Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

It Wasn’t The STDs Stupid? Where were you when the ax fell, again. Will she get dressed and back up your story like she was paid to do, a second time,…

(For more such statute political commentary — it is indeed so, as was said in a comment under About — check out this web site throughout the coming month and hope that the ghoulies won’t get either you or Trump; they wouldn’t bother with Biden, too bland. The same could not be said about Eddie Van Halen, as he is eulogized in a manner that brings in Hudson, in the department Uncategorized).

I never thought I’d be writing this as soon as you see now, but this may be the day when we wrestle with some of the most important questions since the Cuban Missile Crisis, again stated as You’re Still Hard To Handle Now. Where were you and what were you doing when JKF was assassinated?
(My wife was at the forefront here, as she was watching her favorite Regional TV Cartoonish Show That Will Never Make It Big Because of Lack of Aptitude, But Is About a Man and a Train. Mommy, the question was asked, why is my fave dumb shit show being pre-empted? Oh, my God, JKF is shot and dead, came the response, and mom went running into the next room crying. I have heard the story many times, and it bears repeating).
The difference? At least JFK had something to offer the country/world. You now doubt have heard the thing, unless you are living in a cave in the Siberian outback/hacker enclave, that Trump has the very virus he failed to abort, focusing rather on babies yet to be born. And it was bantied about in the Sunday papers today, both of them in my metro area, that the next 48 hours will tell the tale. (So tune in to the 48 Hours TV-Mag Gone Stupid for the result, with the only slightly edited, repetitive references to the same staid topic over and over to cater to the, well, stupid, unlike when it was that I sat in a courtroom for a solid week for their rag’s local competition, when journalism actually was journalism. This even though the national TV correspondent seemed more interested in getting into the Leader-Telegrams reporter’s pants than actually reporting the news, with their annoyingly recurring twist).
But I digress, and maybe that is the point here. Trump is all about digressing. And not keeping his pants on. But to get back to it, I was sitting with a friend as she roamed the bastion of current news that is Facebook, with ugly dog photos tried to be made pretty, and oh yeah, that great post from a long-last friend who was now coming over and making her giddy, and saw a reference to Trump has a virus. Let’s face it, we all thought STDs rather than Covid for The Invincible one, and that’s what would finally get him. But then there was another reference, and another as midnight approached, and then someone was brave enough to post what everyone was thinking: Hey, the virus is finally good for something. Creating karma, one misdeed at a time.
<The philesophical good for the sake of salvation>
I now have to admit, when Bush, the younger one even moreso than the late Elderberry Bush, was spewing his screw-the-country-for-the-sake-of-oil decisions, some of us said amongst each other in private that it would be for the good of the country and the world that someone Would Take Him Out. Now it is time for me to put my money (mere coins Thanks To The One That Raped All But The Rich, and Maybe I Now Have To Add Only The Mega-Rich), where my mouth and failing computer are, and confront my previous Nightwish: Do I Really Want Donald Dead, to serve the common good? All this transpired while listening to not Death, the extreme metal band as that was later in the night, but Jailbreak from Thin Lizzy, and with Donald maybe they would amount to the same thing if he didn’t break out. But still — The Demise of the Donald? Seems extreme, not prudent. And this is moreso than the fact he makes writing about folly so easy for me. Deep in my soul, now re-thought, I do not want him to get what he deserves. These days, on many fronts, it is not easy to be an empath.
<So where from here?>
Maybe after all is said and done, Trump will gain a greater sense of humility, civility and compassion. OK that’s a tough one to believe, but maybe, just maybe …
A doctor Gupta was quoted as saying that Trump’s chances to beat this are very good. (I remember that name from living with and reporting about Tourette Syndrome). Whew? Cringe? But against him are age (only erectile at this moment), obesity (don’t look good in those whitey tighties anymore), and “underlying medical conditions,” (maybe prompting a recall, like had only been seen in the auto industry, amongst all those escorts in Russia) …
And in Russia, Hackers Anonymous better get tested, and their computers double-down disinfected, even if that puts them on an (Interpol?) database …
Lastly, as far as “tracking” the news that some Congressmen flew on a commercial airline after being closely associated with Trump, so maybe they need to get a waiver if they are indeed running for re-election, which gives them a blank check …

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