Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The ugly sweaters from last weekend didn’t disappoint, and even got down to natty leggings and shoes, but there is more to come …

Woody’s in Bayport has its ugly sweater contest this Saturday night, Dec. 21, and judging from the photos posted on the bathroom doors, of staff and patrons in their clothing from the previous year, there can be beauty in ugliness. There will be prizes for “best” bowling league attire at 9 p.m. and one you might really want to hit, similarly outlandish garb by patrons at 11 p.m. All this is encouraged by various “loopy” drink specials and appears to be working, as what a bartender said was certain to be hideousness was already on display by 1 p.m. (I told her that being hideous is in the eye of the beholder, and added that this phrase was coined by a failed fashion designer).

By the way, ads in recent circulars from the likes of Staples and Goodwill say they can be your ugly sweater headquarters, and the nerdy guy on one of the covers proves that point. So does the necktie worn by “Sketchy” while working at Green Mill, which shows a positively glowing Santa adorning, and/or adorned by, an-over-the top streetscape.

But not all Santas were bad Santas, as far as fashion. Earlier in the day, they were yucking it up with children and getting their toy lists at both Dick’s Bar and Grill and Kozy Korner in North Hudson. But as they say, that’s just for the kids.

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