Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

If you got out of the shower in time, you could have seen the town awash in costumes, like, well… A guy in the shower, behind his own curtain

The crowds were out at a balmy but scary pre-Halloween costume night, where a noted trend found middle ground, as sexy wasn’t really in, but when it was put on display, it was really in. (Note the friend of mine dressed like a I Dream Of Jeanie, but showing much more skin).
In case you missed it, here’s a primer on what was worn at local parties:
— It was good to see that an old local costume from years of yore had been resurrected, that being a guy in a shower cap surrounded up to his neck by, you guessed it, an actual shower curtain and faucet. Later at the Village Inn, after the midnight judging, he took off that potentially cumbersome costume in the parking lot.
— A head-to-toe T-Rex had a huge head at least a foot higher than normal height, but it was his tail that was in danger of being stepped upon as he climbed the stairs at the Smilin’ Moose. Just prior to that, a woman told a friend while on her cell phone and giving directions, “I’m right by the dinosaur.”
— Outside, a Twin Citian got off a party bus and noticing a police presence, stuffed his half-full beer can into his left pants pocket. He just might have been given a citation by a civilian in a cop costume who was showing his ID to get in, while there were real cops just across the street giving watch for people such as those impersonating officers.
— While I pulled up to the stop sign to go home, a disco guy did the thing with a pair of fingers where he pointed to his eyes and then to mine. I guess it was obvious I didn’t have a tinted windshield.
— A papparazzi wannabe at Dick’s Bar sported a big placard that said “I’m photo bombing you,” with an also big camera drawn on the front of the sign.
— A woman wore butterfly wings on the back of her neck, each of the four segments hawking a different beer. Meanwhile, as the pre-Halloween weekend wore on into Sunday, friend Andrea looked stunning by showed off her own butterfly wings, behind the upper part of her short dress.
— There was a Mr. Monopoly with a great big mustache at Season’s Tavern, and likewise a truly creepy Mr. Adams that had a great big “Thing” hand on his shoulder.
— A ghoul with a deformed face required the bartender, dressed as Zoolander, to use all his moxie to figure out what was being said to order a drink. He leaned way over to take the request, so close his ear could have been bitten off. One wonders how that masked ghoul drank it anyway.
— A combo of Papa Smurf and Packer clothing dismissed my mere Green Bay sweatshirt, lingered then walked away, like a pair of other recent happenings when some Twin Citians in Viking gear got on my case about one of those sweatshirts, and seemed like they really wanted to mess with me. One of those duos later backed down and high- fived me. Good thing, since I was too outnumbered to fight.
— The beehive look lived, as a couple of women had funnel-shaped hair a full foot higher than their scalps.
— One particular skeleton had every inch of her body decked out, complete with skepter and a beer bottle that had another smaller skeleton positioned where the cap should have been.
— At the same venue, there was a couple going as a Goldilocks followed by a big bad wolf, and also another wolf that had the jaws ready to bite sticking out of his forehead.
— At Woody’s in Bayport, there was another Woody, he of huge head from Toy Story.
— A young guy was dressed as a superhero who fired arrows and had a great big “Q” on his chest. I guess that as far as costumes, this would “have him in the queue.”

Lastly, the best dressed musician might have been Kyle at Guv’s Place, boasting a big bow on the side of his head that remarkably stayed put while he thumped the guitar strings. He was only a few feet away from a late addition to all the decorations, that being in the corner and looking partially like a haunted forest.

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