Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Can I let this slip? Some funnies about bunny slippers and such on the April Fools Day fast following Easter.

Easter Sunday, coming as the third day, is followed by April Fool’s Day Monday. So HudsonWiNightlife will hit them both, in one fell swoop, with one sweeping post.
So be cautious about how much truth you read into what you read here. Some, truth be told, but not most.
To do a flip, the Lenten fish fries were bested by fish boils, it would be shown. A metro TV station had listed its complete run of all the region’s fish dinners, fried and otherwise, and aired it one last time, but there were so many, with possible omissions, that they decided to roll it out like a German Polka barrel all through April, also. OK, I made that last part of it up. But you know, Easter in most years is actually held near the end of that time period … And for that in-church tomb image you view at corner, you can see one lone man scuttling in to join many others — and they would all donate their Easter eggs to those who were having to do without because of the new outbreak of Bird Flu in chickens. OK, just kidding.
The gigantic under-contract rabbit appeared at my dad’s nursing home to give away whatever candy they had on sale at my Target, and not its more discount competitor, weighing or pulling in at a full six feet tall. Could be seven feet with ears included. If at eight-foot would not be able to get in the low-rise, low-budget roof and door.
To slip on dad’s slippers over his own big feet, more than once as one kept falling off, would be akin to the washing of feet on the Good Friday before. Fasting might be easier to stomach. Even as he waited to fall fast asleep later and was worried about said feet hanging over the edge of the bed.
Later in the day at church, there were so many people exiting from the previous service that they were clogging the space to get in for the next one. At certain times, methinks too much, especially at holiday seasons. I was wondering if there was a similar situation when Christ rose from the dead about 2,000 years ago, and those three not-little women came to anoint his body with spices. Would they have not passed each other somewhere along the path to the tomb? Walking backwards in reverse? Dinner discussion focused on the fact that one of the women, from an apparently obscure Scripture, was named Joanna. Coulda been the remake of Jolene, these days more prominent via the Easter-ish release from Beyonce. Cowboy Carter made complete.
The gloom and rain at some points of Easter proved to be better served for Good Friday, since it seemed the fish would have caused a flap were it to be fully forged, as this would be the Sixth Day running for such, as per weather reports, on this a Seventh Day.
With the bevy of bunnies bestowed, they are one report said to have too much cadmium, and on this day would be too much, phonetically, like a Cadbury or even Canterbury.
To feed them, eventually I go, and usher in the insane online deals of Fleet Farm. Offered are kitchen offers you can heat up, including pizza ovens … just don’t tell the Zonk from Domino’s and the crazy deals it used to chase in years old commercials, while in traffic. Hit your burgeoning head.
And also, hammer away at supplying your live chicken supplies. With their (accompanying?) bird seed and various nuts sales. Odd bedfellows?
The last of such, are being in cahoots about whole oats and batteries.
I think there has to be a way to have them all in cahoots with another major marketing plan, with its centerpiece on this holiday, a big stone ornament more than the size of that Easter bunny at the nursing home that was closer to the start of this piece, a veritable head as from fittingly, Easter Island. It is displayed in the front corner of someone’s lawn. And there lies the rub, as if to wipe the smirk off its face. Local authorities nixed any such cross-marketing for usage in an ad, saying that it would violate zoning rules. OK I made that up.
Sponge Bob, though, did make his way into that competitor of Target, cornering the market on the selection of flip-flops, not just bunny slippers, even on this cool Easter season. He also was shown prominently on some Square Pants briefs.
And these would not be baseball spikes, although my favorite Brewers team had its opener slated, then rained out in not The Windy City, but The Big Apple. So it would seem, the next day they would play two?!? A player was shown with big smudged crosses, not just lines, under his eyes, rather than forehead, to block the sun on this revered holiday. And Marquette across town from The Crew, showed up in the Sweet 16 of NCAA basketball, but even though favored, the result was sour as they ending up bowing out on bad shooting.
Lastly, and this might prove to be The End, a solar eclipse of the sun and/or moon is coming up soon. Weather reports showed not only rain and sleet, but also as these progressed northward, “Cities In The Path Of Totality.” They did not include the place where most of those revered Old School heavy metal bands came from, The Black Country in England. That would have to be left to a real cool title for the next metal CD.

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