Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Halloween finally has shown its fall colors, but they are not full. Aside from an outrageous yard or two, the sonic value of such scenery is low-volume. But there are things to do, so you can up-the-ante early-on, for your coming Halloween.

The haunted house of houses, and not necessarily of the holy, has spoken. And this, to upend the current trend, goes way back to early September. They have/had already erected — in North Hudson in a small yard that yields to woods — among other things, some full-Frankie-size inflated glowing creatures.
What they possess in common are some great big claws that could as well be in the form of six fingers, much bigger than any human hand — even of The Donald, if you know what I mean. Waving back and forth like a politician, but garishly slowly, and I should apologize for going political, but we know what’s coming eight days after All Hallows.
But this New Richmond (apartment?) house needed to make Halloween a home now. Someone had to take charge. The person/people — on this day it could be both simultaneously — in Apartment 1 went ahead and were the one(s), putting … only … a quick cutout cardboard pumpkin and such in an open space on their door in front.
We often see, if only now and not for the other 11 months, the standard-bearer of a pair of gargoyles guarding the driveway. But now I discovered these — two concrete blonde bulldogs taking up the same role. Hard to say which is more ugly; sorry to lovers of both of those types of animals.
Need to buy some stone figurines? Other seasonal gear?

— Need contact info for the local mattress fundraiser? Or do you want to sleep on it. Either way, you have time, since the mattress-oriented charitable event is still a week away. For once, Joe is on top of things and is actually publishing details on his site, so you don’t have to go online and take the time it takes to drive by the signs all around the block and read. But profit motive, he’s going to make you stick it out to the bottom of the initial post, to get the buildup! One more evil publishing conspiracy/plot, and more on that in a future post. But here you go with the addition. It is being held Saturday, Oct. 15, at New Richmond High School and will benefit the band, through the form of proceeds to the music department. It runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the text doohickey given is “beds” at (715) 760-8686. I’ve got my crack verification team on top of gathering more details, although there was enough to be ascertained that they had to borrow already sparse time from his now overworked fact-checking department — too many typos to catch without overtime? — a slightly different animal, but that’s what happens when your publication grows, as does doing stuff off the cuff. (Again more on that later, after my site’s grouping by content category is done “soon” and that actually might mean … next year?) As for the other event that happened, as reported earlier, its for the Hudson High School Band, but I’m sure they still accept donations. Make you look longer, down below?
Oh word just in, the verification/fact-checking department(s) got some other tidbits and corrected a glitch or two, meaning HudsonWiNightlife now is back, as measured by an online algorhythm, to a trusted rating of AAA. Can you believe it. Uhm, did I spell algorhythm right? —

But retail always leads the Halloween way, and mid-week mid-morning a whole crew of WalMart workers were seen loading pumpkins by the hundreds into a display beside the big, slide-open doors. This means that budget-minded shopping for such, on such a holiday has arrived, they agreed. Another place defined by always having what you need, did become an ahead-of-time grinch well prior to that season, saying it will no longer be accepting checks as of (midnight I assume) on Oct. 31. Last chance to get all your Kwik-Trip candy without using cash or credit card. But they opined in the second day of October, I vant to vash your car. From Frankenstein, and could it be the version in that above-mentioned North Hudson yard?
They won’t be smashing these pumpkins — although some of them have a bit of a cool gnarled look, in spots — since these are just too attractive with their perfectly formed orbs.
An inflated perfect Stewie, (is that possible?), interestingly sported the biggest hair on the biggest head we’ve seen since the ’80s, is positioned at WalMart. Also available is the creature behind him, as no one takes a backseat to That Family Guy, attract attention that’s more than is needed to fulfill a thousand egos. And the ivory-white-face creature with a zipped lip, two actually, just could be inspired by the main dark metal practitioner from Cradle of Filth. Good stuff, actually. Especially fitting for his season.
The police line has, for various reasons these days, become a Poor Man’s Decorating Tool. And if you are looking for metal music such as this on and prior to your holiday, just follow that very utilitarian tool that forms an arch over a WalMart aisle leading you to the music section. And spider webs (plural in most cases) line up right behind, and are shown leading to The Next Aisle Over. They in this case are more elaborate, like they were in days of yore, so get a passing mark, as still does Thriller and Michael Jackson. Easier call.
It seems that the (pit and) the pendulum has swung back the other direction from earlier in the pandemic where people went gonzo. Now the decore shown is generally more low-key and being put up quite a bit later. Despite that, a cabbie that has an eye or two on what’s along the route, just noted that the decorating has begun.
Booyah also rang in, all through a Saturday before in a gaggle of goulash fund-raising event held at several different locations. So how many forms of it? How many sets of spices used? There are musical beneficiaries, the other being a mattress collection drive; the marching bands refused to yield, and kept on rehearsing, marching-on in the two cities involved. Bands in Hudson and New Richmond high schools are the recipients.
They can’t match the eerie instrumental music at my nephew’s recent football game, notable because of its jingling keyboard and synth from a sci-fi movie, was the same as at many a haunted house.
More music? From a name band that alludes to more than one band name. The band Maiden Daisy, hitting Ziggy’s in Hudson on Friday night, might render an opporunity to name the genre.

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