Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Wind down or pick it up over Christmas and afterwards, with these holiday-season offerings:
— If you’re not wound up after all the Christmas excitement, you will be after you hear the Armadillo Jump band play their cranked up, rockin’ blues at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Friday, the evening after the holiday. The joint will be jumpin’ with Texas-style attitude, their web site says. The five-piece band that is a mix of men and women even features a sax player.
— There are various opened and closed kitchens and bars, and differing hours of operation, over the Christmas holiday, but one change that stands out is at Kozy Korner in North Hudson on Christmas Day. While the kitchen will be closed, and there is no pizza, there will be plenty of meat and sauce available because of the free sloppy joes that will be offered.
— Also, breakfast will still be available at Dick’s Bar and Grill on the 25th, starting early around 8 a.m. and featuring some great specials on Bloody Mary’s and champagne-OJ drinks.

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