Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

When do you open up the right to write about open? (And to lead off, when it becomes the times of end, also known as the end of time). Following you’ll see a trio of segments, of odd lengths and what again conclude later, about what virus-valid ‘open’ means to you and how you follow it. Segments? Long-winded? What do you expect from HudsonWiNightlife? We’d say comprehensive, but that’s boasting. So we’ll add: As a team of music and else-worthy lovers we/you will keep forging on. Later on that …

This is not hard to compartmentalize, although since this is WisconsinWiNightlife, we’ll probably end of stretching it out. Almost all clubs in Hudson and by inference most of the surrounding area, are for the time closing at the very stroke of midnight — even if there are enough patrons about the bar rail to conceivably merit a encore to last call. The exception of greatest degree is Dick’s Bar and Grill, which after a brief foray into the darkness that is such an earlier closing for them also, are now abiding by the old cardinal rule of “to close or drop.” And down the road at Ziggy’s, the music on most nights takes over and its of note is not always done by the witching hour, one would think. Buffalo Wild Wings at one point had shuttered at an even earlier time, 10 p.m., but has now gotten more of its groove back (that means closer to midnight, although not always right up to the minute or quarter-hour). Green Mill across the street has followed much the same pattern, as happy hours have become fickle. But the Agave Kitchen continues to serve food until 1 a.m. Some nights spots don’t even make it until 10 p.m. with their service. And as far as those special hours for the elderly or disabled to shop, the biggies offering have kept it much the same, the first hour or two that they are open in the morning. And former around-the-clockers, places like County Market and WalMart, had been closing at 8:30 p.m., but now as well are pushing it off to 10 p.m. Kwik Trips remain open 24 hours for secondary comfort food. Other convenience stores not even close, even on weekends.

(Wish for added tidbits, repetitively yes under The Front Page, “open” is open, and how the degrees and numerology — OK that’s a stretch — are spelled out on the highways and byways and right of way places, see Picks of the Week. OK be careful what you wish for, as hopefully it will only keep on movin’ to get better and better, both the music that’s available on all nights except Monday in The Valley, and what we make of it. An example — yes you do finally get one — is the hump day offering at the Wild Badger in newly blossoming because of The Bridge city of New Richmond. This is a musical night that we assume is partially interactive called Invite Open Mic, and this is a different form of that phrase, each Wednesday starting just after most people have started indulged in their comfort food, as when it comes to tuneage Wild Badger has something of virtually similar interest virtually every evening of the seven days. Evening not night, as they get going early at this resurrecting downtown venue that’s part of a scattering of such places, big and small, north and south, so you can get that comfort food that makes you want to croon).

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