Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Hey, being ‘four eyes’ can be a ‘really’ good thing, especially if you’ve got the goods

The more eyes, in particular if they are shown off by celebrity lookalikes, the better:

— The eyes have it, even if they are four eyes, or just sets of two. A late night clerk at Freedom Value Center noted that there were a couple of construction guys who came in and asked in her eyes “were real.” That’s usually not the set of eyes that guys talk about, which is quite atypical because the clerk is not tall in stature. So I looked deep into her eyes. They are a very light blue, which maybe makes them more noticeable. Then that weekend, dancing at Dick’s Bar and Grill was woman who was a dead-on lookalike for Kristen Wiig — get the double vowels — and even had the hairdo using a rubber band her character sported in Despicible Me. That and the fact that dancing the night away, rather then onstage, at the Smilin’ Moose recently was the splittin’ image of Avril Lavigne, complete with the essential peak-a-boo midriff of those days. And, at the new Pudge’s, was a guy who looked just the leading man in Burn Notice, and had the same goofy grin. One more? How about a friend of mine who had been showing up downtown more and more, and recently celebrated her not-yet-30 birthday, looking like a younger and hotter Patricia Arquette (remember her?)
— On the sports scene, as a server in North Hudson at a sports bar, is the guy who not only resembles former Wild player and current announcer Wes Walz, but also now a member and a quasi-namesake of TV’s Timeless, (he goes by the name of Wyatt). Now that’s a double doppelganger. In that spirit, my friend Doug looks like both a member of the Dweebs — who really rocked out on lead guitar to a rock classic during a cameo with Jeff Loven earlier this year — and sports TV’s Scottie Brooks, shown as both a point guard and currently a broadcaster.
— North Hudson’s Tim Zais was behind the grill last Saturday for a neighborhood breakfast party. It’s hard to miss that he resembles the owner of TV’s Bob’s Burgers, and they both were bringing home the bacon, just in different forms.
— Lastly, and this news has been around for a while, and is also Old School, a look-alike in the American Pie movies, for a randy character named Stiffler, has been serving and partying in Hudson. That would seem to entail some border hopping, as the guy who played that character a number of years back is from the Cottage Grove area.

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