Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Breaking news, sort of. The last of the ten antique car shows slated for the yard next to Village Liquor in North Hudson has apparently been cancelled because of rain. It started coming down in the early afternoon, then ebbed right before the 4 p.m. starting time, but it was too late, even though the shows typically run through 9 p.m. The events have been held twice a month since June, and Saturday’s was to be the last of the season. The cancellation could not be independently conformed via phone calls, and it was not immediately clear if it would be rescheduled. By contrast, the other big car show in the area, that by the Willow River club, had much better weather when held last Saturday.

The weather also lessened early customer traffic at the St. Croix Valley Arts Festival in Lakefront Park on Saturday, but the show went on, in large part because the vendors usually have their wares housed inside tents. The event, which features dozens of arts and crafts exhibitors of all different types and acoustic music and live demonstrations, goes on most of today and Sunday (through 4 p.m.). On that day, a couple, Joan and Pete, reported that they came back for a second go-round and the place was packed.

But again by contrast, the Saturday wine tasting at The Nova had a successful attendance, based on the number of cars that were parked up and down Coulee Road in the afternoon.

A street musician who was seated along Locust Street on Friday night, and will continue to have occasional weekend gigs, was much more plugged in than most of his ilk. The man looked much like guitarist “Skunk” from Steely Dan, right down to the beret, played much of that type of music, being more electric than acoustic, with some complex plucking, and mixing in other styles such as Gospel.

The farewell party for longtime bartender and patron Jethro at the Village Inn in North Hudson last Tuesday had a “crazy” large crowd early, but not everyone could make it. Bartender Cheri at Guv’s in Houlton wanted to attend, but it was her last Tuesday there after many years of service, so she said she would have to rely on Facebook to keep current with the goings on that night at The Village. Patrons there had another option right across the street at Kozy Korner, as its sign invited people come “party with the Nelson sisters.”

Lastly, the Agave Kitchen, which recently put in new wooden floors in two stages, one for the upstairs Bullpen Cantina and one for the lower level, earlier in the week celebrated its fifth year in business. Has it been that long already?

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