Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Hey its Big Game Day. And only futbal. And not the soccer kind. Or Sheepshead. Enuf said … Onward to the game preview.

Hey dad in rehab. My brother and his son are coming over for a game of Sheepshead during the Super Bowl, mark my words. A way to pass the time before halftime, then tune if for the real deal second half. Report back on who won, either game.
So its been a while since the last blast of football, at any level. So check this out before hitting the sports bar in a bit … and we’ll here-on-in keep the games to what’s on the grid.
And this being the Super Bowl, we have to reference Super wardrobe malfunctions, this time on yet another bus trip by a look-alike to Janet Jackson (see a shoutout to Bo below) with heavier-set legs and booty. Yes, there were the couple of bunny slippers, but also this muff, she was reaching for her bag on her tippy toes and very by accident backed into my hand on the armrest with her … you can imagine, or should I say guess, the rest. Apologies all around. (I don’t think she will get any of the endorsements, such as they are, for the best blazer or jazziest dress or hawking hairdo, that are listed at the end of the credits of such Super shows, to dress up the sideline reporters and/or commentators in studio too. Walking billboards for ads all?)
Then the sign on the freeway, touting Bison Transport, could be in addition referring to a University of North Dakota quarterback throwing for 390 yards.
Then enter Jim McMahon, the old Bears QB, almost. I was looking for a second redo in the fashion and flair of dress, with that man who these days runs the Bengals, with the same types of stripes. Both are in their outfits and otherwise, their own person, in a daring way that’s spoken but seldom seen. Anyone else notice that?
And do you remember the sports nickname of the day, back in the day, The Big Hurt? That could have been in meaning, something of these days the fan-tastic, but not if you’re a fan, injury that was found so only by the opposing team — the one that sidelined a QB by the name of Hurt. Ouch that truly Hurts!
And running back Bo Jackson, remember him, and his ilk were noticed as among the best for various things in various sports that included running the bases involving, uhm, football too? Duo or trio sports in even besting Jordan, Jackson did.
This could be touted on The Talk, as far as commercials, another Super theme. A song by Blind Melon, remember them, for if I recall a Frozen Tundra-worthy truck. But more like an edge rusher, not a Monster Truck. And that nephew referred to in the lead, the high school-ager? He knew of edge rushers but not of The Thing like it from back in my day, The Edge, guitarist for U2. Who? The Who? Didn’t know them either.
And I bet this is more you did not know, and I know to add this in here because The Look had something to do with looking like goalie helmets, of the hundreds of styles out there. Meant to be intimidating like pitcher long hair and ‘stach. Under the helmet and/or hat? But on a coach? I digress majorly. But there was some such an appeal to the head coach of Shawno, elsewhere in the Midwest then Shawano, for that would be eastern Wisconsin, not far from Lambeau Field. Something to do with a grid title game for either the WCFA or WFCA, as I saw it spelled both ways Down Below on the sports bar TV. Then came a tornado warning over That Space, good until 5:15 for Otter County. And the star QB’s name? Goes by Ott. Last name only.
There was lastly a couple of years ago, and for your grub if you got it early, ye ol’ Batman theme/designed pizza for, what then was coming up in two days, Valentine’s Day. No heart there. For only the Joker and/or Green Riddler.

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