Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

First there was judicial adjustment lineup for the high court, then pardons for people who didn’t cut it there or get that far, then (below) call(s) for impeachment and the riot much like that at a testy World Cup game. The Never-Ending-Story continues to play on, like an overtime contest, at the TVs at your local sports bar, as there these days are not that much more to cover, unless unmasked.

Throw da bums out? Take that St. Patrick’s Day in St. Paul push of hundreds of people and organize them — OK this is the Irish on their day and being organized is just not part of the plan — but now that there are no more parades, they could conceivably go on a rant to accomplish such, a chance to get the long-term-limitless-Legislators out of there, by having another hopefully Quieter Riot. But to go back a few months …
Then there was the mantra was to impeach Congress, and make term limits like a president has to abide by, but I guess that enforcement action didn’t happen either, (although I’m told brought about twice). The list for the push included the names of a few very longtime incumbents, all Democrats in for decades, and tacked on the end is Adam Schiff, so I guess you’d say his ship has come in — long ago. But that’s California for you. Some flyers were sent by a group calling themselves Citizens United For The Trump Agenda, with their name displayed in the shape of a coin, fittingly. But I don’t think “United” is an apt term here. So often such language is used, another example being advocacy for “Common Sense,” that I am calling for an action to leave the term “United” alone for just the airline to use. After all, with fewer flights they could use the PR.
And some of these politicians were being called “swamp creatures.” No matter your politics, that’s a bit harsh. Perhaps leave that term, to go down this dusty road again, to the Charlie Daniels Band. Old Charles might have gotten it right with The Devil Went Down To Georgia, to turn the tale of what state’s vote would determine who is president and also hold the Legislative majority. Do they not border with Florida, the State Of Chads? Or, as Billy Idol sang, “Hanging out by the state line, turning Holy Water into wine.” I’m not quite sure how that actually fits in, and I hope that none of the various items here are any kind of Idol worship.
I first heard about the Washington riots in two ways. A friend said, call be back later, I’m watching the news about all the hubbub just outside the White House. Later I ended up in the ER when my Tourette’s ran a much worse course then usual — fittingly it would seem, as the staff was running ragged trying to keep up, largely, with virus related health concerns. So it was closing in on an hour since the nurse had taken the usual basic information, and then the doctor could come and again, take the same usual basic information, so I tuned in and turned on, the TV, as all the analysis had already kicked in and the correspondent on the road to the White House was telling what she was seeing, and hearing, and again was far less tongue-tied then Anderson Cooper. But that nurse, who I had encountered briefly when she was back in high school, for a photo for the paper, was noticeable for writing down that information and holding the paper with a hand bearing a rock almost the size of a grape. I thought that considering everyone doing double-duty, virus-related and then the limited number by necessity of regular sneezes, she was really earning her pay. Also noticed just behind my other ear, a long statement these days that is a visitors policy, and seemed very heavy with exceptions when it comes to those with special needs, youthful status, and those in childbirth — and all of them tacking on a caregiver, and that usually means just one. Well-versed I thought, and I was intrigued by What To Leave In and What To :Leave Out.
So to summarize, if only in part: First there was the Not So Quiet Riot. Then followed the Not So Surprising Result. Like using too much gravel when blacktopping a dirt road.

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