Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

After a three-plus year hiatus, and maybe a few more pounds, The New Skinny is back at Dick’s

Get the news skinny on the new version of The New Skinny here:
— The New Skinny is back performing together after a three-plus year hiatus, on Saturday evening, July 29 at Dick’s Bar and Grill — and already showing their signature comic touch by calling this their first annual farewell tour. They are taking a different approach this time around, being more selective of the shows they play, because of having families and careers come first. “We are only planning on a show or two a month, if that,” said Brando Clark, drummer and vocalist. There are no lineup changes made, a rarity both locally and regionally these days. Josh Lassi is on vocals and guitar, Josh Davitch on lead guitar, and Rick Smith on bass and vocals, in addition to Clark. “We are-learned all the cover songs we played as well as new covers, and we are working on original music, too,” Clark said. “Hoping to rekindle the love of music we shared for eight years as The New Skinny. Back in action and ready to rock!” And they do like their “shots” (see the similarity in the item below).
— This weekend the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt has them both and the names sound much the same, the bands Slapshot and Shotgun Wedding. The first is on Friday evening, July 28, and the second Saturday. Slapshot is, as you might guess, a blast. Its a cover band that plays rock’s greatest music from the 80s, 90s and the “very current.” Energy and participation is what they strive for, seeing to it the crowd is not just watching, but interacting. Slapshot has been entertaining crowds throughout the Twin Cities for more than nine years.
When it comes to Shotgun Wedding, they say they change up their set list, which is equal parts pop/rock and country, on a regular basis, and that enables them to include songs as hard-to-find-listed as All That Bass by Meghan Trainor.

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