Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

It’s time for a Run and also Runnin’ with it.

— It may only be a block, but it promises to be cold, with a bit of snow to run thr0ugh. The annual One Block Run to benefit the fight against Cerebral Palsy will go off at noon Saturday, Jan. 16, at the Dike Road near downtown Hudson, and as has been the case in some past years, the glasses of water grabbed at the halfway point just may be frozen. But led by the llama mascots, dozens and dozens will again brave the elements, then return to sponsor Dick’s Bar and Grill for dozens and dozens of prize giveaways and what’s always quite the party.

— The band Still Runnin’ returns to the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Saturday, playing often up-tempo country rock and related styles. Their show at the Willow during the Halloween party had this as a highlight in my book: An amped up version of Old Time Rock n’ Roll by Bob Seger featured an intro with chunky chords from a keyboard that sounded much like the lead-in to doo doo doo Heartbreaker by the Rolling Stones. So Runnin’ rolled out the Rolling Stones and ran with it. Good company.

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