Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Hear’s the Skinny on how to get a load of pre-holiday fun, feasting and dancing.
— After a while now, the New Skinny is back at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Saturday night, Nov. 23, and after spending as much time as busy family men can in rehearsal, they’re continuing to unveil a bunch of new songs. That’s according to Rick, the bassist for the eclectic band, who noted that these new ones cover the gamut of the styles they perform, which involve rock tunes that are not overly hard in tone.
— It already is holiday donation time, and at Dick’s Bar and Grill you can get into the spirit by literally buying spirits. These come in the form of the beer of the month, Finnegan’s Irish Amber, which will cost you $1.95 before 10 p.m., with all profits going to feed the hungry. So, why not involve another holiday, Thanksgiving, by coming early to Dick’s next Wednesday for the Thanksgiving throwdown, dance to deejay music and support a good cause all at the same time. After all, it typically is one of the biggest party nights of the year, especially for deer hunting widows and returning college students, as you can drink until you get your fill, then hours later stuff yourself with turkey.


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