Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Archive for the ‘Joe’s Wholesome Holistics’ Category

Anxious? Pain-addled? Cure it with music? Rather, here’s more on QCore, and thus you need QScience. Enter Turmeric, only one crucial QScience ingredient — part of a multi-faceted aid through cutting edge QScience. Buy the products, or also become an ambassador with sales and make money too? Hey, among the other powers that be are a former Super Bowl champ, so he knows pain relief, and the anxiety that comes with scrutiny. —– Click on these links to join: Ambassador Enrollment Link; Click Below. Preferred Customer Enrollment Link; Click Below.

Thursday, June 29th, 2023

Turmeric kills pain and such — as does the omnipresent QCore and products for relief and metabolic boost and aiding sleep and more — that can suffer no lack of results with QScience, and we’ll continue to sing its praises as I get healthier and healthier. As said, the helpful ingredients in a single spray under the tongue can rank at close to a dozen, and so many are natural herbs such as roots and barks and flora that you likely have not heard of — this stuff is proprietary and come from some of our top medical minds — but really need to get to know.

Six paragraphs below, I list the links to hit to get you started.

So here I come again, and here we go. And this is only the start with the many QScience products. Its QCore, for me at least, has been a whole, another level, as pain in various ways that encompass so many parts of my life, has lessened more then ever before. My writing productivity on music and the rest has followed, as you No Doubt have seen, and I can just get up stage more, almost nightly. I simply don’t need to spend time in, but trying to get up, out of bed as I used too.

With its great ingredient in Turmeric that is curmumin, and beyond, the online lists boast and is confirmed in multiple sources, 100 different benefits: Lessons inflamation, a key pain component, helps with chronic conditions such as but not limited to ulterative colitis, improves memory with less decline in the ability to think and reason, lowers risk of heart disease, fights those nasty free radicals in a radical way, helps with cholesteral levels, can prevent cancer, OK you get it.

And turmeric can be included in so many recipes as a pungent spice, not just a supplement, and I will continue to share many of these with you readers, as how to make your own “comfort food” is central to this site, and to start think about soups and all the ingredients can be paired with. But you might go beyond, way beyond the shelf, and get this and other ingredients from QScience, from here not a store, to max out on the crucial antioxidant properties.

And thus, QCore, also from QScience, is even more multifaceted, and helps greatly with aches of all kinds. All these aids boast almost a dozen different therapeutic ingredients, and not the typical ones you see on the shelf. So welcome back, all you pain sufferers, physical and otherwise, and those who are just holistically curious. I suffer with thee.

I have sung the praises of the multitude of products available through through QScience — there I have given it a name — beating the heck out of everything else I have tried, and there is a lot. (See below). I never thought that Turmeric would also rock my boat, so to speak, but it indeed has, in again larger than life form. These products, many, will change your quality of life, as in QCore quality.

Want to buy these products, or also become an ambassador with sales and make some money from it too? You’ll want to, as the other powers that be is a former Super Bowl champ, and he knows pain relief. And the anxiety that comes with such scrutiny.

Follow the instructions below:

To enroll as an Ambassador, copy and paste the text below into your browser.

To enroll as a Preferred Customer, copy and paste the text below into your browser.


Like the company’s signature, the main one of many as a proprietary product, Turmeric also had an immediate kick for me and after two or three days the real long-term benefits kicked in. And that’s just with trying the WalMart cheap brand, which arguably does not have the same quality control and purity standards for killer (sorry about using that term) formulation that does QScience. Number one on the list. Depression, and I’ve got it big and thought I had it beat as best I could through literally decades of developing my own creative coping mechanisms. But I have never felt better than in the last few days.

And this is obviously not Acme, but it does help with all kinds of things as wide-ranging, as side benefits, as acne. Tune in later for the other nine ills to curb that are on the long list.

I will tell you more about that totally chill — and you know how that word is applied if you are music lover — company that can get you going, and also help you feel MUCH better.

I’ve tried some of their stuff, and it checks out. But a Power That Be, (who is becoming my new invisible friend and I will explain that all later and actually give him a formal name), as with the company, and I will go that route after I am done teasing and have passed any possible — although I doubt — trademark restrictions so you’ll have to check back, has said that I just have to in advance plug their Turmeric. Note the capitalization; it will come up again later (or above).

But first, why this particular product is important, and a backstory: We as a people have been formed in a more, or less, perfect union to identify a single and thus significant thing that explains a situation in our lives. But more often, it is three or four or more things that gang up and via their cumulative value and critical mass — thank you for that phrase my music Bud named Tom — become so much more of that impact in our lives. That’s when we really get answers.

So why is this truism vital, with Turmeric? They list close to a dozen ways it will help you with painful but maybe not killer (another music reference as I’ve been listening to too much metal these days) symptoms, medically and physically, mentally and emotionally, you get it. That will be your game-changer. Tune in later in our ongoing journey for that whole and complete list of the added benefits, and its Secret Ingredient that wins the game even more. As my new invisible friend will (soon I hope, and I to have to call him, as I so much want to anyway) be sending pictures — and not selfies — of the cool looking product in plastic as in their bottles, as visuals truly matter, even if its say, online of a hamburger of yet another type at yet another restaurant, you know that one or ones, and I just had that discussion with my NIF! So check back.

Welcome to this page, you ADHDers and OCDers especially, and all those who could use some good holistic help. Look at what follows and see if it fits you, and then tune back in to this collection of posts for further advice, and also see below a whole host of new, cutting-edge products by a leading international company that could really fit the bill.

First, if your mind races like mine, you are probably an empath, although its unlikely your thought patterns are as crazily strong as mine. You all know, us being the types who could almost literally break into tears if stepping on a proverbial anthill and the thought of harming any of its residents.

So many of us take this to a degree where we literally can vicariously take on each other’s pain and feel it ourselves, emotionally and mentally and spiritually and even physically, and the philosophical ramifications extend to cringing at the idea of anyone’s intolerable pain, even throughout past histories, to the point where it becomes an all-consuming source of grief.

That’s fine and maybe almost impossible to avoid, but we must keep in mind the concept of balance between the needs of the host person of such frequent ruminations about pain and the recipients who benefit. And they do benefit greatly, even though there always is the danger of extreme compassion fatigue on the other end. This situation is also the subject of so much song lyric writing, of the style I’m showing people in other departments of this website.

So here are come tips to keep being such an empath from getting out of control:

— Remember that when literally taking on the weight of the world, and grieving for the many people who may experience intolerable pain, that you and I are some of those people too. Our lives and need for some sort of comfort matter when it delves into the whole idea of the good of the many versus the good of the one.

— Thus, it is counterproductive to be so on edge about human and even animal suffering, that we thus involuntarily take it out on those we love around us. If we become grumpy enough in the way we carry-on that it impacts their quality of life also, we have done little good.

— And is it possible that those many who went before us, and did not have access to modern means of things like pain control in all its forms, were making a necessary sacrifice to gain a better world for us in the present day. To not enjoy, or at least recognize for ourselves in a fulfilling way, the result of their flesh and blood that built a better quality of live for us, would be to dishonor them and their service provided. And if you believe in the concept of a soul, you can believe that such things matter to them, even when they are in a hereafter.

— That may ring hollow for a true empath, and simply not be good enough and make us want to grieve anyway because life was and is so horrible for some, but in those cases again, keep in mind the need to keep proper balance as for any good caregiver — and there needs to be a give and take, so to say, a ying and yang. The emotional wellbeing of you is important too, as again you in yourself are one of those people having a need for some semblance of comfort. Take the plank out of your own eye before (being able to) remove the sliver from someone else’s.

— The spiritual enters in as a way to find solace in the sufferings in this world, and the role of a God in this equation is complicated and multifaceted, so take heart in the idea it can be hard to understand. But the yearning to understand such things, may go beyond the quandary of why bad things happen to good people, and reveal insight that makes the existence of suffering more easy to swallow. An extension might be the idea that even the death suffered by Jesus Christ, arguably among the worst in history, appeared to be something he could tolerate. Even those at the hands of the Inquisition had an out they could have taken, by simply recanting their alleged heresy. It has been said that any torture can be endured, if you can mentally prepare for it. Even though these arguments may have flaws, when a sense of caregiver balance ebbs, it can be helpful to remind ourselves — frequently — of such ideas that give comfort, almost as a mantra.

— Lastly, a practical matter for both host and recipient. If you become aware of someone suffering who is far afield or may not be ready to talk about it, even if you only know as a premonition, the best way the take an edge off for both of you may be to summon your strongest thought energy and pass along telepathic well-wishes, almost like a prayer to a person and not to a God, as if you have such a way of knowing, you likely have enough of a strength of presence (yours) to be able to do much good in this way.


All these things have at their “root” anxiety. So, here are a list of herbal-type supplements that can knock down this type of pain, just from my own experience, mind you. There are recipe ideas I’ll provide, as most of these are foodstuffs. A common denominator is Omega 3 fatty acids.

Chia nut.

Ground hemp hearts.

Coconut, available in several forms.

Flax seed. (Watch out for the back-kick).

Garlic, in pill and vegetable form.

Fish oil and/or zinc.

Vitamins D and B.

Ashwagandha root.

Crystal Light or other drinks, containing an ADHD treatment ingredient. (Again watch the back-kick).

Hot pepper chips.

Salty pork meats.

CBD gummies or fruit drinks.


I thing I have made a case that holistically, I know my stuff. Now to introduce scores of more formalized products available — and I can hook you up with the new company that is an industry leader — in both these and so many related of their item versions. Like many popular bloggers, I am considered an influencer. This cutting-edge company has some of the best purity and testing practices and minds in modern medicine, and their product sales information and contacts such as myself will soon be listed below. Try this like I have.


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The last thing I remember, I was walking toward the door — and apologies to the Eagles that fly — so as it turns out it was actually on my omnipresent cell phone, a photo of Fun Days that popped up and pumped the stuff of the recent and ongoing New Richmond fest, by showing a full crowd like you would see at a rock concert, shoulder to shoulder as far as an eye could see, in what seemed to be a shut-down main street.

So I was wondering if I should avoid the throngs and go see bartender and close friend Mabel at the Wild Badger another time — hello Mabel! — but the whole show never really showed. Maybe, it was speculated, that there could be the storms on the horizon, which had kicked butt Thursday around sundown. Or maybe they should have done some added publicity and not sat on the laurels of Past Fun Days — and there is a killer post in coming days on that. But with Mabel, there was just enough time that in the long haul it ended up being a two-hugger. And I did get to see other such person, Shelby — hi Shelby! — at next-door Mallards on the Thursday night entry-level to Fun Fest, when they bucked the trend and were actually getting quite a bit busier than usual, even early on. (They trumped some of the rest, so to speak, by saying on the door-sign that they provided air-conditioned and delicious food, and don’t read that too literally and think it had not been refrigerated). The guy at a small gate, only a couple of feet wide, (after much fencing, and there were also indeed those plastic things afoot, there also was a caravan of not planets but porta-potties to block entry that was unauthorized, as in not paid or ID checked and wrist band given), at one end of The Carnival Area, said even more patron traffic would be coming. And he said the man with the plan, that being a karaoke and deejay service in thus area, would only be offering the latter on this night, cuz get one person up there and everybody thinks they are Michael or Janet Jackson and such. But Jermaine?

But move ahead to early Friday evening, the usual full start of the madness. A few people at the bars, but not nearly full, and those that knew said this would still be coming. The same at the carnival area, with the usual more-families and teenie-boppers, especially as you moved east, and the beer garden. It wasn’t even that swarming once the band started. The main drag was shut off for parking, and the signs that said you couldn’t do so were at times violated. But for a quick drop-off? Even though its two lanes both ways, somebody in a hurry laid on the horn when my driver let me make a quick exit, despite the fact he angled over.

A man also angled over, right afterward, and said hey, I have a four-year old and what’s the best place to view the (upcoming) parade? And there then would be no parking to be had, any way, any how.

When things did later pick up, to a degree, I could not help but feel for the residents of that one house — erected at New Richmond’s infancy and long before zoning was a thing and they would not allow spottiness — that was smacked in the middle of the whole carnival area to-do. I also felt, in finality, for all those mostly youngsters who were lined up for the length of what would be a half-court you’d see on the sports bar TV, to get a ride on that tried and true ride of all Old School rides,  the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Did they have that, already, when they allowed spot zoning?


A man formerly in metal’s massive megaforce ManoWar was in legal trouble for possessing child porn, going back the length of time of a typical world tour (to places where, I ponder, you could access such things?) I found this a bit intriguing, since the band sings mostly about being a brotherhood of warriors, who are so united via their collective quests to win wars, that although they’re battling each other … nothing else matters, follow your own laws, self-made. Telepathy through the terror of battling in (neighboring?) trenches. As in this, twist it? “You take my life, well I’ll take yours too. You fire a musket well I’ll run you through …”
The following are thoughts on that seen-as-sacred brotherhood. The thought system also delves into some other music and even the unspoken-until-after-the-final-whistle bond in athletics, as your sports bar will frequently air, the more pro the more pronounced.
This is shown, effectively by ManoWar, through frequent changeups in the theme of instrumentals, like about four songs that transition to one very long but artistic one. War that becomes celebratory. Not as brutal.
In short, they make their own rules and screw those who don’t choose to be part of the party. Could such a damn-the-norms world view indeed spawn an attempt for some criminal justifications? Can it be considered Mindcrime, trying to spin a rationalization, at least for he who speaks via his raucous guitar, based loosely on musical concept?
A more true to life scenario is portrayed in the Led Zeppelin song No Quarter, based on the term that means that once you are conquered in battle … you forfeit any chance to request mercy with what becomes of you. Sounds like a romanticized idea, but when it is actually done in regard to you, horrible …
And better yet at pure evoking of base emotion, of carefully chosen historical times in war, are bands like Sabaton. But back to being quartered, and drawn first — which refers to western-style method of certain execution where ropes are tied to all four limbs and the hideous four horsemen pull away in quadrants — the song references a letter sent back to the wife and family of a soldier who will not be coming home: “Choosing a path where no one goes.” At the end, singer Robert Plant wails like a man being tortured, after having early invoked Thor. Again more realistic of what happens at such a moment. (Although these guys can be hard on themselves, as when David Grohl broke his leg on stage but finished the concert before seeking medical help).


— As Plant just played in the area, other bands beckon that are only occasional. The all-weekend binge that is Booster Days features a whole lotta of the same, but late Saturday afternoon it gets somewhat more changed up. Latria hits the Lakefront Park band shell, and I know off them briefly, but can’t get Latvia and Lithuania out of my head — as they are also names — so are they also a European sound? How to find out, pray-tell. I couldn’t see any Booster Days signs on the doors at downtown clubs, and maybe this is just savvy marketing — get you to come inside. Some of you have contacted with a couple of requests. (1) If you need some way better to reach me, my email is and feel free. (2) And all of you can, and also feel free here, lift passages of my writing and distribute them to others, just though giving credit is nice. You can also give some credit to Fog Pilot(s), as they have changed up their longtime gig choice in this area of Shuggy’s in Hammond, and this Saturday night will fly on over to the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt. Like praise for the great and gritty looking Allison Dyg, at the Wild Badger in New Richmond on July 14. The next day, and every Saturday, the Heritage Center a jog to the south has their farmers market that is very noteworthy for being open the very full hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. —
Back to the main thrust, we have all seen those slap-on-the-back moments on camera by athletes after a game, when the emotions have quelled. Hugs not shrugs. Thus, at those times when a player falls gravely injured on the field or court, the images of those even on the other team of take-a-knee and show worry with the hand pressed on a helmet, are a true depiction. They can all relate to not being able to get up. Three actual takes. Last season, a man who moments later was trying to make an interception, fell while in cardiac arrest. Earlier, linebacker Lawrence Taylor was shown in terror waving medics to race forward after quarterback Joe Thiesman broke his leg and it was televised bent a right angle. Last, another linebacker, the legendary tough guy Mike Singletary, said in an interview that he would slam a foe to the turf, then a moment later frantically think, “get up!”
Then relatedly, in music, this in partial defense of singer Phil, of Pantera fame. When he made his (very impromptu I’m assuming) what was seen as a salute to White Power (I almost typed Black Power, and hey I did, then corrected it, uh Black Panther vibes). This although also very objectionable — like the Manowar player’s conduct that as well disappeared from the headlines as his court process played out like a long solo, does not seem like him. (The ax man pleaded guilty and did not go on tour with the band). So why, by the singer, did such conduct occur?
Heavy metal is beyond assertive, to aggressive, in a good way. Phil’s lyrics are filled with righteous rage. So was, I am assuming, this a matter of him being caught up in the moment and he made an overtly strong (and powerful) gesture. I would like to check out the lyrics at hand, and I think I will know what they’ll be like, so being matter of, again, rage against a machine and take no prisoners. I can guess, with a range at hand, the topic of the words. And it is crucial that the salute in question was done at the end of the song, after all the qualifying phrases had played out. Poorly-thought-out exclamation point of anger against some of the parts of a brutal system?