Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Build it for a party and they will come, despite multiple woes that might make you hit the wall. But we will party in the fields, on the hills, and in the waterways and the skies. We will never surrender.

Partying, whether it feature sports contests or karaoke or creepy creatures, continues to be where and how you find it.
One of the attractions seen on a walk along the Hudson-to-North Hudson construction zone, as the midnight hour neared and I’d bet turned into Living After Midnight, was what appeared to be a karaoke party at a two-story private residence — the upper floor, presumably, could be used as a respite if singers were really bad.
Garage parties, especially those double-dipping at duplexes and thusly double the space means social distancing is followed, have now more than ever filled the nightlife void, as a way to confront virus-based restrictions.
The first of the Halloween decorations went up at one of those North Hudson houses, in mid-September. It had a (fitting) Ghostbusters theme. Slimer was on the left side and the decked out hotel butler on the right, overseen by not a plasma machine on the upper floor, as in the movie, but by a stream of orange lights hung from overhanging branches. Other party-makers have left their drapes open well into the evening to show big-screen TV sports and orange lights both in big globes and small strings, and thus entertain late night walkers. A property along Sommers Street North was making full use of a new big tent out back to watch Big Ten games.
And Packer games were attracting people at sports bars down the way, even though there were lane closures and you had to read between the lines, and the signs, to know that you could still drive to places like The Village Inn. Its lot was full for a recent game, now that the regular season is here and patrons can finally watch the regulars take the field, but there was not the often-seen need to create a few more feet to have a parking space, or have drivers resort to the typical overflow parking area that is the adjoining Zappa Bros. lot. Frank in-concert would be dissed. And across the street, Kozy Korner has been known to close quite early, as customer traffic has only been in streaks because of the construction that has the pizzeria right in the midst of its zones.

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Longing back for the days when it was just the virus to combat and we were single-minded of worry, as when pro baseball fields finally opened up not this year but the last, and the only concern was if all the hard throwers could find the strike zone consistently. These were not your typical household names at that point, and they could paint the corner carefully to get the count to say, 0-2, then also in Cleveland Indians style throw one to the backstop ala Charlie Sheen. And the team that those from Minnesconsin would play right off the bat were those same Indians. But Bob Uecker was not in the press box, no matter how many boxes of disinfectant were applied, rather relegated to a virtual location not in the front row.

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