inn a while back, when the trio Saving Starz was playing one of their many gigs there,
someone who had imbibed was seeing differently than merely seeing double when he insisted there was only one musician
playing. At least if he’d said two musicians, it could have been explained by, again, seeing double. Do you think we
really could handle two of Geno? Or maybe he just puts out that much sound.


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