Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Among all the noisemakers and party hats to choose from this New Year’s Eve, here are some of the more interesting options:
— With clothing-of-the-decade themes all the rage, but too often focusing just on the ’80s, Kozy Korner in North Hudson is having a ’70s vibe for costuming at its party, although some of the staffers were not sure exactly what such a theme entails.
— The band Thirsty Camel, a trio that is led on the drums by the owner of Season’s Tavern, will perform at the North Hudson venue on New Year’s Eve.
— Brian Naughton will bring his blues band to Dick’s Bar and Grill for an early evening show, followed by a night of deejay music. In all it’s about seven hours of tunes.
— When the whole last five days is taken into account, there is even a greater amount of music at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt. Pushing that figure over the top is the Mayer Brothers Band on New Year’s Eve, the third music act their in five days.
— Speaking of blues, Pudge’s Bar got a jump on things with an early evening show on Sunday, with Willie B. Blues, an act that is billed as “check out the frontman.” We hope you did.
— But some of the fun and games, are indeed games. A bartender at Village Inn in North Hudson said that she has the night off and is going to a Wild game. “My friend knows the dentist for the Wild,” she said. What, you mean hockey players need dentists? Meanwhile, one of her co-workers said that this was her last night — she’s jumping ship for Florida, and getting rid off a different kind of ice.
— Speaking of the Village, they will have the band Rewind on the 31st. Their flyers feature drawings of music notes that are twisted in shape to give a certain edginess.
— After all the fun the previous night, be certain to get up in time to stop by Kozy Korner prior to the noon kickoff wearing Wisconsin Badger Red attire (adding to the colorful, signed jerseys already adorning the walls) and get a free drink — one of the last chances for this great offer this football season. The Badgers are slim favorites on New Year’s Day in the Capital One Bowl at Orlando, Fla. They face South Carolina.

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