Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Four and 20 make for a party, when linked together. The new kid on the (south-end) block, New Richmond Tobacco and Vape, has come roaring in with a bunch of great pipes and 4-20 specials, so its no longer a mystery. But mystery bags anyone?

The specials will abound around a theme, as Thursday comes around, at the newest such shop in the area, New Richmond Tobacco and Vape on the south end.
They call it their Spaced Out 420 (no hyphen or colon) sale, and you won’t want to forego this one, as part of celebrating the special holiday (non-official but observed, by those who bow to Black Sabbath and Sweet Leaf) again on April 20 for all stoners, known to all who have relatively clear memories as 4-20.
Mystery bags will be for sale, so you have to be trusting of the staff’s selections, among their bigger than usual inventory that includes some very hard to find products, among them the delivery-method merch that when fully loaded allows you to enjoy their other merch.
This is just like those offered for years at Pudge’s and Emma’s and other St. Croix County bars and liquor stores. One had to look at the prices, which varied by venue but usually not by much, to see if a deal was likely to be had, and match the alcohol percentage tallies of bottles of their off-sale booze — and we have to invoke the impact of profit motive and the unloading of product that just isn’t selling.
Back at NR TAV on April 20, you can buy two disposables and get one free. The same ratio exists with most Delta products, 8 and 9. But why would you want to dispose of such things? Or why not?
Being creative with their specials, you can also get a bottle of (juiced) juice with purchase of any nicotine device, saith NR TAV.
There are so many “delivery” options, broadly, to facilitate getting your stuff inside you, in the Amazon era.
Buy any glass product and get the second one for 50 percent off, at NR TAV. In case you Shattered the first one. The Stones, with Old School smokers like guitarist Keith Richards and their smokin’ music, should know.
(The) first three people to spend $100 at the roomy venue located on Knowles, South rather then North, will win a free prize, (is that not why they call it a prize?) Like a Vegas poker game to win, by getting to the three-digit dollar level, so you might want to up the ante or amount.
There will also be on-hand a crew of lobbyists, topically, fighting for your right to party with the newest and biggest option that’s on the legislative table(s) for legalization, and explaining how to get a bill passed to stoners. (Just kidding for that whole sentence).
Also, the first trio inside the door win a free door prize. One thinks of music by The Doors and such.
And that flavor of music, like Pink Floyd, might be an inspiration for the other vape and more shops in Rivers Falls, Hudson and New Richmond — the Devil’s Tri-Tone? — to plan even well in advance, so you as a consumer don’t always have to wait until The Twentieth, their raffles and other 4-20 amenities. Amen.

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