Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Eleven kinds of signature food categories, party planning checklist, ordering guides and coupons, all are at Hudson Family Fresh awaiting dad and grad

If you choose to rely on Family Fresh Market in Hudson for your graduation party and Father’s Day needs, you will get a party planning checklist and ordering guide, as well as more than $25 in savings, along with the great food.
Dad, and maybe even the grad, whether high school or college, would love that kind of practicality, all found in their Coulee Road store.
To wit, there is a serving guide for food, often trays of it, offered in-house at Family Fresh that features 11 kinds of delicacy categories that go beyond the usual fare, and also provide a serving guide based on the number of people you will have to serve.
On the next page is their one-stop-graduation-stop that lists a full 27 items that you will not want to forget. You will see advice on decorating, floral, greeting cards, lots of food and beverage, utensils and napkins, and ice.
Across the bottom of both pages are bakery cake and deli order forms.
On the back of the four-page leaflet are three Family Fresh coupons for $5 off each, one for $10 off, and one for $1 off.
Its all just Family Fresh’s way of inviting you to enjoy the summer.

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