Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Last chance for summer (music):

— If you have not yet heard the duo JazzSpring play its wide range of tunes on the Pudge’s Bar patio, this weekend maybe your last chance for the summer. The pair of musicians and their multiple instruments of all classifications have been on at Pudge’s since June and have planned to continue their gigs through the end of August. That means their last sessions of the season are Thursday starting at 7:30 p.m. and Friday beginning at 8 p.m.

— The group Practical Goods will play at Dick’s Bar and Grill at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, to begin the Labor Day holiday weekend that is considered the last gasp of summer. The married couple, from right here in Hudson, plays all kinds of venues including wine bars and fairs and festivals all around the St. Croix Valley and Twin Cities metro area — and even in Austin, Texas. That if fitting because the duo featuring original music by Sarah VanValkenburg also plays red dirt Texas country as well as other country music styles, and mixes in Americana and some rock.

— Soulful singer Ali Washington and her band were one of the last groups to perform at the weekly summer music series each Wednesday night at Dick’s. Washington was joking that she had met star Viking running back Adrian Peterson and that the hunk had autographed her microphone, which she displayed to the crowd. Washington then issued a shoutout to bring singer/bartender Amanda to come on stage. However, the songstress was busy and declined, but not before giving a bow to the stage.

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