Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

‘Fool, fool, you have to bleed for the dancer.’ Or writer of answers. Not watered down.

A Hudson author and others have predicted that the next world war will be fought over availability of water, likely, and the remainder of this yarn is on what could be so true even this day.
They say you have 30 days to cancel virtually any agreement, and this is May Day, a full month after April Fools, so …
Remember the origin of all this, when Foxconn said they would build a mega-facility in Wisconsin and provided mega-employment?
Why, and they are not telling you, is the real reason the deal fell through? They went elsewhere. And the Man From Mars brokered the plan.
Any work force there might have been died of thirst as Mars long ago evaporated the last of its drinking water (due to using it all for steam production?)
That’s why, with no potable water either for workers and the high-end customers who can afford the space travel fare to the planet — for most of us this would take cashing in 1,000 stimulus checks — there could be no for flushing except for the upper brass, but they live in Flushing anyway, the whole deal crapped out so to speak. Another political-industry measure that could again be seen as here someday, and even though this is May Day, you can’t blame the communists! Even though we are talking about the Red Planet.
And Some Would Say What Is Lost Can Never Be Saved … You won’t like this if you are one of the priviliged few who can”do business” by hopping your paid-for yacht with a cute captain across Lake St. Croix down to Lake City. (And lets face it, for what’s most current as far as elections go, School Board members just don’t have the clout to get much arranged outside of a bricks and mortar schoolhouse). But so, you must be a Democrat to like this next “prudent” idea: Building infastructure lines for free Hudson public transportation (at least for some) and hey that even gets out the vote, and who champions that turnout bends along party lines. Want to use that stance to win an election — as conservatives rule in these parts, but proponents would gain fewer personal perks? At least some that don’t necessarily include the limos that often take around young people from the Cities, not just politicos? And as far as those flyers who said not to be a no-show at the ballot box and drive there in political packs in seating of up to four, social distancing aside, consider that all you’ve got is an expensive taxi. Ride Share anyone?
The election found at least a couple of candidates — much less than the number of Irish siblings in a typical family prior to the Kennedys, politicos who reportedly did their very all to up the ante of that number through all variety of “avenues,” if you know what I mean — and the two gave it the good old Irish look. That was on the heels of that Holiday of Holidays, among other holidays such as Green Day as in Earth Day, that all Irish (are required?) to celebrate, and thusly have U2 crying in their Guinness. And the Irish love their other Irish, but we are talking about one man who could have come right out of Saturday Night Live, with very red locks not dreadlocks. Another’s wavy/curly hair was also not long, but with a green and somewhat grey tint all around, making for lilt — of Talking Heads? –among the voting faithful.

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