Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Here is what you need to know to kick some virus butt, (sorry church ladies, but this a time for coming together, not retribution for wayward folk like me. So we lay, lady lay, lady our weary heads to rest, as on a big brass bed. —– I would say is all you need but there is so much, and you can peruse much of it on these pages, here and later, and on and on and on to the end, and at the end of this stanza that’s a story, and here and there see sprinkled some song lyrics, to taste then savor as a now-needed savior. Hey, hey, hey, this is after all a music web site, Mick and Zep and so many other singers, and Doug (inside joke, more later). —– And so, you will have to read-it-well and thus be well-read to get the reference to Kansas. They are an old school band, and an American Band, not the rural state that for that reason has been largely immune to the threat, virus not corn rot, as I think that’s a term. —– Ask your local ag agent or Mellencamp or Bruce S. or Bruce D. If they’re not busy saving the cows and the planet they feed, financially, or did I get that backwards, I do declare as I digress in what becomes a Nugent-sanctioned free-for-all. —– That’s like those practical and strapping farm boys forging on to feed our country, by their work out in the fields of the country. —– They are boys not just men, of few words. But I am but I’m a hack of many, as you can plainly see since I’ve Rambled On to be a Harvester of Sorrow. Hey, that’s a theme in my earlier post, as many words as mustard grains! Ugh, is it that bad? But hey, we need to sow more of that ethic today.

<It goes on and on and on and on, its Heaven or Hell, oh well, or so says Sabbath. Already traumatized people are starting to think that way, as their thoughts go go round and round. More on how this vamp of a virus can seep into our brains and effect our thinking and actions in a subconscious way, in a post that will run after the newsy stuff has been done away with, but placed in a different department of this web page. More and more, in each edition, updates will appear in any of the department headings that scroll across the top of this page>

Ok, there is a lot to cover here, as my long buildup of music portion of the music, and by the time I’m finished, it will literally take up dozens and dozens of computer screens such as mine. If nothing else, it can give the faithful a look inside the brain and see how us journalists think, in my quasi-gonzo case maybe too much, and God knows it is not a model of conciseness. But I dare say that’s not what you want, even though the time is short, as underscored by the worsening situation of the past few days, as shortenings have made their mark and slammed it home with an exclamation point that’s burst as big as a bomb, and will continue to crawl forward for at least a few weeks here and across the St. Croix, but the damage may be already done, draining the economy of my home base that’s the city of Hudson and almost shutting down its economy overnight, in what’s no doubt the quickest such crippling seen from the virus to date. These pieces of observation, specific examples of how it plays out with scores of different entities and individuals, and even more finely crafted and detailed analysis, followed by pages of key consumer and business tips. These nuggets supply practical advice and are spelled out with more instructions and contingencies than in many user manuals. These take on tons of totally different topics that steer far from the usual subject matter — on facets that rarely are even touched upon by other media. And oh yeah, the topic we’re talking about is that versatile and very invincible — I know that is substandard usage, but it also enables alliteration, and is even present when I explain its use — villian that is the ultimate vile virus. (See I can even use some of my trademark carefully placed humor, although I have to be more careful with each passing day so not to offend, but I will make every attempt to insert it whenever applicable — while it still can be done, although even in these days we are Hungry for Heaven). Not to toot my own horn any more than necessary, but after some study, I conservatively estimate that a good half of my content sources — small groups of heroes just hanging around their houses are unique to this website, and that number is pushed to this level by a treatment and style that many readers and advertisers say is one-of-a -kind. It calls for plenty of detail and with a topic this complex is necessary, even though some people find it mentally taxing to read in one sitting, so go chill for a bit with a brew, while you still can do it, then get back to the business at hand, and since you presumably are doing the activity at home — good luck if any luck at all to find an open library — its one of few that still can be lawfully conducted, as is indicated by executive orders. (However, this is much more than a long primer on what you’d expect to find in this facet of the writing business, which may be seen as having similarities to gonzo journalism practiced by the revered Hunter Thompson, a household name for even any first year J student — but now since schools are shut down, you’d have to explore his unique style at home on your iPad, a method that surely would make Thompson cringe. So you might have to get some vicarious tutorting through this website, although to this day nobody does it better than Hunter. I just hope that I, and this just is the vision that comes to my mind and I am only one man, can untie his tattered hemp shoelaces). IN all these things I am not out to please the government, rather my readers, and above all — thus the extreme caution with any words that could hurt as even a gutbuster for one person is not worth even slight harm to another, as gallows humor can provide great catharsis but also a poisonous pen — rather concentrate more on serving the unique and critical needs of the many the victims, their family and friends — and that takes in virtually all of us and even various other creatures, minus of course the virus). But there is an exception to my err-on-the-side-of-caution civility, as even though in these days of being much more accommodating then ever before and being selfless and helping whomever and however, and trying to be compassionate to virtually everyone. Who gets treatment from HudsonWiNightlife that is a tad bit harsher than others? That segment of bureaucrats and others in power who dropped the ball and let this thing get far worse than it had to. Sometimes biting satire, with well chosen words, is the best teacher, but it also is vital for the writer to be not just a critic, that is easy, but suggest alternatives. Whew, got all that analysis of my methodology behind us.

I will follow soon with a quite detailed listing of the 15 or more main how-we-deal-with-the-virus, important categories that I will hit on, at length, in the following weeks. The metro dailies can dwell on only about half of those and miss almost all of the flavor that can be the result of hanging out here and its bars and-know-it-all bartenders who invariably can be the best sources to be your ears on the street, especially if you don’t have the No Doze, time or ability and describe and analyze how they take different views on which stories to choose among the dozen or more local possibilities each day, and you might be surprised about what I found and how it can be framed as part of the explanation if you trek like this intrepid reporter and make the trip (through bleary eyes but it never gets old, and like the next produce stays fresh, after some Joe) to Kwik Trip every day at 3 a.m., just like Motley Crue, and gain the insight to make comparisons by having worked as a colleague with both of them. These primers likely will be tacked on the bottom of this post, if not elsewhere in the first three departments listed across the top of screen, along with tips on how to use and quickly locate them and become a dictionary on more than music for the reader, take that Jeff Loven and your loud guitar since I won’t see you for a while to tell you in person or via the microphone when I grab it so your hands are freed up to focus on its frets. But hey, hey, hey, viewer might be the proper term to use now that were in a new millennium and a this PC age, and not my old PC I’m banging on, aided and abetted by a virus that could lay waste to our race and its lingo and its yes its very soul, to paraphrase Mick Jagger and his very wisdom that I’ll now co-opt decades from the summer of love, as time is not on our side and marches on and waits for no man, and unfortunately that includes the best of rock icons, before we die and/or fade away or possibly see or hear an end to our civilization in a new millennium and time, as both may soon be gone. Lord could we use Mick and his lyrics and lessons for life right now. Wanna bolt London — is it safer to carry on as a wayward son and forego the now rotting Big Apple, like people do the Warehouse District and head east for the border to Hudson, and keep truckin’ here to hit the the studio? Time will tell, we hope. Until later. Joe and his blog.

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