Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Cup size, with photos and signatures, proves to be important, as is remembering those who serve our country.
Patrons at Buffalo Wild Wings are invited to take a photo with a nearly lifesize — that is in human not trophy terms — cardboard replica of the Stanley Cup and get it on social media to qualify for a trip and tickets to the 2016 Finals. It seems that good things come to those who wait. It should be noted that on the B-Dubs cutout advertisement it’s noted The Cup is a trademark, (more on that in a minute). Patrons are advised to watch as many of the hockey games as possible at BWW to aid their chances of being a winner; not to mention that their own cup just might runneth over. There are more details on the four-step photo application process at the local branch.
This all brings to mind Al, the North Hudson resident who before there were the LA Kings used to be the King of sports-themed viewing parties. They were at his house that had a big addition and basement and “going yard” sports bars built for those purposes, not to mention fitting, homemade food. But Al was more than a homebody, he somehow managed to obtain a metal, not cardboard, copy of the Stanley Cup that was the size of the BWW current version. He took it on the road to hockey cities — and to all the Hudson area bars — to get so many signatures/messages from fans that it was almost as black and blue in color as silver. It remains to be seen if such a cup will show at the 2016 version of the Finals.
— A memorial poker run in honor of Nicholas Spehar and the total of 17 Navy Seals and 14 U.S. servicemen who gave their lives on Aug. 6, 2011, while serving over in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom is Sunday.
The motorcyle rally is set for May 24 and starts and finishes at Chisago Roadhouse Tavern with stops at Wolf Creek Bar, Py’s Bar, Somerset American Legion and Big Game. Registration is from 10-11:15 a.m., with riders taking off at 11:30-11:45 a.m.
Cost is $15 per bike, $10 per passenger. There will be prizes for top poker hands and door prize drawings, and cash boards and spaghetti dinner with donation at the end of the run. Cash donations and items for silent auction will be appreciatively accepted.
Another local connection is that one of the main organizers, Shalice who bartends at Guv’s Place in Houlton, has been working very hard — as is her style — to get things together for the run. She and others note the importance of looking after needs of veterans. For more information or to donate, contact her at (651) 210-3989, or Bob at (651) 329-5527.
A memorial fund for Spehar has been set up at US Bank in Chisago City, Minn.

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