Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Godsmack you up-side the head if you’re Chainsmoking with groups with those names, from a guy who helped put it all together

Chainsmoking with Alice in Chains is probably not something mom would approve of on her special day, which also might be Easter:
— As it is an April for Alice, (her prospects are finally looking up), a young Hudsonite who helped rehab The Armory venue and make it into a concert site, gave a great buildup for their Alice in Chains show on April 19, and would also recommend Godsmack, (who reportedly got their name from an AIC song), on April 22, in addition to the just announced Prince tribute. The guy helped the concert hall to be remade, from an engineering standpoint, and get it ship-shape for hosting such parties in conjunction with the Super Bowl in 2018. However, he now has gotten a day job, although he also moonlights as a bouncer at Dick’s Bar and Grill. These days, his main engineering foray is to get his timing together for a smoke break, something I’m guessing you wouldn’t dare do at The Armory. Even though one of the main groups to play The Armory during the recent Final Four hosting was, indeed, The Chainsmokers.
— Its that time of year again for The Flood Run set for Saturday, and with rising water levels on the St. Croix, its an apt name. As is the band playing at the Beach Bar, called Overload, a fitting moniker for playing in front of a bunch of bikers getting sick of being cooped up indoors, and stir crazy to finally go riding again. The Beach Bar is the semi-official venue for the all-day run, as it starts there and ends there. And what happens in-between stays at the Beach Bar.
— Its also time for that annual Easter, and to follow mother’s day, brunch and every restaurant to trying to come up with something different, which just might be more of the same. Green Mill specializes in award-winning pizza, and that’s one of the listed options for their brunch, and its much better than morning-after cold pizza. They also have their signature pastas available, and the option of a dish with, count ’em, four different cheeses, which is sure to play big in Badgerland. But with so many items you can try, it taxes my brain to recall exactly which one is the one with all those cheeses. Another venue — outside of the standard  pizzarias and fast food pie providers — with a selection of pizza slices, although not as prominently listed in their menu, is the Postmark Grill. They also feature more than two dozen other items in their brunch.

— Two words follow. On two different bands with names that are essentially two words. For a rock band of a different stripe, go see Tiger Pants at Ziggy’s on Friday, April 19. And also on Friday night, you might take in Shirts & Skins at the Smilin’ Moose, as the time has come — aided by the warming weather — for people to shed their sweatshirts and play some roundball. Especially since the melting ice has gone away, and belting out a song just might be Puddles the Clown, of America’s Got Talent fame.

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