Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Go down south to battle those from up north — but not as far as Santa — because with U.S. dart tourney win, the rush in on

Those Canadians got pointed about the use of darts, other than by their Mounties:

— How would you use $50,000 during the holidays? Maybe to buy more darts. Or an extra fancy board on which to practice, so you can defend your title against those pesky new rivals from Further Up North. Rick Anderson, a patron at the dart shooting mecca that is Guv’s Place in North Hudson, won that big portion of the overall $740,000 jackpot in a national fall tournament in Kansas City, besting a team from Canada that also had a large and boisterous entourage. While Rick became the winner, the Canadians even got a little bit in your face as their fans watched the action play out both live and on an adjacent huge TV screen. These events have become big business and the crowds can be huge, and shown the toss-by-toss play-by-play on stunning high-tech visuals. It was only a year or two ago that Guv himself had quite similar success at a national tourney. But especially in this recent case, the action was shown at his establishment in a recurring fashion, as the locals relived their latest success in a pointed way. And if they want to be like Rick, they can always buy some of the top-of-the-line shooting equipment that’s typically available for purchase at Guv’s in a display case the size of that circular part of the dartboard.
— Turns out that Whitney, bartender at Pudge’s, has many talents that include being artistic, as shown by the Frosty the Snowman draw on their inside specials-display sign. It’s simply dead-on for that holiday children’s television character who sometimes appears almost dead himself, at the hands of that evil magician. But I never have understood why Frosty needs to carry a broom, both inside Pudge’s and on the screen …
— Speaking of Pudge’s, their winter drink specials are over-the-top as far as tons of quality ingredients, and of the eight at least two are Hudson themed. Just be prepared to pay more than, say, a small tap of Pudge’s own slim beer.
— And on your way home, be prepared to have a feast for your eyes if you’re going between Hudson and North Hudson, as the holiday lights are on even near bar time at houses in a two-block area. (Or make that a four block area if you’ve had a few and are seeing double).
— Longtime local patron Alice celebrated her birthday at Dick’s on a recent Sunday night, and this person who is perhaps best known as an unofficial video-maker for bands during the former Dibbo’s days, on this day made a name for herself by winning two of the three name-a-tune trivia contests. One of the song titles was Hard Luck Woman by Kiss. Now that song couldn’t possibly be about the birthday girl herself could it?
— Not to pick on The Donald again, but while channel surfing to find one of the last debates, I came across The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. Was the new First Lady one of the background singers?
— And since the holidays are all about food, I just had to suggest this to my bartender buddy, who thought I might just get slapped, for all the wrong reasons. I told him that its a family tradition to have so many kinds of simply spectacular food that you simply can’t sample them all, as well having including multiple kinds of poultry. Just maybe, I suggested, I could say to the young lady next to me that her breasts are almost as savory as my grandmothers! My buddy vetoed that suggestion.

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