Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

And you thought Halloween was “scary.” That’s the Dems and the term Trump backers feared on flyers would be appropo to keep their man from a second term. Go Go Joe.

Now let’s see what the elder statesman as president can do. (There Must Be Some Kinda Way Outta Here, with my take on AP and doing the tick tocking thing to hold out for overtime pay, and not the video arcade thingee, as this term is Biden-style Old School and it only needs to hold out as long as a Space Invaders game — which is what us ink stained wretches did while waiting for the results to come in; OK we don’t get actual ink on our hands anymore. Its Just A Gamble, Just A Game, You Treat It Like A Capital Crime. See Uncatagorized, fitting for his wild card election).
Joe Biden promised that there would be no tax increase, not a penny, for the middle class, which he defined as anyone making not more than $400,000. That high a figure? No wonder, by stats like this, that the Middle Class is indeed shrinking. And I guess that closes the door for me to being actual Middle Class. Reminds me of the elder Bush, who thought virtually everyone in the country made at least $200,000.
Biden had cool theme music and topical, too. In radio ads in Minnesconsin, his intro was also the intro, basically, to a song by Van Halen, with OMG Eddie on the keyboards. Then the lyrics begin, underscored the point: Don’t want to wait until tomorrow. Why put it off another day? The musical intro also smacks of that done by The Who in one of their songs.
Bill Clinton used a similar theme with a song by Fleetwood Mac, and considering his state of affairs with Hilary, this would seem a good band choice, as their guys and gals kick it with, Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow … It will soon be here … better than before … yesterday’s gone …
When pro baseball opened, but not in front of a single fan, only hundreds of cookie cutter cutouts of people, someone just had to get sarcastic: I saw Biden on TV — at a ball game? A sports bar baseball fan swore that he saw the actual Joe sitting up there among the fake plastic faces on a stick. This was at a time he was getting flack for not personally attending the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee to receive the nomination, figuring the airplane flight back there would carry risk of the virus being spread further. As the situation gets worse almost by the day, it now in hindsight seems like a good choice. But on that day, my brother, who is always on top of such things and like me always has a take that’s different than what everyone else is saying, noted this: Biden’s absence might have cost him the election, this being a battleground state.
Biden said he would pledge to not increase funding for police. But what parts of their multifaceted budgets? I’m taking a guess here, but if I were a betting man — and I’m not — I’d wager that it has to do with things like how to “manage” body cams. Why not instead devote all these dollars, and I’m sure they’re a lot, to more training in areas that really need improvement in community relations, as the problem goes even deeper than what you, the average voter, know to be the case. If anything, staffing should be beefed up, but that’s always one of the hardest sells to municipal boards that have the final say. So how to put more feet on the street? That is literally the solution, less expensive police cruisers and more foot patrols, or those by bicycle or horse. Or even back to the days of CHIPS, do it on hogs, pricy but not as much as it tends to be with bigger vehicles. Lastly, do they really need all those fancy pieces of gear on their person, making them look like Ironman and bogging them down further if there would be a pursuit — and I realize that as a big part of police work is largely a Hollywood thing — and from what I’ve seen concerning matters of weight, a lot of these guys would be huffing and puffing quickly in any case. To conclude, Jason Lewis, running in Minnesota of all places for such a retort, said this: They support violence. We support the police. (Which could lead to more violence?)
On Saturday, Trump was shown walking a short distance to get into his motorcade, past a security man, but not wearing a mask! Divert back to a key decree by Minnesota Gov. Walz, sporting a mask while standing in the background, and being read by a staffer, and she was not — I think we can get away with such things for the sake of clarity and practicality. That’s one way to not leave things vague, as I have noticed especially when candidates at the regional level quote information, they always cite a source. Trump is the only one who does not, and some of his claims have seemed pretty outlandish, like having built the strongest economy in U.S. history? Maybe he did that by giving free workshops on how people can make bankruptcy work for them?
So back here come old Flat-top, with his black-Harley-style glove Trump-thrust in a fist to supporters who greeted him at a Green Bay airport.

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