Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

I had a midsummer night’s dream. Actually a collection of random thoughts that don’t even include Freud, although She Agreed that all great bartender conversations start and end with such, as we psychoanalyze each other, looking for Dream Theater. To wit or not to wit: It’s not midsummer anymore by any stretch so maybe all this stuff if existential is at this point a stretch.

Put this way in an actual sign, there since midsummer, and could this be a temp’s nightmare/dream job? “You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We’ll train you!” A bit of corporate culture? I’m sure HR went over the joke in the sign-on paperwork, so thanks for that good humor you provide, (maybe better than I?) But really, would you not want to work in a place (spellcheck said palace) like this? In much smaller letters, fittingly down below, it puts out the pitch, to rent this sign … If there were too few, or too many, takers for the above line?
Or such workers, at a home furnishings store, could take the day off and head up north for one of the last times. “Or lets just stay home,” is a sign they’d been trying to move off the front window shelf. (It was there then gone, then there again). Or maybe Jump In The Lake, and The Lake Is My Happy Place. In that case, two out of three ain’t bad.
Then The Next Place Over, try our acquatic (I think you could guess that from what comes) and sooth-away pain and indoor pool for therapy. The sign is below an accountant’s office, not so fitting? Herbal supplement/food freaks trying to get the right mix aren’t the only ones to be bean-counters.
As this is what I assume an accountant does, if the tip jar goes awry at the restaurant: Cook the books. (Just kidding).
Down the way in the same block, little scrim signs for you and me warn both a pesticide-application-zone-stay-out-because-your-very-life-depends-on-it and do-not-dig-here-because-of-cable-concerns-that-include-but-are-not-limited-to-your-life-depends-on-HBO. Not to mention the one that says you can get the utmost-minus-all-additives-(non-healthy?)-corn-cobs. Are you all ears?
So hey, as the offer from corporate says, go float on a glazer, (down the Apple River on a tube that is not like the flask of such flavored booze you hawk?)
So is the essence of the inner tube dragging along as we near the end of summer, although there is still plenty of summer left. So whatever floats your boat. Or glacier?
Yes, despite a continental divide, this is my hometown and slightly beyond it Kwik Trip, with their all sorts of such merchandize, with offers like this, but time will at some point march on, way beyond March, as we try to avoid the (late-night) donut hole that comes with shorter nights. And the bigger the glazer donut, the bigger the hole.
And this next one should never be put Down In A Hole. So to pump and honor the Ukrainian flag, it turns out we have to incorporate Hinduism. A family in my family for awhile flown their Ukrainian version — although the Stars and Stipes was never front and center in their yard — and I’d be curious which one in the family came up with the idea. I was told that across the street there was another such marker, from being across the world just as far. A Hindu family with a Hindu flying version.
When I visited I never saw either of those, much less Old Glory. Did something happen, with the nuances of the politics of the day or how it was viewed or other such thing? Or maybe such things just limited their shelf life. But there should never be such a thing.

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