Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

It may not be chicken ala king, rather impress mom on her day with an overt app of salmon falafel and Indian Kashmir spinach with paneer cheese. You don’t even have to go Oriental!

Again sorry, move over mom. “Mother … don’t you walk my way, listen to my words, what they mean, what they say, mother …” Sings Danzig, because even though dark and edgy, he has a mom too.
So come Sunday, best not do menu one-ups-manship and leave it as a (large but multifaceted and layered?) appetizer to bring. Mom will think you’re being thoughtful.
— Forego mom for just a moment. Three days ago, or thereabouts, was the end of The Public Health Emergency. We all know what that’s about. So in Blasts From The Past is all the good stuff I have been keeping under my hat, as as far as info, until such time. (Gave it just a bit in case their was a redo, as the gov will do that). Third time is the charm, as far as days. Three days grace? Read it now, before it expires. —
My fishy take on a creative use of food began with mom, of course, learning from the best of her recipes, and this is poignant as Mother’s Day is just around the corner, (and that part of her garden may be at risk. See the trivia question of Where Did You See It).
I spied around Easter, but held out, that when going out for brunch, salmon was the fish and overall meat of choice, and hey I have had a full can setting on the shelf.
Along with some other oddball stuff to combine, largely amped-up rice and hummus — Seder meal anyone? — and more. So what does Joe do … He creates with thoughts in mind that stem back to the April crux that was the heyday of the creator and his crucifixion. (Because mom, and this thus becomes all about her, is very religious.)
But hey, when the diatribe started forming was Good Friday and its fasting, and this post is leaning more toward Easter, so let’s move beyond the divine and dive more directly into the positive from a mainstream stance. Since I have set the stage at length.
Here’s the meal that’ll make mom proud. And still not step on her toes. We’ll leave her hallmark killer cracker crumbs mixed into the salmon as her own thing. But you might be safe adding them again, cut in four pieces, on the four corners of a square bowl.
But it starts with salmon. What wins it, I think, is what you put on the side.
I had the bright idea of putting on each edge globs of Indian Kashmir spinach (Led Zeppelin approved). It comes in a packet with paneer cheese, but you can add virtually any other kind if in need. The initial deal has sprinkled in a bunch of onion, and also tomatoes, chili pepper powder and the ginger you don’t alway see. (Save the Mary Ann and Rosemary for marinara). This is garlic tinged and I find I’m always trying to use mine up, since it usually sells in more than one bulb. I chose to mix in whole-hog, chopped mushrooms and more onion before heating (so yes I fully vetted it). And you can’t go wrong with a bit of bell pepper. Lay over the top a few small and whole hot peppers, and form an attractive pattern. Same with sliced ham? And more cheese?
Also lay on the side as a secondary, some seasoned falafel? It is based on chickpea flour and can include (or you can make it include by adding it) any of the above veggies, so we have consistency. A recommendation is to lay on top full-on sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and tzatziki. You will have a hummus vibe. Substitutions can include candied yams, but I’ll leave that for another post.
Use all of this to fill a full plate, and since it is for grazing, fill any winged extension thingees of the plate as festive with lettuce and better, melba toast crackers.
That will play the best with mom, in so many ways.


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