Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

In case you need a reminder, Saturday is 4-20 and all it brings. So if hightailing it for Hudson, hit up The Hideaway for boatloads of discounted stuff like 50 percent off select glassware to get the best vibe possible for a great day, as it and the next day are days off, so enjoy! And if elsewhere in the metro and a bit abound, they have a full dozen stores around, so it’s not exactly like they’re hiding away.

Heading toward Wisconsin and need a quick fix, so to speak, eloquently or not?
And especially so, if its 4-20 and want to even moreso up the tempo and party down, and get specials for the occasion? As April 20 is a Saturday, so it and the nextday are not typical workdays, and you can hit it earlier, or keep it going longer. (The place I’m going to recommend is open until 10 p.m. and their varied goods have a “shelf life” of somewhat of a high, in a good and safe way, feeling for hours beyond. So starting up at 10 a.m., check out a loyalty program that’ll keep you coming back, and with that, imagine what specials they’ll offer on Saturday.)
Thus, if you happen into Hudson, just a minute over the border, stop by The Hideaway (in the middle of the Coulee Road shopping district) a vape store that you can trust and can be seen from the freeway (and even view some of their great offers hawked). They even are clever enough to note that the digits in 4202024, as shown upper left, are a direct reversal of themselves.

— And in a special not exactly hidden away from full view, on 4-20 at Hideaway, you get 50 percent off select glassware, and between 20 and 30 percent off everything else in the store. —

And visit Hideaway’s other stores in various places around Minnesconsin, mostly in the vicinity of and in the Twin Cities metro, but also including Duluth and Menomonie — simply as it’s all about ease, by following the Hideaway Hudson shore, on the frontage road just north of Interstate 94 — and taking that freeway 50 miles down the road, and look at the specials they offer for your special day that is 4-20 …
At Hideaway, you get between 20 and 30 percent off everything in the store, and 50 percent off select glassware. These are at buy one and get one free, THC drinks and cigars; 30 percent off, all other glass, THC gummies, E-juice and devices, and disposables; 20 percent off razor grinders and Ultimate Box grinders. Everything else in the store is discounted at 25 percent off.
They offer, and the list is long so to find that little bit of extra something, you might have to scroll a bit, (like one customer said, this is the only place where she found non-tobacco pouch grinds, so try something new like that for 4-20): cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, tobacco bags, tubes, wraps, cigarillos, E-Cigarettes, E-Liquids, RYO, smoking accessories, incenses, premium cigars and cigars cases, for starters. They say they have one of the widest collections of such products in the state of Wisconsin, not to mention Minnesota, all at prices that can’t be beaten. And they have some time ago added a humidor, too.
The product range can be shown by their dozens displayed across more than one or two long shelves. Time and time again.
“Hideaway Hudson is your friendly vape and tobacco expert with a line of products you are certain to be excited about,” they say.
So, whether you are looking for this or that — or are a vaping expert, or looking to learn more about this simple way to enjoy a relaxing smoke break, Hideaway Hudson has the customer service and knowledge (and wit) to help you find the products that fit your needs. They are people who have the lengthy of experience, and breadth of humor, to joke with you about old Cheech and Chong movies, and even come up with new quips.
Since 2012, Hideaway Hudson has happily, that’s key here, served customers throughout the broad area to find vaping products with ease. Check it out and let them put their knowledge on display. A vape can be an easy way for this, and you need not worry about safely disposing a used cigarette, or having to carry around multiple packs of them.
A vape can fit easily in your pocket, your car, or your backpack for when you’re on the go. In case you don’t have room for a hookah. But they have them too. Lots of them.
“Additionally, vapes save you the hassle of carrying additional needed products like a lighter. Traditional vapes can last you up to 400 puffs, which can save you time and money that you’d spend on regular cigarettes,” they say. But Hideaway offers those also.
One of the biggest draws to vaping, though, is the choice of flavor you get to make — as this is all about your needs. Hideaway Hudson has a long list of delicious flavors that won’t be as “offensive” as traditional tobacco smoke. “It’ll also taste much better and some of our brands are infused with calming flavors,” they add. I’d bet they even have peppermint, (and all the music-based symbolism that comes with that!) When you need a quick smoke break, a vape can be the perfect addition to your routine.
So stop by their vape shop or visit the website to learn more about their wide range of vaping products. To learn more about the shop and what we they, give a call at (715) 808-0491.
But now more on the loyalty program, the main info you’re interested in: Points are earned at 15 points per dollar spent on Minnesota Legit products, and at 10 points per dollar on mostly everything else, excluding tobacco, butane, discounted items, and other applicable items, but you’d expect that. So for every $10 in savings you need to use, you know where to go …
Loyalty program terms may change, but you’ll be promptly sent information about any changes … and your information is kept confidential, and will not be shared or sold. So they’ll use it to send updates and special offers, which you can opt out of at anytime.
Loyalty points are not earned on sale days, but may be redeemed on most sale-day purchases. So use what you can build up on all the offers, on something like 4-20!

An expanded version of Bluegrass Bourbon and Brews as a River Falls tasting festival, and they’ve added more stops for (small) shots of bourbon as well as a shuttle to take you from music venue to tasting site — more than a dozen total — continues today with many bands new or newer to the area.
Here are those still going on right downtown and a jog north in a few cases, and not before pumped on this website, late Saturday afternoon and night, that you might want to take in: Lou Shields (not Reed), Side String Band, Potluck String Band, High and Rising, Maura Dunst, Wise Jennings (not Waylon), Dig Deep (not purple or Depp), Crooked Window, Steam Machine, Danny Frank & The Smoky Gold, Don Harvey, String Diggers, Tres Osos (not Hombres), Chicken Wire Empire (a headliner), The High 48s, Texas Toast, Kind Country Band, Thirsty River, People Brothers Band (a headliner), and Miles over Mountains.

More haze daze, read below …
With that, there are other things going on this weekend and through April’s end:
To frame this next one, there are close to 100 bar and grills on the western end of Pierce and St. Croix counties.
So when the GasLite near Ellsworth repeatedly offers, like just a few venues in that whole area, live shows by that group that seems to have been around since The Stones, but likewise continues to keep their show fresh, The Dweebs, it is indeed something special. So when the band performs with trademark style on Friday night, it’s teamed with something just as special offered beforehand. The boom before the bass drum. Big fireworks to be done at dusk via this company, the Victory Wholesale Demo, as the GasLite has the rarely found surrounding grassy areas to allow seating for such a show. See their website for two different ways to blaze a trail around the area’s road construction. Use those tips as well, for the devue Lipstick-n-Dynamite show at the GasLite on Saturday, April 27, as they feature shows of the region’s best as far as a combo of band experience (several decades worth and guitarist Krister even played with critically acclaimed American Head Charge) and beauty (lead singer Marissa shows what you would expect from such a group’s name.) They go on at 7 p.m.
The previous Friday night, at the other end of this area, it’s also something different, in duplicate. On April 19th, find The Wild Badger with a repeated duo of a music offering in New Richmond, with a battle of brothers as deejays, Ryan and BDay, who also come highly recommended. (And on the day following, the infamous April 20 day, there will be Haze Day, hosted by DJ BDay.)
Last in this theme in pairings, is the absense of the long-seen-sign, in the form of a trailer set-up with rows for letters, on the west side of the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt. It’s been gone for at least a couple of weeks, not to be viewable by commuters. But after the work week ends, to let it be known, going on stage to bring on the party mix in both their cases, is Rock Bridage on Friday night and Jazmin and the Gents on Saturday.

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