Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Dad looks at the grill. Then he looks away. It looks lonely. So he dives in, even though Father’s Day is still much more than a day away. And though dad will never get into stage diving, he might have been moved by some of the music the week before.

The band Critical Mass marches through Ziggy’s on Friday, June 11, and if you miss this music and more don’t have a cow but later maybe eat one too, as there will be another shot at all things festive this next weekend and not just Sunday. And we all know what we’re talking about here, because many dads will let it be known – then insist they didn’t.
Why this early with this post? Yes, dad can have the patience of a saint with all of us, but when it comes to grilling out, he just can’t wait another week.
And does not dad on Dad’s Day truly love a group that can swing more firmly than most through country-rock bordering regularly on classic rock and more — think La Grange for starters? (Written while popping in to see him on Grange Avenue). And those at-times progressive rants just might lead him to critical mass, as can with a certain girth, all the extras he puts on his brats when he a bit slowly works into the groove, then really hits it. Then goes bowling, but only on special days these days, to wear it all off, from the “spare” ribs anyone?
So, not to challenge your expertise – know better than that — but coming soon to these pages are some tips/musings so that you won’t be grilled by your guests with the ultimate for the same-old, same-old – ugh, another hot dog? Unless it’s a Chicago style hot dog on steroids met with numerous and creative condiment additions and substitutions –slather on more than one differing but related sauce to make it the spice of life — and also met with the many kinds of meats gleaned from the Germans. How is cheddar-wurst on for size, literally, and definitely not just on the side, for such a treatment? But I am getting ahead of myself.
So, there is a cure that includes anything you can grill and dress it up further, that’s both specific and many times over, so stay tuned.

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