Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Bands proliferated on a recent Friday, and are coming back, and it’s really country that has taken the stage

It’s Waylon, and maybe some Willie, and the boys, and a girl too.
— The title of the band says it all with renown: Waylon. Obviously with songs of other like artists mixed strategically in. And were not talking about the Lindsay Whalen of the ever-becoming more popular Lynx pro basketball team. Anyway, this Waylon is at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt on Friday evening.
— Speaking of Friday evenings, when is the last time when there were three reputable bands — not just DJs — playing downtown Hudson at roughly the same date and time and also importantly, bringing in crowds. That was the case last Friday when Chris Miller started things off rather early, acoustically, at the Smilin’ Moose. That was followed by soulful Big Fat Groove taking the stage at Pudge’s, which has now entered into the scene, and they will be back there on another Friday in October, somewhat fitting on the Thirteenth, for another show. A week later, on Oct. 20 for a 7 p.m. start, country-leaning Chaunte Shayne will reprise her performance at Dick’s Bar and Grill that had been the trifecta of the aformentioned music night. On that note, look for her Sweet Trouble CD to be coming out soon. That title seems to fit her, to a degree.
— The death of Grant Hart of Husker Du seems to have brought back the use of the umlaut over the letter U. Fittingly, and with good timing, there is a special at Dick’s of the Jager Barrel, consisting of two shots of this most popular-in-St. Croix County brew, along with root beer. It is termed, Here’s to the an Unexpekted Call. And yes, all this creative spelling includes umlauts over vowels, complete with one over the noteworthy U.

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