Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

They coulda written a rap song about this! Or gone back to singing more blues. The Noyz was started up yet again by The Man Who Has No Name, or many. Alert Rage Against The Machine. We now apparently have one more killer cat-lady. But not dragging around any kittens. For better choices in wordings, at local events, see the end of this post.

Pull yourself off the stage, please! Grab that leash for his neck, or is it a noose, and be such a shepherd, before he doth pluck away with his tongue again. And they thought they had the In-Advance Vance Advantage.
But they’d done it again, and didn’t even wait for Trump to get to the speaker at a convention of Black journalists, and do his take on Archie Bunker, and the mind reels of him sparing with Tyler Perry’s mom character and two of her sisters. (Actually, they were three leading female black journalists).
Vance as his VP pick had just parlayed a shared vice: Putting his foot in it, about motherhood or lacking it, and then having his mates shoot his tootsies again by claiming The Left got it wrong, about feeling any bitterness. And the group from The Right have since doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on their gaffes.
Wait, isn’t having a bunch of children, if a “Welfare Queen,” what the Republicans used to be all about rallying against. Which is it? And now on stage with a bunch of convention reporters, so more mics on, for the likes of …
“Ya’ll best know what that thar community you be, in the ‘hood.” OK and yes, I seriously doubt that most Black people, or even rednecks, really talk like that. But we’re right now in Archie Bunker Land Speak and see my end to this post, as its setting cities are much similar to the above. After all, this post is about massively over-generalizing.
What do we call he who (first) sayeth?

— Prewarning of a blantant preview to the popular local BBQ restauranteer I’ll call Mr. J. What’s in a name? Who has on the sidewall of his semi-size food and transport truck, out there at area fests, an image, I’m sure and again lifesize, of a striking lady I know also in the biz who I’ll call Ms. S. They are portrayed standing side-by-side an also smokin’ grill. But only she, with a history as a fitness instructor and show competitor, is shown in a quite short red skirt. So hey, I got reacquainted by trucking. Hate to say it Jethro, but though burly, I doubt people are looking at you. And then up the way, the distance that could be moved by a flaming and flashing flare, the also local Demon Rum truck carried on to pick up more people. Theme here? And not flickering. —

He who slammed our current vice president coulda been a Justice, or a Jethro or Jed, but we’ll just call him JD, or is it J.D. as he has been known as a man of so many names, deserving of few? Or DC, or JV, or touches of JC? No, necessarily not that one. So this take from JW.
Maybe such a catwoman, so dressed all in leather, would better be that lady legislator from Arizona so famous for her bright kitty yellow catsuit, or oh, it’s actually a dress. So just what do her ilk want in a woman? The old madonna/whore thing? (Maybe Stormy Daniels?) Someone who will serve, a very partly presidential function, of orally servicing the Royal Penis, as in the Eddie Murphy vehicle Coming to America, then just be silent. Or silenced.
Why bring in more name-calling? Aside from the fact that it fits, and that they started it, there’s this: The conservatives fall flat when they overgeneralize.
We are of course talking about the remark made by Mr. Vance, basically that child-less cat ladies have taken over, connecting it to the idea that they are bitter over, basically, not having the aftermath that comes following nine months of dragging around being bloated.
OK, there is a wonderful side to the experience, at least for many. And I am sure that there are women — mostly conservatives — who feel like they have majorly missed out for not having it. But overall, it’s not too many. And some are indeed bitter, I’m sure, but only a number that makes the fraction of that pie get sliced even slimmer. It’s not nearly everyone.
But some will make you think it is, for political gain. Or maybe because they are truly that dimwitted.
First, his wording is all about those miserable few women just taking over. But what? Culture? Business? Politics? The Arts? The only conceivable one where anyone should care is the second named, only one of the four, and only if she’s your boss. Career is all-in-all for some, but not all. There is the idea of having a ball buster deeply desiring to be on the rise, and kids just getting in the way. So that is something deeply un-Republican, a (married) woman not wanting to have children. (So back to my start.)

And this is not all fun and games. It can cut deep. Like for those you cannot have children. And might see going in vitro vanquished.
My own story. And that of my wife. We are among those where having kids was just not in the cards, and I could not bear her any children, for a variety of physical reasons, deeply steeped in neurology for both of us, financial constraints and being simply too strained healthwise to care for children. Adoption wouldn’t work either. But I supported her career, which she loves, and it did allow her to work with children and find that an outlet, so there is the option of being a teacher or other educator, or nurse, or doctor, or child care worker, so many have found that a useful tool for nurturing. And not being bitter.
If Ms. Harris is bitter about anything, it must be Mr. Vance. And for Mr. Trump, who has seemed to be saying he will not debate her, she’d make mincemeat out of either one. This would not be like debating Biden, who with his reactions to absurd comments isn’t as quick on the draw as he once was.
All this rhetoric — and yes, I know I am adding to it, but fight fire with fire — makes it little wonder that down in rallies, there are shootings. But relatively little noise was heard in the mainstream about the fact that in Milwaukee, just outside the perimeter of the RNC, a man wielding two knives was shot and killed by police officers visiting to provide security. A local advocate made the interesting comment that it would be helpful for such officers to be among those regularly on patrol in the immediate area, and knowing the walk and the talk of those streets.
And the RNC was held in Milwaukee, small by comparison to most metro areas, so it simply doesn’t have that kind of officer capacity. There exists a need to bring in others. But seriously, from Ohio, in the conservative rust Rust Belt, like some of the shooting police? And the land of Vance. So at least give them a hefty dose of training about the Badger State.
But that, and funding security in the first place, would cost money, and Milwaukee just doesn’t have the tax base. So how’s this for an idea: Don’t put your hat in the ring to host such conventions at all? Yes, you’d lose the tourism revenue. But some of those businesses are run by Black folk, and those pounding their fists on the big stages don’t exactly support the cause.
Even the airport apparently could be considered too small, as some of the cops got stuck there when flights were severely delayed. I hope there were no rallies to prompt fights back home. And indeed, Our State does not have a second, viable backup option.

On a lighter note on the topic of enforcement, this time moreso enforcing good vibes. The Hudson Police are celebrating and entertaining and educating during the community night out observance on Tuesday, Aug. 6. One catch, in the way their announcement is worded. It reads, in the biggest and boldest of its letters: Join the Hudson Police Department. Not to become a junior officer, though, just an invitation to their annual good-will event at Lakefront Park, filled with family fun, demonstrations, grub and light music by veteran guitar picker Alex Zachary.
Another such announcement, tacked to a local bulletin board, is much more wordy and up-front in recruitment pitch. It says simply, that Uncle Sam Wants You, since you could be an officer too, and lists with numerous pull-out bullet points and more than 200 descriptive words the advantages of signing up, even if as a reservist.

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