Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Archive for the ‘Notes from the Beat’ Category

Is this the most challenging venue in the region for a new restaurant? So change the format. Or the worst (beer day that is not green) Irish- or Easter-oriented, now, humor can get? Haven’t licked the limerick. You say O’Connor, I say O’Connell. —– The Hudson Hot Air Affair (aka HHAA, double your fun with consenants and vowels) lives on? See below.

Saturday, March 5th, 2022

Yet another place is giving it a go, at another of those few places here and there in the Hudson downtown, evenly spaced apart, where they have trouble making the place stay open for very long. Maybe just a few months, or years at best. So cheers to the idea that this new one will be around for a while longer, as it has a different format than its predecessors.
There is just-opened, as announced with big painted letters all over its door and windows, a breakfast cafe a couple of doors down from Dunn Brothers coffee, getting going even earlier at 7 a.m. The previous owner had a compelling back-story to his business, selling Italian food, with their take on some of the classic tales we’ve grown to love, that were spelled out in a full-page article pasted next to his door, of having a number of family members come from the old country and work through much hardship, even when here, but learn cuisine along the way. The prior restaurant there was much like it, after a big redesign of the typically seen long but not wide building, called Little Italy with fittingly themed food and drinks, and was on-and-off-again affiliated with Agave Kitchen/Bullpen Cantina at the other end of the block. Yet another Italian restaurant will soon open in North Hudson, where that ethnicity is everything, in the big classically built-for-that-purpose building that had for years housed Mama Maria’s, which was also at a neighboring location a couple of decades back, and then was known as Mama Mia’s before there was a copyright strike.

This is called the best day of the year. So hailed in Wisconsin. And it is today.
You can get, through midnight if you know where to go, free beer on this often alcohol-free Sunday, historically, that being April 7. Because it is, ring the cymbals and plunk the tamborines and wail and hail the trumpets — Jericho will get you for that — National Beer Day!
So on this day only, the Convenience Store That Says Wisconsin, Kwik Trip, will give you a free can of certain assorted and just maybe rather sorid brews; Milwaukee is not prominently produced in the cad’s ad copy. There may be certain contingencies on this freebie offer — but not a full credit check, and only producing ID — but if all you want is a slight and free buzz … Then tastes just great.
But you only have about another hour before 9 p.m. offsale cutoff, so hurry. (But wait a minute, this is Kwik Trip, so depending on jurisdiction you will likely have until 12.
The deal of the day was announced to online important people, OIP for short, in their rewards club, at I think it was 6:57 p.m. yesterday — so do your Kwik Trip travel plan ahead — hitting my inbox as I am indeed a product of the Badger State.
This extravanganza rides on the coattails, or stumbles and steps on them, for the National Road Map Day. So if making that last-minute, close-to-last-call trek from the Twin Cities to Wisconsin for a freebie beer … Paper maps may be more reliable than GPS, and steer you needlessly far further into the state.
A last point that I am selling. A Man In A Prominent Position said about a month ago that he was already putting his snowmobile into well-paid-for storage for the season, tempting fate and/or bad karma. Let it rain on him …

Another set of bad jokes, in three parts, for the Easter Triudium …
Went to go see the doctor for the first time in years, for what is supposed to be my annual checkup but they had raised the premium like raising the dead (related?), to monitor my cholesterol prior to holiday feasting. So I sat down with the doc: “So, what brings you in today?”
“My 2005 Ford Fiesta, now that its running.”
But hey, as long as I’d gone this far across town, thought I should stop in at church for a change, too. Rev. Green was glad to see ya. “So Joe, happy to see you, it’s been awhile since you’ve come.”
“Yeah, I got the old Ford up and running.”
“Well maybe now that you’re changing it up, and changing your ways, maybe see you at Easter too.”
“I don’t know. Easter is early this year. And it’s Leap Year, which only happens once every four. Does that mean we’re in an off year, and Easter will not be held this time around? Guess we’ll have to wait until next year. Damn the luck. Oh, sorry reverend. Twice …”

The name of the latest Irish woman, after Sinead O’Connor, to make it big in pop music is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell, (real as given to the bard.) What follows is an extended very bad joke of mine, on long names, that really flopped well before finishing, but that’s when I’d accidentally hit the save button!! This was meant to be a lengthy lead-in to the five-letter-long names of so many recent presidents, that is still coming — Vivek but not Baird yet — but they may have flopped too.
Just how bad is the humor attempt??

It helps to know the names of people, if not rivers and other places, far and near. The Irish-I-believe person living behind the green door of a downtown apartment, and with a big and cardboard, rounded-green-figure plastered onto it, said his parents are in one case Irish and German, and the other Norwegian and Danish. (If you take the latter ethnicity in both sets, you wonder if they needed to use a safe word — sorry — just don’t make it like the first choices listed in the paragraph below, as they might be botched like in the movie Eurotrip.) But his name, first and last, is a good ethnic-based choice for (March or even April), so (party on or carry on) Mr. Irish instilled, as all are five-letter nouns or verbs.
I think his real names — I know not which one to cite, since either to differing degrees, might be too long to fit onto his door’s nameplate, and the green leprechaun further down was also unaccommodating — is Abercromrubadub Ecstabalski. OK that’s more eastern European and/or African), so its more likely Smythe McSlay. Forego these added six-letter words, and take them each a letter down, so they could become like Smith and Jones, and then if we have one more letter removed, we could have two more Irishmen — but not Two Gingers — and its configured like both actual names of my man in question. And its not Bill. Could be a lass. Like Elle. But not two lasses.
Maybe take that act, when made bluesey, down in Sweet Home Chicago, and the city by that name has the main river flow backwards, done for that in 1900 by its engineers to keep industrial waste out of Lake Michigan, and those waters are also colored green every St. Patrick’s Day, like the tint given by dye to the big stream in Boston, one of the first places to accept in the Irish. And this is not from algae.
Is this where they got the term backwaters, and we do have some on The St. Croix, largely near the confluence with the Mississippi. “In Chicago, but my head’s in Mississippi.” Sung by That Little Ol’ Band From Texas. Where it will be warm on St. Patrick’s Day.
The temps for you, here, should be in the range of those on what was erroneously called the coldest day of the year, so becoming from 45 as a high, down to the typically seen norm of 25.

My neighbor friend Lola, in the late-going, was given a small bag of hot chips from, fittingly, a school-group-that-is-closely-affiliated-with — what else — The Hot Air Affair, as an adjunct. And she makes it well known that unlike the Barry Manilow song, she is not a showgirl, but this last weekend ours was the hottest spot north of Hudammond — “music and passion are always the fashion” — to merge a couple of burgs, as balloons travel usually to the east.

Hath thou there more cowbell? These and other items such as blue and white promo pompoms (and minus the red and more on that later) were given away outside San Pedro Cafe on the Saturday, (a flying theme of Pirates of the Carribean, to reference their food style?), when all as one were giving out such stuff outside, and I waited to see if there was a repeat once Sunday came and a balloon launch indeed went up.
My mom on the phone a bit ago chimed in on the volume considerations. Her phone bar alongside her cell was askew, and she could not hear me speak. Me as also non-techno (a term I have now invented?) tried to school and instruct her, but I could not raise the bar, on her end.
So, Laura of the Fosters greeted me when I was still a half-block away, and gave me a bright dark blue cowbell. I accepted, and as I walked down further, shook it at length, in a way some found just a bit annoying — some still smiled back at me in a manner that was more or less tinged with their lips, and brief or moderate in length — and with others it brought hearty laughter.
So Jeff Loven lives, even aside from his most recent area performance that was a substitute for his typical past Dick’s Bar and Grill gig on Sundays, this time being last weekend in New Richmond, as per his trademark call-up-a-hottie (as in HHAA sipping?) schtick, I coulda used more cowbell, and thus persuade her to clack on it all the more. Fitting, since I saw a duded up like Will Ferrell costumed dude earlier in the day.

Yup they went up in the a.m. The Sunday balloon launch that is. At 7:35, and I’m sure this number was chosen to reflect The Affair’s 35th year in business, and it couldn’t have been picked to be 6:35 a.m., for obvious dark reasons. Moonglow vs. field of fire the night before had been at pilot’s discretion, for they know which way the wind blows. And do your sippin’ ahead of time, as alcohol was not allowed at the launch site, so forget Fireball. And the prohibitions listed online now also include no drones, as they might interfere with the flights path(s). Thus plunk some of those many “penguin” mascots — oh wait, they are flightless, so this instead would be them “pelicans” that sometimes frequent our rivers. Moreover, watch out for any dressed-up-to-the-hilt “pirates” that fly rather than sail. Sometimes the best-dressed for The Affair include those.

The word of the weekend’s nights was “loud,” as in “live and loud,” with music, but that is three words, if not five. But by Saturday night the conversation volume at least, had toned down, as people had gotten their verbal barrages out the night before and were now hunkering down a little more, like balloons settling in for a landing. There had been a young man who walked down a steep hill to rejoin a mate and then singulary shouted, for reasons unknown, “help,” then “help” again. Maybe his balloon and burner had stalled.

When stepping outside my apartment building, a crew of partiers, I’m assuming, ventured around the corner and one, a large man said to me, “I bet that guy would take a couple hundred bucks to give us a ride.” I said that hey, I’d do it for a five spot. Or should I make it fifty? Or see our guy who does such things regularly, for a lot less — and I swear I later saw him at another corner, outside San Pedro of all places, wearing a Sigler-like black cowboy hat with big rims and talking with the same bit of twang. And maybe I’d add to the cart my favorite drink, as I continued, since after all this was Sippin’ With The Hotties weekend, and should we all meander downtown? (In my great taste haste, I said zipping, as I was going to try to squeeze in a reference to my website coverage.) The man in particular, kept on walking at a pace that was brisk for the subject matter, though he right away turned his head at a right angle and smiled broadly. Like a few of the neighbors at my building, who earlier had been watching the torchlight parade from various patio vantage points, one of them stating in response to my question that the balloon burners — and accompanying kazoos as this is very much a music-themed Affair — would soon be entering the street from a large parking lot juncture just to the south. However, this veritable veteran of the venue added, it is really only an exitway, and exceptions are made for special holiday occasions.

Hey ballooning junkies, you sorta might have to settle for a field of fire at the EP Rock field tonight at 6:30. Still fans, its fantabulous flaming fun.
Ouch, the balloons did not go up today, as in Saturday. When I awoke, I swore I could hear the occasional wind gust of more than 10 mph, but it could have been extra street traffic from all the extra people in town. (They could still possibly mosh to a full Moonglow at seven-ish.)
So maybe we go for a Sunday launch at 7:35 a.m. Word has it the wind will be in the acceptable range of 3 mph to 5 mph — I decided to not use the hyphen for clarity sake, as 35 mph would be a real ouch. Rain has held off, as the sun still shows right now, so nothing to contribute to more St. Croix River ice, which is something its dunkers did not have to fight earlier in the day. The only fighting is for the moved and reformed park bench outside of Dunn Brothers, to accommodate All The People, for any donut specials. Prized by even Potential Polar Lakeside Power Ploppers. Who ride Polaris? Or love puns?

The bench is the benchmark. One of the three outside of Dunn Brothers, parallel to the side street in the downtown, was repositioned about 30 feet closer so right by the main drag, at the point where the newly built bump-out now holds sway, so people could better see the many sights this weekend has to offer while they sit by the sidewalk. It remains in place up to this moment, being used by people who are passers-by and more, when they rest from their gonzo shopping experience that is this weekend.
Set where the bench used to be sitting is a street-closed barrier made of sliced wood, patched together, left over from the night before when traffic was steered asunder so balloons could launch their burners, so to speak, in the torchlight parade. And outside of a favorite night haunt, Hot Air Affair patrons that were even walking, are politely steered away from a striped no-parking zone by a plastic cone with a similar-colored look, just in case they had sipped a few too many in the weekend’s contest and showed a need to be reigned in …

Checking out the weather charts to see if it’s safe outside, and inside, don’t rain on the (yesterday night) parade, as the HHAA plays on. And while you’re at it, along the boulevard bestowed in a post below, and just a few feet away as you will see, check out and also such an endeavor, the Love On Locust Street prime promotion, with many serious specials to offer with Valentine’s Day coming up sooner than you think. There are close to a dozen businesses of a variety of types that have teamed up to play, going-on in such a way until V-Day, and they are all within a long block! Within a stone’s throw of each other, like a bunch of the 40-plus balloons going up much-together that have their related envelopes (the official term) so close they’re almost like (safety factor invoked) rubbing up against each other prior to launch. Like that in an hour for the (weather related) afternoon highlight of The Affair.

The signs on stilts are up and down the blazing main boulevard, which was burgeoning with foot traffic, sure to help the Masonic Lodge and its akin breakfast offering one block eastward, even though it was now brunch time. Their placard was ablaze with orange and yellow and red, and maybe even purple, as the Hot Air Affair continues to burn.

It is right now, officially, a full 32 degrees, and holding, so continue to Sip With The Hotties, as if you needed more warmth. But unrelated, directly, to The Affair, but building off of it barely across the border at The Bungalow, is a mid-afternoon chili cook-off. So you can still taste at it. Heat Up The Balloon Irons!

I’d think that John Madden would be even more excited than usual about my playbook for doing an audible on three-fowl Turducken and making it a five-meat entree, (see home page), like the centerpiece(s) of Thanksgiving meal grandma used to make. So methinks it could allow Madden, the longtime coach of the Silver and Black Raiders, to renew his popularity by another 40 percent, thus besting either Parton or Jordan, the first by ruling a halftime celebration in her blue-and-white Cowboy cheerleading outfit, and the last by putting together enough first downs for the green-and-gold to score 20 points by the end of the first quarter — and it could have been even two-score more, one of those being a missed extra point, to go up further on the lackluster Lions. Someone will be lionized here.

The news spread across Packerland, with headlines like The Future May Be now, and having someone put up a yard decoration of a small Green Bayer next to his huge inflatable gray Cowboy helmet, as these types tend to have big heads. This seen on Black Friday, in advance of Cyber Monday, with stores that sell these and other items already making it known they are extending their Black Friday specials through December. Between that and Cyber Monday, even if you are still heading back home after the holidays, and the number of flights may be unlike any other on record, you still can buy, buy, baby.

What goes around keeps comin’ round and comin’ round, baby right round. So this is an oldie but goodie that, if you have not read it yet, is still appropo with its fairly regular music auditions that continue until the land of ice and snow truly becomes such, with Frozen Tundra hosting its halftime shows. See below how you can march on in and join up and play.

So it is, or could be, with El Paso Days, near River Falls for you Twin Citians. Via my cabbie/musician. (There seem to be a lot of them out there.) And I REALLY hope they all can flow with an extended joke.

He was a possibly founding member of the marching band in that little burg. El Paso as in Wisconsin, not the rapidly growing RF. It at one time boasted a full and quite impressive 75-or-so strut members, but in these days of often poopy pop (so popular to rake on it) is now looking at adding Replacements, to keep their music alive. That number of blowers and more on such instruments is said by a bad joke census to be a possible 27 percent of townies, as the exact population may come and go in a very small town. But give they and theirs credit, these numbers are pretty spectacular. Like those these burgs see on their ballfields. Selling burgers too, when not in the bullpen.

How tied to my theme of being obscure with dates, and El Paso Days? Where the band has headlined in the parade and such for decades, I’m assuming it is. The fest was in mid-August, and since then there have been and maybe will be open auditions each weekend until the snow flies, as even with this being Wisconsin, they need to sign (to their new record label?) another rythme tuba player and backup bass bassoon. OK I made up that whole last sentence. But this much is true, the band will live and march on.

Oh it does indeed need some added players. So if you’re interested, take the New Richmond taxi until you come across by cabbie buddy.

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Today (that being Sunday still in Central Standard Time for you readers everywhere, as sis would want to know), is National Sisters Day (maybe international too). Sis just brought over a great big freezer she bought for a song, or a Fifty, (as she is an aspiring singer, country mind you?), and a whole bunch of bagged frozen turkey meatballs and such ground sausage packages, at least eight, which is enough, (OK she’s really the neighbor lady). Got to reward her by making her a meal when I have time. But until then, how else to celebrate it, in a nightlife way much like going out to the ballpark??

Combine it with, if you missed it last month, National Cousins Day, as co-sponsored as a Hallmark-type holiday by my local Kwik Trip(s) — there is at least two in every even small town in my home state of Wisconsin — convenience store and Megabus. Kwik Trip would have you buy at a great discount, there sandwiches and not Cousins brand subs. And Megabus? Hey, you could visit all your cousins in all 50 states and maybe even Puerto Rico , depending in part on your ethnicity, and if you are a true and card-carrying, even if its fake, redneck. And you have all summer to do it, and you may need it.

And to invoke more meat, also in the Badger State especially, although not limited to, it was National Hot Dog Day. Wisconsin extended the holiday to include brats, maybe at the rate of usage of 60/40. On (most) weekends such as this one in my home of Hudson in the ascribed state, you could have some at the waaay back end of the parking lot  of Menards, also so typical of Badgerland, in a food stand such as those of all the ol’ county fairs and the old County Stadium. But wait, that last stand is Mexican, not German, so nevermind … But there is that very popular Milwaukee Burger place a few blocks north, as the crow flies. It was said when first opening that Hudson could not support yet another burger joint, even of this quality, but in this state …


If you wanted to be out and about, yet another power outage would bite you, with sirens blaring during and later-on but unable to quell the wind and rain — as those-who-are-allowed-by-law to-drive-fast were doing community service, not being out to arrest you. But these days …

The outage itself hit via brief storm about 3 p.m. and only lasted to, give and take depending on your municipality and some got hit harder than others, around 7 p.m. (I find it fascinating that this is the exact go-onstage-to-do-encore timing of a Sunday band at UFO Days, a point belabored in posts I wrote lower down). But that still meant that not only the many retail shops downtown for things like antiques and boutiques, but even the nightclubs, called it a night. After all, this was a Monday night when it at times barely pays to keep the lights on, but if you were on that late night — weekend more typical — party bus or limo and this is not a stretch …

The signs were interestingly presumptive, saying see you tomorrow — as that could be Kwik Trip and they are famously open with that greeting 24/7 — whether that be 11 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. (note the parallel to bar time). But the bars had made the decision to close well before sundown that Fortnight and thusly well before the power, for even things such as gaming, came back on, with signs saying it in various ways. But are they safe in assuming the lights will be back on, come time to do food prep or drink mixing and maybe even DJ sound mixing, come Tuesday? Or will it be gone with the wind?

The first closer sign I saw on a walk, just Three Doors Down, was at Art Doyle’s Spokes and Pedals just prior to the supper hour. Huh, I thought, you don’t always see that in the name of customer service, but these days … I was soon to see there would be more such announcements, almost the norm among businesses in Old School Hudson, although often scrawled  in quasi-poor-penmanship on a less than full sheet of paper, as computers were down too. Can’t ring somebody up, even as a cashier, as the keys to hit had succumbed to our more-and-more newfangled need for electricity. And if you wanted to go to the bank, they could maybe give you a few bucks on the fly in straight cash — and with such “immediacy banking” in numerous ways there is often is dollar limit, even under sunny skies — but there could be folly when it comes to generating a receipt.

At the drug store next-door, where they can usually flow with almost anything, there was smaller-scale than Valium brief gnashing of teeth about such hamperedness, but at least (a generator?) meant there was AC to cool workers and the heatening-since-they-can’t-do-as-much-with-much-less cash registers.

But back to the bars, few of which stayed open in town even during what would normally be Happy Hour — After Midnight can be a closure bringer for some on weekdays — so bringing sadness to deal shoppers. Depends on the venue and how they look at the clock’s timing when opening. The exception, as a place that prides itself on always being open, for many decades running now, the newly popular on various days and weather, Dick’s bar and grill. Bartender Chad said North Hudson, maybe even in my old neighborhood, got slammed, and I retorted all I’d seen My Way was a tree down, split in thirds, so it prompted major limb-droppage across a street and its in-between parking spaces.

The other that on most nights would be a token ‘tender, had to tell a patron that because of peristant power concerns there was only one beer (dispensing) option available, come cans and bottles and tap, but we won’t venture into kegs territory. No problem, as the Last Tall Boy Standing was a might cheaper anyway.

One thing that stayed with its standing was a door jam, separating my apartment building into sections, and it was on apparent lockdown because of emergency power concerns. No matter how you would twist the nob, a no go. The electricity came back on at the very moment when I thought that — if it was opening again — I’d need to pry it open further with whatever was in my hand. A notebook would not cut it.

One of the places that closed for the night was Agave Kitchen. Fave bartender Allison said it was SOOO great to have a night-off, as she has been known for working doubles. Corner of the basement, if storm required, bottle of wine … And since she had to be up in the morning, make it just a few sips of the Chardonnay and then turn in early??



Bang your head. Mental health will drive you mad! (Or so too might be, if you read this post too often.) Or so sung Quiet Riot and also locally, that evil jester.

Yes, back when open mic was A Thing, and not just acoustic, (more on such current options later), I rocked out with that song at the Old Dibbo’s Iconic Rock Club. The house band was a bunch of yes, mad clowns and more, and my duet was done to that ’80s banger with a twisted jester who was dressed in an amped-up way with long fake cloth locks ending with Bo Jangles, befitting the part.

So just how much mental health to actually go around? That was circa 2000 or so, but some things never change, so here goes a wayward comparison from — the last year or two.

I saw a long series of signs, like the scrims on shims of days gone by on an old pre-freeway, lined up about every 15 feet at the height of the pandemic, or near its end, on The Edge of where there was no sidewalk outside Hudson High School. Crazy times. And inside, no doubt, were a bunch of ADHDers wanting more Adderall and stuck inside, if school was even in session, I would venture a guess. And bless them, there could be worse things. But why important? The signs were hawking the need to have better mental health. Hmm … Success??

Back to … last month. It was National and State and Local as I’m sure, Mental Health Month. Finally getting around to fitting this all in, and possibly linking irrationally, as that’s what happens when you go off your Adderall for a few days and then … bang … like its The Fourth all over again.

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Kaitie Leising.

Those two words have remained on the tongues of many of us for about two weeks, in singular fashion. As that it took only a single bullet from a drunken driving suspect to make her suddenly well-known.

Her name has lingered on the upper marquee at Agave Kitchen for a time that’s by far unprecedented. It is a venue that deeply respects law enforcement, and when the night winds down and there are officers afoot, they sometimes get a culinary treat of respect.

It was days after the shooting and it still was TV headline news all the way down in Milwaukee, where I was seeing family, who though in a nice suburb still gets exposed to this type of news frequently. Fittingly I went over Mother’s Day.

A man who I was driving with noted that the Hudson High School parking lot to the left would be full and have cars moved even across the main street nearby, even if days later, as it would be attended by seldom seen numbers for the observance of her life and death, necessitating it to be held at the school rather than a usually house-sized funeral home.

When I was exiting Hudson to travel south and first waited at the park and ride by Target, I saw a number of EMS and fire vehicles round the corners at or near Carmichael Road. Different colors and jurisdictions, although all from the region, but I assumed they were maybe heading to the school for the said, sad occasion.

Could some good, or at least respect come from this? I hope things between law enforcement and much of the populace in many places will not be any more polarizing than needed because of such things. That is where my thoughts went when I saw a sign that had been erected in front of a downtown building, between its main wall and a sidewalk a few feet away, which was new and backed blue lives and their life’s work as valuable.

I have seen enough in my life, so many small things that add up, to constitute a sometimes more reality-tinged view of the Blue and what they sometimes do. Bad things happen and The Law is supposed to clean up the mess, and sometimes they get drawn into it. I have seen law enforcement do wonderful things during the much-needed but I’m sure emotionally and even spiritually draining tasks termed community policing. Being accommodating and considerate and even compassionate toward all those they serve, and that in a limited way includes the offenders. And the many caught in the crosshairs.

But as a reporter/photographer and even as one either being attended to, or scrutinized, or both, I have also seen damage from police actions, even right here in what is not Mayberry and looks less like it all the time. Stemming from bad judgment (on the fly while on the scene?) or worse. Much worse on occasion. So a consequence can be surmised, that those being arrested at times fire back with more then angry words.

I am offering a vague and slightly philosophical approach here, but there is so much I could say, not all of it bad, and so many specific examples. And lessons learned on all ends of the picture.

But maybe not right now, as things are still raw and will always be to some extent, so when will there be an appropriate time for discourse. Wait a bit, but then there’s another shooting, and the reset button gets hit to delay frank discussion.

So all we can do right now is discern. But there is one thing here I am sure of, as no one deserves to get shot, so it concerns Kaitie.

It is not politically correct to say, but I’m sure there are times when cops rub people the wrong way … However, (and again maybe not PC here), in her case with such an angelic face and cherublike and sweet and engaging smile, it is simply hard to imagine her doing anything significantly objectionable to anyone.


Rodgers is Jolly right now, and it may be because his new team did well without even needing a Bidwell in the draft. After all, they got the big prize that everyone his side of the Mississippi was talking and stalking about.

The first round saw two of three picks being a Green and Gold vs. Green and White flip, with more coming, and even overall pick No. 78 of the draft was toward the trailing end of the trade effect. One network went to the point of saying of the pickin’ and grinnin’ that wasn’t point-blank a Packer/Jet thing, a DB not a QB had been credited with 20 breakups. Of passes, not relationships. So don’t alert the Kardashians just yet.  And that John Wick-like looking Rodgers wannabe to whom I earlier referred? He had the full-on nose of an Ebenezer Scrooge.

All this talk brings us full circle to the Wild and their Kirill. Not Pete C. as in the college but not pro coach. Or the Mr. Kirill-and-longer named new Twins callup. Of course there right now is talk that a trade of the until- now superstar could bring some newer and longer life to the Wild and their chances, bringing say about three lesser stars to St. Paul, not seen since the North Stars.  But that’s unlikely, as we need a hero right now in Minnesconsin with Rodgers departed. As I speculated well over a year ago with the likes of Zach Parise, and now being repeated in the press, we have this thing unique to the two-state area of being very loyal to such men among boys, as they become men, to the point that ties are built with fans that don’t go asunder and even the choices of where to go as free agents can come down to staying as close to possible to home. Being a Chicago Blackhawk might be the limit. I’m guessing we’d seen those guys out among the faithful and have since Parise basically helped build the big sports bar area around the XCel Energy Center at the last time the playoffs were a big thing here, about 10 years ago.

That said, I’m surprised Rodgers stayed as long at Green Bay as he did from an endorsement standpoint. State Farm Insurance, I thought until Rodgers built up its clientele, was nowhere near what Nike has been to some pro athletes. And then there was the sudden department of Mr. B as coach of the Milwaukee Bucks, who also were an early playoff departure. So loyalty has limits even in Wisconsin.


This last weekend had more of the same with the weather, but also featured new ways to be effected by it.

Want to get out there to your boat in the marina area? As rain and snow have been the drivers of the rivers and their sudden flooding, (and with those bodies of water the ones of focus across the metro, it has been interesting which ones will get the highlighting of onsite coverage by TV news reporters. Stillwater and then St. Paul?)

Might as well just hit the downtown bar scene and the parts of it that remain unflooded — reference the recent Flood Run of motorcycles — especially if its late. As Dan the man with the small one — he’s hoping to be entertained and thus reach medium size, so he can more fully entertain — found out. And we’re talking about boats here. He can’t make it through the park and its high water in able to go cruising after cleaning, and there was a question of whether the power source or even the boat itself is still intact or needs to be jimmy rigged, or will this have to wait, as Earth Day yields to May Day. Hope by then the people back at my old place, and their postal carrier, could more consistently access their mailbox with out stepping once or twice into a snowbank. In some places they were almost as tall as ceiling level would be, if somehow moved inside to melt much more quickly.

At Hudson Tap, all were after-Easter-intruiged by the power of the (pink?) Peeps as a snack. These were unabashedly shared in a drama that involved those on both sides of the bar-rail, and all approached found them an effective and flavorful appetizer. The love fest over the holiday candy lasted several minutes; the only time I’d seen the same people engaged for a longer period, and then come back to it, and again, was when trying to solve a Rubics cube. Banter about the approach needed, flew all around about who had the best mindset to get the cube whole again.


I don’t want to be a member of any club that would have me.
True words these days. Do you really want the endorsement of That Guy?
It used to be Trump, but now more or less is the backing of those wearing badges.
Either could make or break your political campaign. And could make it harder to make the money to run? So forget that last blast of cash, based on who said what when? You at long last break down and have to break off your end of the race via a concession speech. That’s got to be as hard, when getting in front of the microphone, as Ozzy giving up the ghost and announcing, again, that he’s retiring, at an age I believe is older then Biden. Just that those last two may not articulate it clearly.
So when a state possible politico, for Supreme Court, boasted that the police unions are backing her, it might not be as effective in getting the vote as you think. Ask what I’m afraid is a near majority, although not all, people who have encountered the cops, and they’d saying they were swinging past the polls to cast a ballot for That Other Guy.
This could have been another point of contention on Tuesday: If you say you support both the defunding of police and public safety as in keeping The Bad Guys legally at bay, as in incarcerated, are you not — but apparently it worked — promising all things to all people, on all sides of the aisle? Make some real choices, although we acknowledge these are very hard choices.
Just hope Tuesday’s election, once there are no possible challenges or changes left to do, even if say the vote tallies in at 60/40, or should I say 55/35/20 or 52/28/10/10, plays out to be definitive, and we don’t have the courts weighing in — or passing on — having the final say regarding a race that’s all court people. Almost makes you wish we had a dictatorship and year in and year out there would be certainty about who is in charge. And that brings a final point, do they even have in-person voting in any form in Russia? (Is that what the country calls itself now, as opposed to the Soviet Union or the Republic Of Anarchists Misapplying Marxist Theory While Starving, and maybe they should hold their own referendum on that and not be so concerned with those held here).
But is there the holding of even a sham election? Good for Putin PR. But it’s all long way to the polls if you are in Siberia. Or as one bumper sticker said, by someone who has pro hockey leanings and some things to say, but might be dyslexic, Puck Futin. Done on a futon if they’re poor, or on an Otteman with rich blood-red velvet if they are the (relatively) rich elite, and notice that not so many of them ever get to the point of having a yacht. Obviously not all, but a bulk of kissers-up-to-communism would just be upper-middle-class here, I assume. Country is landlocked anyway, and for your yacht, your so-old-to-be-rundown little cabin way up in Siberia is … way up in Siberia. Think running up to the Boundary Waters is bad? Although you are creeping close to a border and you know what kind of people you encounter there.
And also, wasn’t Otteman once an empire?

One one side of the street, its days of the new, and has been there for a few days, with more than a bigger-then-Christmas-tree, dozen-and-surpassed orbs and such, and such going ziggy-zaggy, hung from an otherwise barren tree. The first of this season, as we branch off … It includes if you back up your gaze a bit, a snowman with a tint of blue that also hits on Thanksgiving as well, and is perched between two branches, connected by a plank.
But across the street and into a yard, Halloween still lives, in a sense, as shown by the golden sword stuck through a golden skull sitting atop a pot of gold. (Looks like that image at church, which seems contradictory with the avenging angel that is St. Michael disposing with an even bigger, although bronze dagger, the sinner at his feet). On the other side of the front steps and beckoning into the yard are gourds that although small take up all its room available because of their shear number. Why do I say available? Much of the space was taken by a ghoulishly off-white pumpkin, or could it be another squash?
So give thanks for the spooky and the sacred …
Various positive factors — weather in general, lack of wind, timing of weekends, readiness of supplies at local stores — have meant almost all decorating activities around a trio of holidays, have hit us earlier than usual by a week or two, even if backing away before becoming full force.
So I’ve been backing into another facet of a story here, but will give an example first: In one way or another, wreaths incorporating pine cones and small bones, tiny branches and berries, roping and other trim, stems and sticks, needles and what-not, and all other manner of fading flora that can allow the mind to roam, mean the three big holidays of the past two months can be represented in one decore all at once. But green, marked by deciduous leaves and lawn and evergreen until recently, can lead the way widely speaking, even over gold, to color that diversity.
It’s tougher to make the old skull and crossbones undated, whether in windows or on-stage, but that rocking-it-look was present on the hatted forehead of Lemmy of Motorhead in one of the last concerts before he passed on, which in itself is fitting for the time that is now. Or should I say was.
And She Was. A Talking Heads reference, for what would they do about all the leaves that No Doubt flooded the set in the the video, showing a young girl slowly Rising Against and Above both her house and this world. The leaves are here, on this end of things, and need to be bagged as soon as the snow melts and allows grass to dry, if you have not done already. But it might not be as easy as grabbing your rake after work and before the sun goes down, as I found when walking back from Dick’s Liquor Store, case-in-hand. A guy who hit his yard right before the freeze and right after the weekend said that virtually everywhere in town that sells the big bags for leaves alone had sold out earlier that day. He must have been that 100th customer, as his lawn was clear. Gosh, I felt like offering him one of my beers.

You still have an hour. Or more if you have a Halloween Time Machine. But not as much so now, as you’ve read through the above and are bracing to move on with your holidays (often obsession) observance.
The now norm voting by Facebook for consume contest winners runs through, at the Wild Badger in New Richmond specifically, 5 p.m. Its got to be here sometime.
So who to choose from, amongst the hundreds. There was aptly, a man going as a Breathalizer and a women as a mail-order bride, complete with envelope. A few obviously off-duty cops, and are you allowed to impersonate them, if even on the recent night, was led by a literally, New Sheriff In Town.
And even into this next day, there were ears of bats and birds and bunnies everywhere. Candy was said to be sparse at WalMart, but I saw a few bins right up front that still appeared to be at about 10 percent capacity with a few select varieties, at mid-afternoon.

I have a theory. And so much depends on the weather. Dictating much of the comings and goings since Labor Day, as the bars fought to keep up with the cold, except on a good day.
There would be one such prime day, when one might not expect it, then a less primo one that should have been the one to rave about, on the day to follow. Then throw Labor Day Monday into the mix, as the attendance swing factor that tipped the scales for all the sultans who stood long through the cold, then echoed with laughter befitting the forests in the process of losing their leaves.
So, one good day and one bad day for the weekends, before and aft. Friday vs. Saturday. Different results on one to the next. And the relatively-new mega event of the fall in New Richmond in early October, saw a similar juxtaposition, when it should have been steady all around.
And then there is this weekend’s Apple Fest just down the street, fresh from the snows of two days before, in only its third year and still going strong all through the weekend. The huge Friday crowd at the downtown bars, a couple of miles to the north, fittingly directed, was the apple of any club owner’s eye. So the early-on music at Apple Fest carried forward. And I would expect even more tonight, Saturday if you’re keeping score. The Wild Badger is having the band, The Theory, so let’s test it out.

It was a not so good right-by-the-bar crowd for a Thursday, as the regular crowd was off and going something that of “course” was even more fun and sporty.
It was OK midday, but as the afternoon wore on the patron level dipped at Dick’s Bar and Grill in Hudson ebbed even more. The bartender was mostly wiping tables, good for him and his, adding that he was going on vacation come the next morning. I joked that if a pipe burst, in this the oldest bar in Wisconsin, we wouldn’t call him up in Canada. One of the few patrons seated in front of him is a regular fixture — bad pun — at Dick’s, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is on staff part-time.
So where was everyone on this gorgeous, and hot but not too hot, summer day, where a place just down the street had a worker remark that they maybe should not have opened the big windows in front, unless they did so in back also for cross-ventilation, always good in a tavern.
They were instead at a killer golfing event sponsored by Dick’s at an area course that’s just close enough, in the near east, by to have the place’s rustic flavor kept much in mind as they measure up a putt, and being held for the 80th straight year! That’s almost as impressive a run as the bar’s tenure, double that length of years, give or take a few. No one counts them as the sun sets and the not-so-nattily clad golfers find their way back to the host establishment.
(Note there was no spoiler alert to this, as yesterday’s news, since the popular event had registration needed by Aug. 11. That’s what happens when something turns 80, of course).

Music is where you make it, especially in these days of cutbacks in seemingly everything but beer. Even NA near beer.
Joining the variety of festivals and fairs in St. Croix County that will roll out from now as the first day of summer until its end, are challengers from St. Paul to Germany itself.
Such as these:
— Kwik Trip, that marvel of the Midwest, is having as a part of its discounted music series for lucky reward card holders, Shawn Mendes in St. Paul at The X as part of his world tour on July 9. Earlier this year there was another, featuring Eric Church. So this promotion could be viewed as Take Me To Church, another country-ish song.
— There also is the Midwest Deathfest (or Dethfest) on June 25. Hard to tell which exactly, as most of the letters in the names of most of the groups looked mostly the same, serifs style-wise.
— As a preview to the Minnesota State Fair, those grounds each June hold the 13th and counting St. Paul summer beer fest, billed as a world beater. (Um, its actually in Falcon Heights, and we think there may be a method behind this more than a typo). To wit, also this month was held a Twin Cities craft beer fest with unlimited pours. Does Germany know these things?
— And Germany and/or Scandinavia, to take in both of the main groups of people in this end of the world, held one of the first reopener hardcore music fests after the main pandemic LAST summer, to we assume have a recap this year. If you can get a plane flight to get you there. Or likewise, to the just pumped “top caveman music” Americana-ish gathering in Weston, Colorado.

There were other ways to mark Memorial Day, one led by a sign from a local staffing business that said simply, the land of the free comes from the work of the brave. This message replaced an earlier one that read, OMG Becky can you believe the size of those! It was talking about the hourly rates, so “check” it out. Days earlier, workers were posted out front with ad signs that they held themselves. Thought that the guy, caught in the act while walking down the sidewalk to get ready and set up shop, would have gotten even better results if a temp Chippendale.
On the very few days where were workable conditions for landscaping in New Richmond, such jobs were being done at a salon that ends its name in Sixteen-14 and we assume the worker was just a wee bit older than that, (sorry about the bad work-permit pun), and at the Post Office, where the government-serving-us-all agency, (good theme considering the holiday that was coming) was laying down whole new sets of wood chips and bushes by the dozen.
And on the old south end, some of the more quaint yards were getting it together for summer when they could, weather permitting, and interspersed among them were patriotic emblems that are creative beyond the usual stars and stripes.

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Lead on, lead on, lead on, to follow up my long lead item from yesterday about fish fillet fodder, and lure both you and the lunkers in.
This ain’t your mama’s fish. Or is it …
Growing up near German-Polish Merrill, in north-central Wisconsin, there was Bill’s Fine Food, a man with a colorful past placing a sizable fish pond of rainbow trout as you walked in the door, with just a small vestibule between you and the gateway to the supper club. Fish food to beef up those trout could also be purchased for the smallest of coins and put in a like-size paper cup. And if I recall, that kind of fish was on the menu too, at least as a special, one of a few going beyond the usual walleye that dominates restaurants today.
Then back westward in Hudson, before there was the Smilin’ Moose, there was another namesake, Bob Smith’s Sports Club, that had a pond of similar size, but circular rather than rectangular, and right in the middle of the seating area, thus occupying the main position behind the circular bar area. It was home to a small stuffed alligator, and therefore there was no need to feed it, like you would anyway. Rather to entertain the killer fish fry. And probably not the divided-diligence for white bass that if a favorite of some ethnic peoples and draws them to The Big Rivers.
And then way down south we have The Kinni and the like, with their trouts of many colors. That could go beyond walleye too. And the much bigger catfish on the this-stream-goes-flowing-into-it St. Croix, quite large in itself.
And not to flounder, but you can get a sandwich featuring this fish stuck in the middle at Popeye’s, caught at lower elevations of water, then served on The Hill in Hudson.
So that is more of a listing of what you can eat on Friday, following up what’s on my front page.
And of course in this state of mind, you can have beer battered fish, and it could perchance use dark beer (uhm, not apparent to be from the Land of Sky Blues Waters) or even a bit larger portion of IPA, in the kitchen that is an offshoot from the bar area. And amber should mesh. Just watch out for fruity flavors. So many brews have fish pictured on their cans or bottles, even two at a time to milk a theme. And lager is a safe choice.

So then, fish and even potatoes as the ultimate save your pennies food on any given night, are now ramping up in price, as is corn, so what do you do to make your Friday full?
Check out a place that might give you some new twist on fish fry, then expand on it on your own kitchen.
You could have beer battered in this land of 10,000 new brews, and your cheese too.
So, we just went to a place known for their Greek food, a very little bit a feta atop your fish? And a small amount of horseradish yes, makes more sense.
I have seen that in recent years, many restaurants are having to charge higher prices due to overhead costs such as staffing — if you can find enough such people — and food shortages from shipping snafus, as actually moving trucks have to try hard to cross domestic borders. They’ve been compensating by amping up portions. But now will that super-sizing practice last??
On our recent excursion, the fish on our sandwich had to weight in at about the size of a young bass — I’m guessing over a half-pound. But the server was coy when asking, are fries OK? What are the options? Hash browns just to start, as they were heavy on touting taters. And what about that killer coleslaw you’ve always had? Oh yeah, we got that. And she asked if cheese is alright, as the sandwich comes with it. Kinda expected with your fish-wich. As an option for such venues, potatoes can come many different ways, and still are low cost to obtain, so gentlemen, get out your many and varied sauces.
But we got coleslaw after all, everyone of us, and this can help dress up a fish sandwich. Put it on top and most people would want it to be a little on the light side, not the whole cup, and we recommend a flavoring that is lightly creamy. This when done at home can be a bridge to adding other veggies, chopped to be small, such as bell peppers and maybe go beyond the red and green, hot peppers if you stay to the basics, chopped pickles that often come with anyway when out dining, tomatoes and depending on which of the above, possibly even thin diced apples.
And on that cheese, why stick to just cheddar and American. You can add various sliced varieties, even changing it up with each quarter of the of the round bun, Because You Think You Can! And don’t limit yourself to walleye, consider fashioning many different varieties of fish into square-ish nuggets and put on the bun with the rest. Go deep dish? Buying various varieties of fish for this method might stretch your budget, but hey, its a long Lent full of Fridays and it freezes. And why not some Romaine on the top with the coleslaw? And on rye bread, or sesame style, if it is not to grainy.
The inflation bug has hit us, and our diner that has hawked its build your own burger for $8.99 and possibly lower in earlier times, now has the fish sandwich at $11 and the all-you-can-eat version for $15. Your bill may be as big as your fish fillet. My mom got to the halfway threshold then doggy bagged the rest.
One thing that was skimped on is the tartar sauce. So go with that take-home and put your own version together with mayo (light preferred, or even salad dressing, to not over-taste) and pickle relish, and/or diced pickles and some of the sauce they come in.
Dad got the BBQ ribs, about ten of them constituting a half-rack (theme again) and said his sauce was not skimped at all. And I agree, as he gave me a pair.
One other situation came up that is a sign of the times. The server was very prompt and courteous and kept coming back to our table to see if we wanted anything else (I’ll take this over social distancing at this point). But she added a woman a couple of tables away got sick and there had been an accident in the kitchen, could be from being over-stressed, so she temporarily forgot a thing or two. We gave her all the due patience that these times require.

Do you want some (tossed like at a wedding) rice with your Meatloaf? Wild rice? Now all that’s left is classic songs, although the Rocky Horror Picture Show lives on.

Saturday, December 19th, 2020

As our favorite celebs get older, a consequence is that they sooner die. So now we add to the list Meatloaf, but not meatballs, and not just that post-holiday dish that uses a bit of creative seasoning and has one fashioned from the other, (and make note of that).
Meatloaf makes me think back to my college days, in the heyday of the Rocky Horror Picture Show that had the singer slam through the castle doors on his motorcycle — we in Wisconsin hope it is a Harley. A full-frontal even with all the trappings played out at, of all places, The UW Marathon Center campus. (They started the midnight show earlier than that).
I went to the event with a couple of other people, and the main get-up-and-do-the-dance that is described with left and right footsteps shown on screen force was Kay Gruling, who I also knew from high school days. The elongated stage area was big and so were the sheer number of dancers Kay dragged out there. But Tony K. was not into being hit with rice-a-roni, thrown in and around the audience at times that were called for. And Kay went on to be a doctor, but not the Dr. Frankenfurter who was the real star of the show.
And that classic song Paradise by the Dashboard Light, a place we all go, for several years running was a duet at the weekly Jeff Loven show, with Tracy as his muse. They didn’t miss a note.
And also, sad to say, another recent death is that of the guitarist for Bad Company. His birthdate came out in the press, all the way back in 1935! Look how old that makes him, and did he stay Firm as the followup band by that name that had the lead singer of Bad Company, but sans their strummer, replaced by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin fame, who at 77 is a full ten years older than the original player. (I never thought of them as being a Supergroup, as they were dubbed).

Christmas comes again, so here I go again. First with another joke about all those in-laws out there. You know the ones? We all have them, don’t we all? Annoying and beyond?
Got the last-minute invite to join THAT family for not only Christmas Eve, but an overnight, and Heaven Help Us if its till New Year’s. So what do you make sure you grab on the way out the door?
Your heart medication. You may need it. Make sure you take some for the next day, too. And dare I say it, add a bit more for unrelenting stress? A little dab will do ya, (or that was for hairline not heartbeat). Or is that enough?
For for more on a slightly less traditional Christmas? Where is someplace we all go? Or maybe just might like to in order to get away? One of my ADHD bartender friends, aren’t they all, did just this, in a real role reversal. The family did not care for, or understand, her decision.
But first back up. Where on the bar scene can you find a closing of 2:30 a.m. at the earliest for all of the big four — two eves and two days. That’s right, T-Buckets as you meander toward Somerset, and that seems fitting, is open that late on Christmas Eve, even, and Xmas Day, and News Year’s Eve, way back further on the clock, and day too. And you get that extra half-hour, or more, because all four holidays fall on a weekend.
You can guess what my server friend did back on the first of those holidays.
Which brings me to a further point. This does indeed serve a purpose, for those who have no family in the area and can’t travel, but nobody really wants to be on the back side of the bar on this night. The guys will take the shift and be macho about it, but you can tell they would rather be elsewhere. But I have made it a point that if I am in that can’t-travel situation, I will take just a minute and say a fond Merry Christmas and even the thus accompanying condolences, to a fave bartender. And they might get a bit misty-eyed. This harkens back to the days when Ziggy’s was actually Pudge’s and they were, somewhat famously, open 365. Or maybe for myself, that local Kwik Trip tonight? Have to check their schedule.
Lastly, back at home in Merrill when I was a child, there was a neighbor lady nurse who was stuck at home alone each Christmas Eve — their shifts never end either, can’t hop a plane. She would come over with a plate of cookies and say hello, maybe a bit tearfully, and make it a holiday. She was typically invited in, but said oh no I couldn’t, you are all with your family, and deferred.
Don’t do that to yourself. If other options evade you, go to T-Buckets and share one and some holiday cheer with the bartender. After all, there are there for the need for such a service …

More of the flood that there can be when there are dead-defying occurrences, this time figuratively.
Alas, would the semi-annual Flood and Frost Your Nuts runs be held, with re-construction of their entry points ruling the roost?
The latter run has been cancelled for this fall, as per the owner of the Mallalieu Inn, from whence the motorcycles would come and go and then come again, with the featured starting point the parking lot of the veritable inn and the two blocks of street in front of it. The east side of that street, right next to the main drag, is still either dug up and plagued by big road-work signs. The Mallalieu also has for the time-being postponed its very affordable and famous — I think I can say that — traveler steak special with sides made fresh on the grill each Wednesday evening. No word on when it will be revived, but very unlikely before Halloween.
“It’s just crazy out there,” said the owner, in a statement that was an understatement.
The run would have been this coming weekend, and also at risk is the Flood Run, usually held the week before. Last Saturday there were a few brave cyclists who risked an at-times bumpy run over the bridge and through the construction zone and detour and slow-to-a-long-stop-and-then-crawl traffic. Hopefully crews with cranes will right the ship, to invoke another form of travel, in time for the Unfrost Your Nuts companion run in April of 2022, (we feel compelled to mention the year in this case).
Three other local eateries have succumbed to the road work and also, mainly, the pandemic. Questions have been floated online about when the reopening of Mama Maria’s in North Hudson and Mallard’s in Bayport will take place; few answers were in short order forthcoming. It may be that no one out-pizzas the hut, although yes, Pizza Hut is not operating right now, with its sign and all that remains of it, sadly, looking like the barred view of a jail cell with only the cables still in place. It also now shows mostly untrimmed vegetation.
Some roads lead to injury, not the near-death of local businesses and their offerings. The Las Vegas Raiders were dealing with more than the imminent Jon Gruden resignation, as turf toe raised its ugly head and kept two players on the questionable list for Sunday football. That meant there were only 238 healthy toes being ready and able to take the field amongst the usual LV starters, reports another publication that has a distinctive multi-fold readership, The Nevada Gambling and Podiatry Journal. What did the sideline reporters have to say, concerning if these two would see any action at all? What happens in or to Vegas, stays in Vegas. On the “out” list was S. Harris. Not the Viking Harrison S. Not rock bassist Steve, rather a pair of defensive safeties that make up the S.
Where has the poison summer gone? Taking the form, in final fashion, of the temptation caused by a said-to-be gorgeous Minnesotan at Lakefront Park sporting a bathing suit even though we are now in October. Alas, one piece not two.

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The game is on soon, and the heat is on. How will it play out in real time, not the two-minute-drill that can take ten minutes if on the actual clock? We will see. Here’s what to watch for when watching:
— Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben meet for the first time since a Super Bowl barrage, although both have more than one look-alike at Dick’s Bar. What’s in a (last) name? Suffice it to say this is a Double R. Like the birthdays hawked on a sports bar sign, Roy and Ruby. Same day or at least week. So step aside, Kozy Korner, if only for a moment.
— Tom Brady says the way his transfer to Tampa Bay was dealt with was “perfect.” Local servers used to say “no worries,” and one just did to me, but it is now retro back to “perfect.” And Big Bill says Brady could possibly play until 50. So take heart Packers and Rodgers fans, for many mores seasons of wins that are not for the faint of heart, like last weekend. But you know the Patriots will have something more to say about his longevity come this weekend’s historic, by all accounts, matchup as you know they will be coming after him. So a heart attack with Gisele may not be what does him in.
— Will Urban Meyer finally win a game with his new Big City team, Jacksonville. He has an 0-4 start. Life in the NFL might be tougher than at his former football factory, Ohio State. Don’t don’t say that to my in-laws, huddled around the tube for every game in their Buckeye attire, with all eyes on another title run, even after being transplanted to the Twin Cities.

As far as concerts that indeed go on, or do not go down, one could say that even these days The Song Remains The Same. Just the circumstances play out differently, as far as who indeed plays.
For starters, the CNN mega-concert with dozens of name bands was to mark the quasi-official reopening of New York City, and one could argue that it was done too soon or too late. It turned out that because of Hurricane Henri, and likely to some degree the virus also, the show never went on — even though Anderson Cooper hung in there until the bitter end to see if he could see it come to fruition. A postponement or delay, as opposed to pure cancellation. It turned out to be the latter. but this ended up being the queen of dead air for a few hours — Anderson, you could have at least played your air guitar. As it was, this big music fan and thusly chosen for the gigless gig, was very disappointed, but it gave him the chance to Wanna Be A Rock Star and interview the acts that could not play, except for that set of impromptu gigs that were done somewhere between the backstage and the dressing room.
So, for much of the evening Anderson was on camera to the right, with an empty stage shown to the left, filling that time by asking many more questions than you normally have time for when a journalist. This was an attempt to save the concert that had been pumped by CNN for days, even featuring a New Year’s Eve-style, many hour-by-hour countdown. He as wowed by Barry Manilow who said all this was playing out to be great anyway, as he got part of his set in. There was some of this before the rains came. But I have to say, if Barry is the standard …
And that stage looked like one I saw at a Mayhem death metal concert. Tall and dark and grim, but with dark blue lights rolling across the top and a bit of actual lighting sprinkled in. And in the Big Apple, a few hardcore fans filtered in also. But there would be nothing that would rock you to the core, as Springsteen was the hardest rockin’ act that was on the bill. But the winner take all, or most, of the night was Mother Nature because by the near-end toward the news hour, the announcement was made that the headliners and others would not go on. Patti Smith was the one who evoked that nature reference.
More soon on other acts, this time mostly local or regional even if that means its presented later, who did get to fit the bill and went on despite similar circumstances with the weather, and on top of that the pandemic too. How dealt with by Jeff and Vox.

OK, this is sports by the numbers, a followup on all those 40-points-plus performances in the NBA Finals, not to mention the pursuit of Perfect 10s in the Olympics:
— All this percentage-based jokestering started when QB Tom Brady made a funny while being feted at the White House, saying that only 40 percent of people were of the belief that his team, the Buccaneers, had won the Super Bowl. And of those, only half had it as Gospel. (OK, I added that last part).
— So, here goes more. The color commentators on major network(s) had it that the Bucs as they spelled it, minus the K obviously, could go far in the playoffs. Only 43 percent of people listening made that name distinction. But a full 97 percent from Milwaukee were well aware. That number dipped to 83 percent when you get as far out as Hudson, (and we think we’re so astute here).
— Analyst Charles Barkley early on, when the Bucks (got it right this time) were down by a 2-0 factor, said they still could go all the way. A full 17 percent agree with him — and almost half think he has a psychic advisor — an initial number that is small because of our relatively small population base here in the Midwest. The percentage that agreed with him dwindled to single digits out on either coast, and when we are talking Phoenix itself, dropped to a rate that is statistically insignificant (love that phrase). But among those who follow the money, the hundreds of dollar bills, as in bucks, that were dropped for effect on the TNT studio, three-quarters are dream believers.
— That crazy-eyed man, who goes by the name of Portis, was thought by 54 percent of those polled (yeah right) to be a better fit with the WWE that he has signed onto, than the NBA exclusively. But only 32 percent thought he was as crazy eyed and could be played out as such, as Hulk Hogan. But the Hulkster is taking dance lessons from Portis, 15 percent believe, based on his now-even-more-famous jaunt down the length of the side of the court that got him a technical, even though the ball went out of bounds off a Sun.
— Then, 77 percent said that Chris Paul was a little too muscular and heavy to be a quick guard. But that number reverted when they saw him toss in a fallaway shot over that much taller Greek Guy. And how many thought that Booker wrote the book on looking like a cocky punk, even if he can’t help it, as he has had that smirk grilled into his face for an entire playoff season? Scratching triple digits as a percentage.
— On the flip side, Drue Holiday was thought be 81 percent to be making a cool style statement with his carefully-crafted dreaded locks and white headband, that sometimes got him confused with Portis. But only 17 percent thought he had a crack at a GQ cover. And who is their bigger Midwest head case, this side of Randy Moss? This one is split between Lopez and Tucker.
— But now to the Olympics. Twenty percent agree with me that the newest sanctioned sport, with trials only here in the Midwest, should be righty-lefty synchronized bowling, on adjoining lanes if I have to spell it out for you down south, and that’s a full 63 percent.
— They wanted to play, rather than the National Anthem for winners of U.S. and British gold, and factoring in the virus factor, the song by Blue Oyster Cult, “there goes Tokyo, go go go Godzilla.” Half off you believe me, the same half who bought the previous paragraphs of B.S. Cheers. Joe.

Of dad, you did it again. That is Mr. Dad, garnered all the attention in the way you might of seen with a certain Ms. Garner. And now we are ebbing closer to July Fourth, and dad will be their too, with chest out if it does not lead to a heart attack aided and abetted by too much meat and potatoes and gravy.
So, here are some observations from the music scene, and that would have to be classic rock, or maybe dad’s favorite and also the fave of the state, since its been dressed up as he official dance tuneage via tuba of Wisconsin — the polka.
The sign says the name of the business is Dad’s Mustache. The other part of the sign is for a psychic shop. So when he going to go there to finally trim off that “soup-sifter?” Only the soothsayer across the hall in that strip mall knows for sure, and she’s not saying unless all the kids, and his wife, team up to pony up a bunch of dough in order to sooth their minds, about the about-face.
Down the road about the distance dad said he had to walk in winter with snow drifts almost as high, to get the that half-room (or so he says) schoolhouse, is a place called Mob Pizza. Dad has tales about that too, although he never did actually stare down Dillinger or Capone, while up north of here, over that last slice. (But if it were JUST pepperoni and sausage, and not all that funny stuff …) And back in Hudson there is the Mob salon, back to that mustache thing, where it could be The Mob Rules, back in Dio Days, when all the band members had not only long hair, but almost as long a ‘stach.

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They say hope springs eternal, season reference, and the time for that season including there nature of being political, spirituality based in this time of renewal, the way that plays out in various holidays with the greater need that is out there, and maybe they are all linked to each other — and not just an internet term.

I must segue to a new friend who was playing on the jukebox mongo metal songs. I liked her choices and told her so. The bottom line? The lady’s name is indeed, Hope, and there just has to be some irony there. No Dark Side Of The Moon, too light in tone, but Pink Floyd is deeply troubled right now about the death at the hands of police by someone with that surname. But springing, again that term, from all this is “hope” that sometime soon, with the attention being given, we will all just find a way to get along. Until then, The H word — Local H and remember them? — is the buzz word that keeps on popping up and thus keeps itself at the forefront, making us revisit its merits. Buzz words, in reality are are just that, but this one today is far more poignant and pervasive, and thus tells the tale.

So, what follows is a listing, somewhat chronological, of the way that buzz word that is Hope has been referenced by name these days in places like a whole variety of social media outlets. And if even they can win the game, there is indeed hope.

My aunt Marian, who has her own concerns to worry about but still has kept me in mind with some of the current challenges in my life, sent a specialty Christmas card labeled  on the front and center on its cover, A Christmas Hope, and may it linger long within your heart. The salutation “Sincerely” underscored the point. A solicitation to benefit those in far greater need, from the Salvation Army, used that very hope word to end its long, prime sentence and reinforce the pitch and the need for it. This was a followup to a similar request at Thanksgiving, but the sheer need a month later had evolved even more, and the ante was upped and the word hope was invoked, where it had only indirectly been present in November. In a second plea, in reverse order of sentence structure, was the request from Second Harvest Heartland. “I’ll give hope to hungry …”  And for their third go-round, there was the charitable option provided by a “Hope Box label.”

But all charity does not have to start with home. A man who is transient and has been aided in various but small ways by HudsonWiNightlife, has now ended up in Vegas! Again, there has to be some irony there. But it’s not always, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. A holiday card trying to reach him came here, in North Hudson, with a message of hope, from the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center. I’m guessing that more and more these days, their dance card (and other card games) are full. Could it be, as sung by Steely Dan: No black cards will make you money, so you hide them when you’re able. But in the Land of Milk and Honey, you must put them on the table. But no, oh no, neither the Vegas Resiliency Center, or HudsonWiNightlife, or even one of my fave downtown bartenders Terry, wish to judge.

————————————— ————————————– ————————

So here goes my more extended spiel on legendary rock music, the harder the more insightful, as concerns Good Friday/Easter. And I will now try to localize all this lyrical analysis, as believe it or not, most of these guys have played concerts right here in St. Croix County, and there is much more of this type of content coming from me once the Music Is Here Again. But for the moment, I refer to another classic song, although lighter in tone,  “The three men I admire most, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, caught the last train for the coast, the day the music died.”

Ozzy Osbourne as the Prince of Darkness? That’s so much crap built up by the mainstream media — that’s not us — although the singer and composer plays along with it to laugh at himself and if people don’t look deeper, they won’t get it. Ozzy has replied to such accusations via his music not interviews, (check out Rock ‘N’ Roll Rebel). He got the ball rolling on the spiritual side, although a bit dark, to be presented in a quasi-religious way, with his classic song Ironman. It is about a messiah who returns to earth to right the ship by taking to task those who did not help him when he was first here and among us — Judas Priest reference also — and the religious leaders and their false piety  really get raking over the coals in Black Sabbath songs. But to all you literalists out there, this is a parable, not a statement of historical or religious fact, about what we should get a race for screwing up the gift of free will. There are unmistakable references to other Biblical parables such as the Good Samaritan story, “we’ll just pass him there, why should we even care?” And also the ascension: “He was turned to steel, in the great magnetic field, when he traveled time, for the future of mankind.”

But the upshot about the Christian holiday upon us: “Vengeance from the grave, kills the people he once saved.” In short, God is not to happy with us right now. But this song is straightforward, while its sequel Bark At The Moon, is a much more complex tale about the descent into hell: “Years spent in torment, buried in a nameless grave, now He has Risen, miracles would have to save …. They killed and buried him alone … and thought his timeless soul had gone …” You get the picture.

(The video shows Ozzy hamming it up like only he can, as a mad scientist, and running downward deeper and deeper into a cavern) Again, you get it. But not all do. A pastor friend of mine and I discussed this song between sets at a rock band playing at the old Dibbo’s, and he thought this was a representation of some sort of demonic folklore. Maybe it is both? But again to such literalists, you have to take into account the liberties of artistic freedom. Christ was in the grave only three days, we are told, not years …

Bands playing such themes were countless when OzzFest came rolling though to Somerset, just up the road, each summer. You didn’t get top billing on the main stage unless you had such spiritual things to say. And on the way back to the freeway, Ozzy and the guys were known to have stayed overnight at the bigger Hudson motels — mixed messages about if any rooms got trashed. I apparently had a handle on such things, in my reporting for major Upper Midwestern newspapers, as I rose to a first name basis with Ozzy’s publicist in New York, Ada Adame. (I actually saw a music commentator online recently by that same uncommon surname). We would reconvene each June for what would be happening in July. but when Sharon took over things and all became corporate, even thought she probably saved Ozzy’s life, and the relationship died off on the vine. Sharon, thusly, has been labeled online as possibly the most polarizing figure in metal history.

And all of course, is not in a name. The old band that surged forward when metal was put on the map in the mid-1980s, W.A.S.P., has been rumored to be short for We Are Satan’s People.  Again, so much crap. One of their biggest hits was Golgotha, you may recall that was the hill where Christ met the final part of his fate, and the chorus was short but telling, “Jesus we need you now.” Interestingly, the figure on the cross in the video is shrouded in dark gloom, so you can’t be sure if it is Christ or one of those crucified alongside him.

This brings me back full circle to Dream Theater. So if you are starting to thing like I and other metalheads do, what might you say to the idea that “seas rise and then fall again,” could be loaded with sexual imagery, or could seem to be a slam of Herod and Pilate and the Roman Empire that would not stand the test of time. And lastly, the reference to the lowly sparrow and his next meal, which just to clue you in, seems to be referring to those who should not worry about the trials in their lives, because God will take care of it.

With that, no more dark theology, but since it is now time for sunrise services and then egg hunts, Alleluia.

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The challenges to the presidential election are very much waning, but the flags that fly and send home a message on these themes are still out and about, and the sheer volume of their presence waxes and wanes with the season, but as always it comes down to the fact that it’s their size rather than their numbers that matter. And in a big yard, the message can be overt even though that big accompanying sign with few words, just last names, might be well away from the sidewalk. Foot-high DTs and MPs. However, there were neighbors whose candidate lost out, where the signs were already on election night tucked away in the garage — until we presume four years from now. Or maybe two, but I digress.

The flags that remain, along with banners that speak the same, tend to be bigger and bolder, and they can still be noticed because they can approach the length of a bed-sheet — Donald you gotta have A Whole Lotta Love for that reference — and the more Republican that is the sponsor, the more they loom large, tend to stay put and thus have staying power (is this a last act of defiance?) They can now even be found flying in new places, such as their pole being thrust into the trunk of a tree, and to get that insertion on an oak is a tough haul. Christmas decorations took precedence for a while, like on a neighbor’s house where a full thirty feet away from the holiday-themed doorway, at the far corner where the siding headed toward the back yard, has been propped the Old Glory pole, but only in recent weeks.

With recent snow, an older gent was shoveling off each of the 15 stairs leading to his deck, with The Stars And Stripes watching over him. Passing-by was a truck that was not a Dump Trump vehicle, but still sported flags and messages, although more like those Packer things on a plastic handle that are the size of a large working man’s glove A far cry from some of the big flag on each corner of a payload, including the blind spot, four-by-fours that reined before rains turned to snow.

Others were flagged even more often, such as the case when a homeowner was taken to task on social media locally for flying the flag up-side-down. Also a target was Gov. Walz, and the writer, in turn, was chastised by another writer asking that civility rein. Eggs that are sunny-side-up these days do not merit as much attention. Another head-turner, this time at a local shop, featured not a white elephant but a blue one! The marquee at Casanova Historic Liquors has featured different variations on the same sentiment: Hip sip hurrah, for both the election FINALLY being near and the New Year EVEN MORE FINALLY in the books to bury 2020.

And there is a time in the season for all things, and they show by the number of high-flying flags that could be seen erected, almost overnight, at some junctures. They appeared en masse in mid-August, moreso than even had been their Fourth of July presence. After Labor Day the spike continued, and reappeared right after Halloween was gone. Now, it is common to see big flags flown in big groups, as it would seem many same blocks of neighbors are like-thinking. Also appearing late and being taken down early were those blue banners big on befriending marginalized groups of every race or creed or color or gender or age … Hey, they used more words to describe it than I just did.


As far as the KQ metal and other music mania as it concerns Christmas covers, it will as you would know from the holiday I just mentioned go on for a few more days. So what’s old gets really old. So I hope to refresh it by having a metal-head holiday classic changed up and taken to a new level (yeah right).

Anyway, here goes my take on “Santa Claus” the remake of Iron Man by Black Sabbath. The deeper you go in, after a starter opening quote, the more of it is original to me, as that is kind of a obligation for such things (sorry Ozzy).

How much does he weigh, how do the reindeer pull his sleigh.

How long’s the fruitcake been, may have to notify next of kin.

Santa’s gig is clear, he only works one day a year.

Have to string for AP, don’t fret Mrs. Clause, you’ll have your spree.

The other 363 to hit the beer, as UC money will cover it dear.

Down the chimney he gets stuck, so he screams what the (censored).

Merry Christmas from old Joe, Xmas gifts mean no money to blow.

(I”m sure Ozzy would give his British accent turn to “been,” ala the fruitcake).

A final happy holidays. Just make sure to “share” the Yuletide joy. JW

And now a final thought, based on a thought from My No. 1 fan, who thought this post was “A-Mazing.”  A little known fact. It was “a-maze” of corn of the ancient Mayans, not Iowans, that gave Santa the idea way back when to go for such treasures worldwide and pad his coffers, in order to feed his reindeer. Am I getting too squirrely? Now I have to blip back and add this verse: “Heard Rudolph got together with Prancer. Did they produce a Tiny Dancer?”

Hey This Is Christmas And What Have You Done? Or do you still have to do. Since the Taste Great,
Less Filling meat-and-more dish rules what the “roost” will be, so we’ll lead with that tip or two, then
quickly revert to different takes on grazing food, which may be what the old and not so old kids focus
on prior to gifts being opened, and the bird is still is the oven. And if you are someone pressed for
time, as say your classes are finally done — whether in the classroom or done remotely, possibly he
same difference, might make you so accessible that it bites into time even more, as where the calendar
falls might make this late this year … Or there is that one last work project that extends into Christmas
Eve Day, then here you go, with what you already have in-hand and sort of heavy on the snack end,
make the most of it without really purchasing anything and still rock your party.
And then for other side of eats. Flavor up your chicken breast with chopped coconut and mint leaves,
and apply maple syrup or other such sweet but dark brown flavors, as they are quite a few, to taste.
With green beans, you may make it holiday happen by taking bits of candied nut from that fruitcake
and sprinkle them on top, or go a different direction and put on crumblings from bacon or part of your
Christmas ham.
Little wieners can leap to new heights when you take the little Vienna ones, lightly pickled in a can for
as little as 43 cents, and touch it off with other flavors such as light BBQ sauce, the relatively tangy
kind. Stick a toothpick through and maybe stuff some bacon between. (Adjust with a dollop of a
differently spiced sauce). And since this is Christmas, I have to reference the classic Grinch tale, which
makes a big deal out of roast beast — and it probably was already aired all over the Old School TV a
couple of weeks ago, as We All Go and push the holidays forward. Is there no such animal? Try out,
just to be different, venison dishes or Bison as there are local farms with this that probably could use
your financial support, (even think antelope), or even all kinds of other game that does not always,
depending on how you prep it, taste gamey — there are a boatloads of opinions out there about the
different nuances. Check them out on the Internet.
Stuffing can be dribbled onto many meats, as well as green beans, or even a bit on corn or some
combinations of them with mixed veggies. Note that the Stovetop brand has the smallest cubes and
more dust.
Corn flakes and many other cereals — of course Chex and various toasted Ohs — can be sprinkled
across entrees and also used as part of a trail mix. Mix and match or take it half and half, and even in
quarters of a bowl, along with mixed nuts or tortilla chips — and mix together all different spiced
flavors of the latter, as there are many available even last minute and in the same section of aisle at
most stores.
Get the kids involved, as I always say, with choosing the mixture you’ll make with various pasta
shapes, and hot peppers in red or green salsa, or a kind that’s largely clear, then add in sliced bell
peppers and onions, as there are four of each kind, carrots, green beans and corn for a differing taste.
Stick in not only peppers of various types, but all things Italian as far as sauces and sausage into
medium or large pasta shells, the type of which type will determine the exact ingredients and how they
are sliced.
Try out tapioca pudding, whether small pearl or otherwise sized, with red or dark berries of various
types along the rim. And what else, not a fruit I don’t think, could be placed around the edges of an
entree? Various flavors of Ramen noodles, just a bit with the perfect sauce of your choosing sprinkled
across the top, and here are the big four, beef (get the primo but most pricey meat-flavor involved),
chicken, pork and shrimp (this is where you can let your very creative juices flowing, and almost all of
them will have some merit, think all kinds of Asian. If you need a boost in your mostest, check out the
big Asian foods truck that is always out front of Dick’s Bar at closing, for ideas, but maybe not at the
appointed 2 p.m. time slot we have become used to).
Cole slaw can use all kinds of various veggies, again be creative and it doesn’t have to be green, and
variety can be served by making its presentation half and half between sweet and sour dressings (and
yes that’s two ot them).
On regular salad, too, chefs can dump in all kinds of veggie, meat and cheese toppings, (check the
back of your crisper drawer), and on a different course, even some fruits that are apples and oranges
and other of that round large shape, or pomigranite. And only need a touch of a meat to flavor it out,
but not more than an ounce or two, try the good old Buddig packets. And if you are that mentioned
college student on limited means, (can you say the loans you may have out?), this might be the best
use of that money the parents are sure to give you.
<Spice, spice baby, and for older boys and girls>
Here is the other side of the story, as far as holiday cookies and the like, which you might be pressed
for time to do in advance, here is a flavorful pick and choose guide.
Allspice is the holy trinity of spices, as useful as oregano, which goes with all kinds of things.
Cardamon is present behind the scenes of all kinds of teas and other drinks.
Cloves can often be found in “leather studded” hams, and you know the guys from Judas Priest likely
love that.
Peppercorns can be as popular as well, hot peppers, although the heat is not on as consistently.
You can be working with a thick sauce in the following case, so some mixing of stuff can bring just the
right heat to the taste. If you have a Christmas birthday, a true gift might be the free bottle of sauce
that is offered at Buffalo Wild Wings (you likely will have to produce ID, even if you did at the door).
My favorite servers recommend something along the lines of Caribbean jerk sauce, which when mixed
with water — or something else — produce just the right level of zing. And you can share this gift with
a friend.
Saffron can be used in drinks such as wine, not just foods.
The guy (we’re obviously assuming that) who wrote online about star anise, might have gotten the
words transposed, as it also appears under various names. That does not necessarily mean the
different names reflect different tastes.
Vanilla bean we assume is like vanilla extract, where it pumps up the volume on alcohol level to close
to a 50 percent level, and it may even be covered by EBT. If you have the right dessert recipe, it may
be a cool party on the government dollar.
Mulling spice is sort of a hodge-podge of great tastes — not unlike when I reviewed the Black
Crowes in a Somerset concert and they were half standard rocking out, and half a mix of all different kinds of folk with odd-ball-for-a-rock-concert instrumentation — and the spice starts with Golden Milk from what we assume was a red-hot momma.

And now, as you have waited, for something completely different … Some snow, actually, and not the British kind, but in a bit more volume, what all those Minnesotans will try to get away from. But in North Hudson we have an incorporated village where you can ride an ATV on all but the main drag. As we try to slip in something beyond the polls, North and South.

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

<<This scant bit of snow has opened the door for more activities, small in scale as they might be. Might they carry over to nightlife for the average Hudson bar regular?>>

The plows may not have been out too much yet, an hour after the inch of snow ebbed on Sunday night, they had gotten Hwy. 35 basically bare, the secondary roads halfway with their one fell swoop or two each direction, and but nothing much yet on strictly residential streets. (Enter Sandman?) You would think that the plowing budget would have a lot more under the cap yet this season, but I’m sure they will get it all prior to all those people from Prior Lake and beyond hitting This City Of Rock And Roll in a big way, and it will be allowed until close, as will be the case with the three weekdays following. (For the record, funny term with most of the music gone, the closure in the city of Hudson is at 10 p.m. Thursday through Saturday). And that goes also for you from the State That The Bars Forgot. Or should I say Forgot Its Bars? Either way. But will our Big Country, actually just Minnesconsin, see a white Christmas? For right now lets evoke another holiday just past and be more thankful for all those flakes we have.

And how does this max out, something that was being missed by the one person in our entire neighborhood who was digging out before he would have to really dig in, he and his very young partner who thought he was stealing the show with his shovel-work? Two riders were approaching, OK a few blocks away on yes, their ATVs that are kosher in North Hudson on all but that now bare main highway, and gotta say that some things like that just work out. They weaved in a major fishtail through most of the length of a side street, coasted through a stop sign at a secondary paved road, (one a rolling stop more than the other), than proceeded onto another side street. But then I also saw hard to miss signs of such weaving on the secondary road itself, this time on a curve no less. Down further a car that had to turn into a driveway continued forward  a few more yards to get past a pedestrian, and in the process had to slide for a couple of feet before being able to do its turn. And not on the catwalk like Right Said Fred, this is far too cold, but at least no wind.



Oh, I have been schooled in the old school way about my rimless margarita tip, (see about a week ago in The Headliner department), both by someone selling shoes or something — I believe her name was Margarite and God Bless Her in her effort — but also someone claiming to be Jimmy Buffett!! Or was it the local man with a dead-on, hot and cool tribute band In His Name, can’t really say. But they concur. Surprising to me, coming from thus, was that one-quarter of that cup of cooking wine was tooo much, and should be reduced to one-fifth of a glass or less — and be sure That It Is Known that it is say an ounce or less, not a full fifth flask as you would see on a beach before a sea turtle snapped it up, and in no way could find the water after such. And this is free with EBT related, so follow the rules, or They Will Come Getcha! But how did this revelation come about? “Wearing my flop top, stepped on a pop top, cut my heal so I headed back home …” Don’t know how this follows having a glass, not a flask, as I have been told repeatedly that I am not to judge about or even think about myself, but the mix got him through, via EBT, until the EMTs came. At first the folks that brought him in treated him like scum or a bum or both — would they do that? Of course they would — but when finding out who he was not only gave him an antibiotic but a pedicure! But in the name of rehabilitation, they said, and I now concur, not to give even more than a dash of rum, (white or dark), to the aforementioned cocktail. So let it be said, so let it be done, so the sirens in the background stop. But joking aside, let’s now lets back to the real world, let up on both the cooking wine and the rum, and you will have the latter last you until next year at this time when we are again contemplating When The Poison Summer Is Gone, with The Eagles overhead. Save up enough money for more than a pedicure, get a manicure too. And make up the difference with cola, or even Dr. Pepper, (more on that later), or even a wedge of orange, lemon or slime — oh I meant lime — via your EBT. And wait? What about ice cubes. My guy I quoted has a long lost cousin living off the land in the arctic, who has come here because things got Key West balmy due to global warming. But this can be a good thing! The maples that sprouted up in his backyard a stone’s throw from the North Pole will not be bearing syrup until, well right about now, but he couldn’t wait to try out the recipe with the addition of some maple syrup to grace the bottom. Chow! (And not Chowhound the foodie web site).

<<And on the topic of turbulent, and not being a rush to judgement, since the Vikes put on a late rush but could not catch the Packers, so Minnesota had to pack it in. Attendance? What attendance? Who was where? A clue is that the NFL published on a website that there was no one in the stands. How did the local sports bars and the house parties fill the gap? Another clue is that there was an open parking-lot space or two where a couple of motorcyclists and their riders had found an even more open opportunity when the pandemic first hit and people wanted to get North Hudson offsale and delivery. Check out more of who viewed and how in the Uncategorized department of this web site; and you could say the Lingerie Football League sent you, (to be an announcer?>>

? How long can an “opening” truly be open, as an opening for a writing possibility, as it implies that it’s something that just happened, and if not then the case for making that case is closed. Until something more over the top gets going again, as it will and we will keep you posted, this is cool enough to have foodie stuff rise to the surface, like that well done French soufle, this is a blatant plug for other make-food-work-as-in-Saved By Zero, as that could be your full ticket price to save enough for that occasional T-Bone. This is not to be confused with T-Buckets near Somerset, where you might find more of the same, and on this web site, that can get your monthly food budget — even comfort food and don’t we like that for cheap — down to a few nickels or dimes. Go to the previous post and others about a dozen down to see ways that you can make that huge “eats” savings happen, with stuff you have already setting in your kitchen cabinets, fridge, freezer. I’ll continue to make it easy, so all you need is a Lazy Susan. Hey, this is no cut on your own food rehab skills. Sorry …
(Did I not write something like that a couple of weeks ago on openess? Oh you suffering HudsonWiNightlife reader! But at the risk of more dedundancy, check out these new versions of what seems to be boundless new opportunties. What is old is new again? And I’m opening it up.)
Other signs of these turbulant times include adding, in this case usually in the singular, as if it typically would need to be said at all, that seating for dining is available “inside,” multiple mentions on signs saying “open” in the same stretch of right-of-way and in recent days doubly in number, adding also a plug on Dominion Avenue of one of the many newer farmer’s market on Thursdays, one that aired Holiday Station Store specials and thus precluding their earlier pump for their glorious free coffee to pandemic “heroes” such as first responders and health care workers; and do you not think you could be included, after reading all these tips. This was an effort that also merited flyers throughout the area, an ongoing sock-shaped pitch for among others, Pita Pit in the form of their wind-sock on a stick, and a larger-than-life liftout that had letters several feet high on a billboard on the other side of the freeway.
In other such “news” if that’s the right term for banners on food beyond basics:
— The Hudson House Grand Motel has never hawked its cozy but roomy for a lodging place, tables-surrounding-the-center-bar-counter — which would be shut down these days if in Minneapolis under their decree — but now its grand sign has them opening at 4:30 six days a week, with food available at two different places in-house if only early. Used to be, as I found in my search for more ad clients, that if you say, were waiting to check out the Monday Night Football halftime show, you’d find the door from the lobby locked shut. No more.
— Green Mill has listed on the south side of their parking lot, that it was for their venue only — which was a hoot because they’ve, to their credit, ordained a 90 minute minimum for table seating, no matter group size. That butted heads with the lot from Milwaukee Burger, which has not been as packed as when they opened, but still would at times have cars creeping in on the short median between the two lots. These days, there’s often been a counter with an awning put over their top to dispence their food and drink worthy of Wisconsin, when as a hostess said, the customer traffic merited it on hot days. Likewise at Jimmy John’s, again on the other side of the freeway, fashioned in a way that it would be half-sun/half-shade through the course of open hours. But the last time I checked, what was thought of as the greatest draw, the cash register on site under the sun, had been taken away (possibly because it was over the dinner hour, not lunch when the sun is in a different position).
— I just have to add this mention, not so much about when you are open, but what you sell. Casanova’s Historic Liquors, (they told me so), said they should be visited for a back to school special. Hope those “kiddies” are older college students and no one in a younger grade. And then for finals: “Hard times call for hard liquor,” and then giving a phone number. Don’t they know this is a age of social media? But nothing surprises me much anymore, ‘cuz when I was that age, I was shocked that a few friends a bit older were shooting speed to get that A or at least B on the mid-term, then maybe stay awake to actually listen to that opening lecture (you know the one where the prof tells you all kinds of things that should be self-explanatory, such as what “tablet” to use — endorsement on a then-meager teacher’s salary — and what page to open to, “and I’ve got my pencil,” then sang David Lee Roth). Thusly, the hot soon-to-be-grad student did not invite me to her “study” party. Sniff, sniff.

Maybe that chipmunk would not have its goose cooked on another Labor Day, if the stakes were high enough to not be overthrown. That brings about a full discourse on what to use to make other steaks and additional food for a full early-September get-together, tips for tenderloin au jus or not.

Monday, September 7th, 2020

Can this holiday be a labor of love? If you’re hearty, and you have not done anything with the horseshoe pit yet — and we are not necessarily talking a pig roast — here’s a tip for getting the guests not to outstay their welcome.
In the sacred game of horseshoes, set up in late August due to it being a favorite of my getting elderly dad, the pace was slow. Horseshoes were rolling a greater distance then what they were airborne, making even people in a first-and-ten distance away need to dance out of danger. Odd Uncle Sid thought that him hitting a chipmunk who then redirected and stumbled into the stake — not that steak — constituted a “leaner.” But even though it didn’t have enough fatty tissue to qualify, and had not slammed a beer to get disoriented, the points were taken off the board before they were even up — this is a low-tech family function, with no fast electronics to get up a 3 that looked like a 2 with a couple of lights burned out.
As the afternoon wore on, and another even more invasive game for us oldsters beckoned, something clearly had to be done to score high evnough to end this charade. So in times even more desperate then the virus holding sway over there in Milwaukee, Joe has an idea. He picks up the two horseshoes and issued a warning to watch out even if you’re much further away than that disoriented chipmunk who carried forward, then slammed into the nearest oak tree, but not hard enough to shake acorns. (And as I thought of the upcoming throw, my childhood came back, when I actually killed a gopher in such a toss that I’m sure was motivated by some kind of interstate battle). So it was time for a double grip, and after saying the real motivation was to score double points, and end it all, the game that is, I put BOTH horseshoes in the same right hand and tossed away as one. Alas, no points were scored, or even close, but a booby prize did beckon for me. Dad thought we should call it a tie, then made a great lofty looping motion to have steel hit steel before someone threw out their back, or other place. .
But what else to German families do, at an event like this, which was after all my niece Amanda’s wedding — we eat. Breakfasts and brunches, and lunches, and snacks, and dinners and suppers and at midnight more snacks, with trips to the medicine chest for muscle aches throw in the mix because of throws.
So, as promised by HudsonWiNightlife for some time as a part of its mission, and clamored for by … well only me … here is a plan to eat like a German using all that is already on the shelf, and spend nary an extra coin or two. So make that a Hallmark card using the coin saved by eating the leftovers that were left over. Then there is more dough for a stake so brightly colored you can’t miss it.
So German, and as such meats that can be BBQd with sauces that can be more tangy/smoky/spicy, and seasoned to taste — try a combo of any number of different spices in like amounts, and even just a couple will do, with something like ketchup or tomato sauce, or even pizza sauce, as a base. Looking in my cupboard, I’m seeing right off the bat, various forms of peppers from hot to mild, and still pungent or even sweet, brown sugar, a touch of ground black or crushed red and even a bit more-like-all-spice-tinged pepper, curry or cumin, and even tomato basil as a secondary ingredient, and don’t forget the oregano. Garlic if hearty?
Various forms of mustard, ground up and single in color, can also be championed and placed on each individual piece of a meat that is coined and skewered, and bell peppers, onions and mushrooms can even carrots can complete the mix. Dip them one by one before piercing and place your choice of small greenery such as cabbage between the skin on each. A suggestion if in the Upper Midwest, to start off the ensemble with only a few minutes of late shopping, is $1.99 for five Klements brats and other sausages at many Kwik Trip convenience stores right now. Hot dog packs in the chicken and pork style can even be found for around a buck or less at Aldi. And those steaks are not cut in purely circular form right? So help little Johnnie help you arrange them on what could look like a map of the Midwest, but give him long, thick gloves and for sure forceps and put him make it into a game by giving a time limit. Caution! If you see him falling behind your clock a bit, give help and more time, so he or she do not burn themselves by rushing. Make this an easy going contest, top off the aluminum foil, and wait until the heat is subsided, and the grill parts low in height.
But with that cabbage, there can be cole slaw, and as said before in this column, raid your refrigerator for the two basic items that can make the dressing, mayo or simply salad dressing, and sugar and poppy seed to taste. Be careful of any dietary needs that can crop up and cause the seeds to catch in down below. And maybe just a touch of lemon for a bit more spunk. Where did I get this idea? Thought it up myself, but independent of this practice, I was schooled in its measures by both my mom (very recently) and The Cat Lady we know (not for kitty). And the potato salad is easy, throw together some yellow mustard and mayo, then use some of the aforementioned stuff to get it tangier or creamier. (Or a challenge — bits of both).
Afterward, don’t succumb to old myths and do not refrigerate potatoes or tomatoes long, as they will loose their luster and firmness faster. Also, avoid the temptation to pack your fridge or freezer full of breads and buns — save that for other bulky foods such as full length sausages of many varieties. And be very dedicated in how long deviled eggs remain in there, rather eat them on the go between holiday games — and so I’ve been thinking to tell my sister-in-law, who will toss them too fast in my estimation, in just a couple of hours, if out on a table. (Hey, they’re great, I’ll bite). They can then match up with the sauerkraut in short form, and struedal in long form.

What, reverse order? And did I reverse it again? I think that’s a leprechaun thing, and he did not get enough of his full-filling gags in a cut-short holiday, even for Paddy Ryan’s, who again cries for relief from such crunches from closures? Well it goes on and on and on, as more crucial dates on the calendar mount, and did he put some funny dust in my green tea? You decide.

Monday, July 6th, 2020

The lines have been drawn, as many pub and grills have done their best to reduce table seating to safety limits by simply moving straight backward many massive pieces of furniture, to the point where all or nothing presence of what’s allowed on top the linolium can smack of inefficient planning and giving no heed to the long lines of thin tables, at times from nearly one end of a large room to another, that could easily be more condensed. (There’s just no need for any now-created dance floor that is so big it will hardly ever be even half-full). This push-it-out-of-the-way often appears to be done on a wing and a prayer, although not a Little Wing, as that wing-it-ness would not consider stage room for a Hendrix and Vaughn.
But at Paddy Ryan’s Irish Pub in the town of Hudson, it still is done with all the organization-of-icons-is-artlike ambition of a Celtic Cross. That was clear when a day before their recent reopen-the-dining-area thrust, and even early on in that precursor day where before they’d be serving their breakfast that features just as ambitious use of ingredients that are Irish through-and-through with other twists added, the owner and others of his staff were hard-at-it getting the tables hoisted across the midway to the multiple wings, where they were two-deep in front of the huge and high windows that help bring light to nu-Irish dinners, but still spread out enough both lengthwise and up-and-down to be safe to be sure. And in the center of that arrangement in the large dining hall, is a single big table, easily able to sit four like a clover of that many pedals, with the obligatory six foot of floor between this crown jewel and its queen, and the other tables that fill only-perfectly the gap like a synapse so others can partake in parsnips fit for a princess.
Over-the-top-verbage, no doubt, but befitting those who are fantastically fair and find us fascinated before the fall. All of this well-thought-out spaceousness, right upon first sight, brought back memories of a fast friend, a wisp of a lass who I have not seen for many a year, but for whom many would ride many a mile. Sound like Irish prose? Her hair did not have all the red brightness of some, rather it was more subtle, with her no-wasted-slight-curves bringing on the attention, and though she could definitely not mix in with a crowd, her still slim frame would still make her in some people’s eyes have a presence known well before they could even peer into her a-bit-dark eyes. Maybe that is what has just caused me with my mind’s eye, to notice before the blowing wind could change the angle of my gaze, that the last time I’d seen her, she was poised in the very seat of the four that I remember should be given the preferred position befitting royalty.
Cripe did I lay that on thick. Maybe better for you to go see for yourself this big and slightly redacted White Room With (Green) Curtains At The Station, and have Paddy Ryan’s staff deliver what’s among their dozens of kinds of food that are thusly laying it on thick, sauce and accompaniments, and fit for a prince. Hey, the wait staff can now get it to you so much faster, going a route that’s almost as the crow flies, so enjoy. I will.

This man’s story as he headed east, and needed to make it blazing a trail just a bit: Fight that fire with fire(works), Venture store style, as far as where you shop. If time means you can’t wait to get to your fave spot and shoot off, enlist the help of Venture Fireworks, in order to exercise your Right To (Promptly) Party

Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Let me venture a guess that Venture Fireworks in the town of Hudson would never let you have as bad an experience as a Minnesconsin man over a two-day period at one of those big box stores further into St. Croix County. The locally owned and operated store simply handle customer traffic, which is plentiful enough to show their popularity, much better in part via use of their large staff that just keeps racing around but fully under control and thus use their Wisconsin work ethic. They keep the shelves full of all the many choices, to the point of getting on their knees or being prostrate with the just-the-right-size items in order to restock each particular shelf, so there never was a need for customers, although legion, to wait at all — unlike the ordeal you are about to read with a place further toward Eau Claire.
The lines in Roberts were not only out the door, but stretched well into the parking lot, however not quite as far as the porta-potties around the corner that would salvage a use for the wait. At the end of the night there, when it was clear that in part because of remaining people, some of whom could not make up their minds about which if any of the inventory items they would buy, people were turned away as the minute hand on the clock moved past half. The promise was made that they would be served a discount if they came back the next day to try again, which likely was not pleasing to the many people from Minnesota there. But when morning came, and potential clients came edging back, their promise of keeping the two-for-one special was disavowed, the area man said. So all those can’t-be-rebagged goods that were present in excessively large quantities in the first place, ended up being really pricey.

It is finished. The lack of many kinds of spiritual fulfillment, that is. And a bit before churches were allowed to be open at 25 percent congregation capacity, you could still find a way to be the 13th disciple, as there was one spot to pray and meditate for that number of hours if you know where to locate it. Or march to the beat of a different drummer and do these things while on a labyrinth, striving to locate a chaplain who just keeps on trucking, boarding the Peace Garden not Train, or while taking a trek through the Cemetery, but not Pearly Gates of Pantera..

Friday, June 5th, 2020

You can still pray and/or meditate under the area social distancing and closure restrictions, if you can locate the right place, but it might not be in a church gathering area itself with a full congregation and you can’t really manage it it with a prayer partner. But still the live-streaming of services, not just the Sunday morning ones, but smaller prayer vigils all weekend long, has become the new way to manifest Mass — even if the few other “essential” activities that had still been done indoors at the churches, rather than just a kibbitz for a very brief moment in the foyer, and now have gone the way of the old Habit, were curtailed — no exceptions — so filming of Father could be done upstairs.
So an old friend of mine who is a solo singer/songwriter and performed for a few months in downtown Hudson, Sarah Pray, is not someone that can get your spritual juices going as a part of a duet with you, or full band, no matter how pretty her long dark locks are, and friendly enough to procure a Sarah Smile. There is not enough room in the current Agave kitchen, up in front, where a full-size table now is, but not one that’s any longer than the one in mother’s kitchen. And forget bringing in another old act, Metal Church, in from any place of worship at all using the out door The 1980s had seen AIDS but not This Virus.
But if you can distance from being near the roadies, if you have any, and don’t require an audience or a rhythm guitar player, there still is one place you can go — and you impromptu concert with yourself can go on for a full 13 hours, including the encore. But like in so many cases these days, you have to limit it to one, even if there is lots of applause from the next room in the “venue” I’m going to suggest, which could have a Seventh Street Entry and First Avenue vibe going on and last a whole 13 hours. That praise would have to be for the main act, who has been pleasing throngs of people, as many as 5,000, for about 2,000 years. And few can just Let Him Be, or be an opening act, but there is a veteran backup band of brothers.
OK, I’ll quit being coy, and tell you a place you can still worship in your own way, and this will have to be satisfying enough for these days when so many options for spiritual expression through things that start with music and take many other forms, have been shut down. If you go to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on Hudson’s east side, and maybe only that place around, the chapel featuring Blessed Sacrament with about 12 pews each, on a right and left side is open for obviously “private” prayer from virtually sun-up to sun-down, each and every day, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. That’s like that all-day worship session that used to be done by the Israelites, much to the chagrin of their even-in-those-days-sometimes-hyper children — and you think you thought Father’s homily was long! Formal observance of Adoration, basically a one word name, has been suspended for a while, meaning a goal for a record number of continuous months with at least one person present just might be in jeopardy. But people can still bring a rosary, though it is not come one, come all. And no ushers.
To weekend update, you no doubt have heard that there as of virtually now are allowance of churches holding their services as long as the capacity isn’t more than 25 percent. The main thrust of the backlash from a governor was faced by Walz in Minnesota, when the Twin Cities archbishop defied the order of no more than ten people at a time being present, and not closer than six feet apart. God won this one again, as there was a relaxation to the “one-quarter” rule announced at basically the same time as a cavaet that objectors wanted more membership at once would not be harshly treated. Not nearly what Jesus faced. That is finished. Forget the Sign, of Peace and Holy Water is not nearly the cherished thing it once was; can’t even take solace in wafting in the part being evaporated. But I think we can allow insence, as long as that chain in front of Father is Really Long. Word is still out on those ushers at the cathedral who have been known to stearnly “suggest” that parishioners not congregate in the back near the area where the cool Navitity and its Holy Family and related members are, rather take a seat while allowing reasonable distance between each other. In Jesus’ day that would have required a lot of straw piles. And no more than three wise men. Shepherds, continue first with your Run To The Hills
There is an obvious question here. Who gets to be part of the chosen few, in this case 25 percent, who can continue in the main area where there are the pews. Can some of those Roman soliders be on retainer and use their skills to keep the percentage from swelling to 26 or 27? Will there be a drawing of lots? Jesus will not be feeding the 5,000. Silly commentary, no doubt. But it shows that even the things we continue to not necessarily be sacred, but shown in practices that edge toward the status of doctrine, can be temporal when tweaked by the likes of men. So take them as and when they come, and don’t, as my wife would say to me, be a Creaster. It was just weeks ago that we were weighing if their even would be an Easter as we’ve known it. So I say get your religiousness in as it is presented in front of you. And if you are like me, that includes music in so many forms.
And now other local varieties to kick in your spiritual: (1) The prayer labyrinth that weaves though much of the outside footage of First Presbyterian Church, within walking distance of St. Patrick’s, although some say it could be even larger, like a couple of those in the Stillwater area from whence their designer hails. (2) The much similar but much bigger cemetery walk from St. Patrick’s, although their Cemetery Gates are on the other end of town, that includes even more woods and more woods. (3) The Transport For Christ chaplain by name of Tim Sackett, who had hailed from the Hudson truck stop and now because truckers are getting their spiritual fix from the radio and such is retired — or as the Catholics would say, in residence — can still likely be found in Hudson proper, and I’m sure would love to talk. Just don’t ask him what he thinks of Ozzy’s Bark at the Moon. (4) The peace garden in the middle of the parking lot at O’Connell’s Family Funeral Home, which is packed full of artful decore and greenery just starting to color out for summer, not exactly a mosh pit since its full of metal and wood and leafy arrangements rather than elbows touching each other and thus respectful of social distancing. But it is at a concert or theater that perhaps we could have learned a way to better get around these things better and sooner, taking the velvet roping approach and putting needed sideways spacing between patrons and only leaving to chance your breath on the back of the fan in front of you. Put another way, only sit on one side of the pew, and leave enough space going forwards and backwards from you so your finely honed falsetto is not too iritating.
There is more for another time, as HudsonWiNightlife is trying vainly not to Ramble On, and the focus even moreso is the the infamous — did I make him so? — Fr. John and his mates. And also, just what is so special to a local man about his almost daily and long excursion to that St. Patrick’s chapel, in part because of who he meets up with, for not quite like the Fishers of Men on the small boat, quite prayfully respecting social but not spiritual distancing.

Where the green ends and that’s a basketfull, white and other colors begin, to make a case for an indeed full case of produce at Family Fresh

Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Working the green game for (hopefully) greenbacks, and not just vegies for what my uncle calls his ground game:
When playing the many other greens, not just grains, no one has the assortment of Family Fresh in River Falls (where my contact is) and New Richmond. There I go way back, way back, when first saw that quite round fruit with little stick em’s sprouting off the sides, with a name I couldn’t even pronounce (read tropical), but hey, a sampling made it clear its got a great taste is all its own. There are literally dozens of such make-a-killing-at-your-dinner-party, (now that they are allowed again, if people don’t hang too much as the buffet table you’ve put out, via Family Fresh and still as current as all their green fare). A reference to a very-much-like-that, aforementioned big fruit even minus the husk but very pineapple, which I just absolutely have to throw in there, is Green Jackfruit in brine. And its not all just all things Green, which can carry forward as a deal the extended St. Patrick’s Day, as many virtually everyone is co-opting, a really cheap, occasional cabbage at a pure 39 percent a pound, but in shades other shapes, colors and sizes that can turn your grad’s fruit tray into a virtual calidoscope.
— That’s just an example of how stuff languishing in your fridge — OK maybe the Jackfuit is a exception –can fill up main things such as your salsa, with other somewhat secondary as-such enhancements, providing with the bounty that simply adds to it — various fruits, crumbled taco chips, and lime and other potato chips, about four in each of category, and that include as a base mayo, BBQ sauce, ketchup, more salsa, and even tofu for those who kinda lost out on Easter and its meatiest. Throw into the mix of the hottest of the hot peppers, and even horseradish sauce, and see who can do with the most flaming throw-in, as this is the time of year for grass fires, amongst the men in the household, who you could have compete to see who could best wolf-down magna, or maybe its You Go Girl .. until at least July Fourth. Screwed up my buddy? There are always those more secret jars of sauces found in a jar down in the basement that could save you from being a fire-breathing dragon, or make needed a Mexican beer, needless to say post-Cinco De Mayo.. With that said, its just over a year now since the whole chili feed thing has been foremost, and then of course motorycle rallies to follow, and with the cold temps and social closures being of paramount concern, the heat has been on so to speak, and it appears lack of participation has been in the offing …
— And for the Passover season, you can get at a great price at (some) local supermarkets, salad and lentils with cucumber dressing, (and lentals come in as many colors as bell peppers), and also some Jewish rye to keeping it kosher, as these same places.
— Now might be the time to jazz up your pasta, with its various shapes and forms, throwing in some holiday turkey and vegies such as broccoli and carrots, as well as cream of (insert this blank) soup. This in case you get tired of the old turkey (and also ham?) sandwiches, and if you read the reference as turn-key, there are indeed varying options that include, but are not exclusive of bogging down your freezer, as virtually all of the weekend flyers have aspargus as a bedding (my wife’s favorite). Mom likes to be frugal, but please forego the cost savings, down to nothing spent, on that powdered milk in the back of t he cabinet — not on the day she is waiting to be pampered, so just don’t reproduce this format as a double down for Mother’s Day itself if you forgot HER fave, better to hold off to Father’s Day and combine roses, too, make THAT YOUR DOUBLE DOWN. As in two dozen roses?

Me again. Read this often you once-in-a-while impatient Irish and even others, dwelling on The Day Of Green plus other whatnot, Irish and its affairs or not, although I indeed know everyone’s Irish Right Now, and luck may come your way, and hopefully not even a virus can take that prosperity and the like away. Read it all here, and not just on the home page but most all departments. Good Day!

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Why are you here, I know, but why this page? Maybe you and your clicking finger won’t forget and you can refocus if you cut back on guzzling the Guinness and look on other pages that include the home page, on this web site for literally dozens and dozens of even more-than-just-daily updates on the local scene as it involves topics that start with, sorry but the latest of the virus, with a tone that’s instant-all-things-Irish and how its influencing their hallowed holiday — and all the events that are still on will be described here in detail and lots of them so you can pick — moving on to literally hundreds of snippets on the impact of the virus sticking to topics concerning this web site, and lots of these, that you can only find here. Virus views going virtually viral? Close. And gosh, even very soon on this now vacant department heading . And speaking of departments, you will get a partial breakdown of topics tackled as soon as they merit Being There. May the wind be at your back, unless its carrying something nasty.
Monday, March 16th, 2020
What you expect more? You just have to wait for these stack of stories, but if you’re Lucky, and that’s what we’re thinking, it will only be an hour or two before it really starts to hit, not on Irish-style time. After all, if people have the patience and fortitude to get through the potato famine and other really big headaches that are like the ones you wind up with too much Irish whiskey, and they can still believe in a future including a Pot O’ Gold, they don’t mind walking to the pub for a bit until the news comes out, and you know, they might even have some of that walk come their way along the way by meeting up with a leprechaun. Me think’s the Irish don’t deal with deadline devotion, rather of course, other types. See I gave you something anyway, even though it may not carry quite the same punch as a good ol’ Guinness on top of green beer.

Walter Kronkite, or is it Charles Kuralt — forming the Double K, wow — might make another trip to Somerset’s streams, if not rolling in his grave, as the Oval Office they used to report on gets even stranger

Tuesday, February 18th, 2020

“And that’s the way it is,” as seen through less then rose colored glasses, and politics aside, I hope I don’t lose any redneck readers (am I being stereotypical, for a joke, we love all you guys?)
The latest in a string of events in Russia, as pertains to our country, was that a high-ranking official shot himself after being found guilty of a serious crime, and too much vodka at the bar. The latest alleged communication — and they all seem alleged — between the two heads of state, on the QT, was that maybe Donald Trump should in some way emulate the deceased … uhm, never mind.
Also lately, there was news that the Daytona 500, with Trump using his executive powers and making a presence in front of his ilk, was being rained out. Does this indeed rain upon his parade … of fired workers and quote your favorite hard rock song about the betrodden? (I’ll take Judas Priest and Breakin’ The Law). After, all is that not what Trump does?
A pub friend of mine says, counter to some of the prevailing thought, that he thinks Jimmy Carter was the worst president of all time. He describes himself as an upper case Libertarian and lower case republican. One would think that would make Carter, being from Georgia, more im-peach-able. Is that kinda like Uncle Mike’s Em Pour E Yum? Sounds like it.
Thus Trump is now acquitted of crimes versus sanity, although his bizarre presidency lives on and becomes stranger, and even the soused can see that. Again thusly, if this doesn’t suggest that Trump and his supporters have difficulty with the language, although of his origin, I don’t know what does. An ad for a group billing themselves as Latinos for Trump, and even that is strange — or am I imagining a late night visit and delivery of this flyer, as if it was a latent post-bar encounter — by in that very flyer another member holding up a sign with that message, although the letter P could not be seen because of another volunteer in the picture. Wait, do I recognize her, from that late night/early morning visit. I’m sure that Hilary was monitoring the resulting action, or am I being paranoid/dated. And this is someone who is not an ordinary volunteer. Ivanka Trump said she would not necessarily sign on as an advisor if the current president is re-elected. Heard she got a better offer from the Ukraine! And was it topped by a member of The First For Now Family having to fess up to some old revealing photos now released. Like that’s a new thing.

And with that in mind, there was something else that needs to be reckoned with, this time a classic rock song. “Carry on my wayward son. There will be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more.” (Was he is under duress because this is November, and the polls had closed?)
Another miscue, this time in an online ad, said this, that could be seen as a precursor to Trump’s impeachment at a time in office that is unprecedented: “First U.S. presid (first line), could make great again (second line). Actually it wasn’t calling for Trump’s head, rather announcing the first American team in their category to win a presidential fitness award in the country. (And if Trump is indeed involved, it would be as a “sitting”president, and the golf course doesn’t count).
I have a political question for the ages, if not only now. If a redact is redacted, does it mean the original version is what’s left?
As the economy still wavers, tis the season for another restaurant and bar to close. North Hudson had only seen the closure of the small boutique across from the Mallalieu Inn, which saw the demise of a few ventures, and a bank at the other end of town, and an auto shop or two in-between. But now after a great run Season’s bar and grill stands empty, as noted early by an atypical blank sign and comments on social media. As one man said at a local pub, he will really miss that walleye, made several different ways. And the Village Inn appears to have taken advantage of the opportunity, by putting a message on their sign saying simply, “Walleye. Walleye. Walleye.” More on these themes locally will come on this site in short order, like a short order of short ribs.
One more question as alas another rocker has died, someone who crossed boundaries and opened doors to non-metal-heads, even locally. Drummer and song-writer Neil Peart of Rush (not Limbaugh, or we think) has passed on. What struck with me early was that Rush was the favorite band of an editor I worked with for of all things, an area Catholic newspaper. Rush did seem to me to not automatically embrace Christianity, in songs like Free Will. “You can a find a ready guide in some celestial voice. You can choose not to decide, but you still have made a choice. You can choose a steady course and kindness that can kill. I will choose free will.” Lastly, I doubt if they’re embracing the drummer, but a local bluegrass group has long had the name “Pert Near Sandstone.”