Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

You don’t have to cross the county line to hear some great jams to open this holiday weekend.

— If you know the County Line Boys from way back when, then you probably know Lyle Baumgartner, who was longtime stalwart for the band that formed in the 1970s in the Spring Valley area and reunited in 2012. Baumgartner will play the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Saturday night, May 24. The six-man C0unty Line Boys were known for all kinds of country and bluegrass music, and Baumgartner was a guitarist and vocalist, roles he reprises this weekend.

— It’s fitting that with this three-day-weekend being the unofficial opening of summer, and the weather finally being cooperative, that Jambo Jones is bringing his trop rock act to Dick’s Bar and Grill for a gig that runs from 6-9 p.m. I’m sure that Jimmy Buffett would love the scenario, although I doubt he would use that word.


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