Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

It’s grab and go, as you yet again have weight to lose — not if the longtime Pizza King can help it, he’s waiting in the wings at this post’s end — so you can look like the 2007 Victoria’s Secret ‘Angel’ who also has a local tie-in at the weigh-in for this New Year

Here is a grab-bag of goodies to grip and grin now that we’ve seen another new year, basing their precedence on the past, sometimes way past, (I tried to post this under Blasts From The Past, but being the non-techno twerp I am about technology, it may have appeared here instead. And just maybe it will show up in that other place anyway ..?)
First, the canned music (HudsonWiNightlife still fits in references to tunes, when logical or sometimes illogical), that’s a substitute while you’re waiting for when there again are concerts, and also has you waiting when on hold for the drug store to get those things to enjoy at such concerts, features this advice: Some of the most popular NewYear’s resolutions are to quit smoking and go on a diet. But aren’t those at odds with each other? We’ll have to wait and see.
There is a web entry, not on ours unfortunately, listing the 50 most beautiful people alive (thus no Goths, I assume, as you will often get that here). Starting at the top, Miranda Kerr came in at the Five-Zero, but we doubt she is the bride of Steve Kerr, as he was a solid but unspectacular point guard for the Chicago Bulls of an era dominated by Michael Jordan, (I worked in the Chicago suburbs for a year, so I know the sway that holds). She also was a Victoria’s Secret “Angel” in 2007. So why this reference here? Another top model and fellow brunette, Heidi Rayder, from River Falls just down the way, was atop their VS runway about five years prior to that. Age is served, in a beautiful way.
As served up are the glowing bunny heads on the garage door on Fourth Street North — no wait, the thingee that makes the display go is cockeyed and has them pointed upward to right under the roofline.

<<News break>>With The Misty Morning and its snow came even more “challenges” for flags. One of these — although not Old Glory — was still seen pulled sideways to near its limit from a past windstorm, when it hooked to a branch and oddly extended westward. The U.S. variety of flags that were up in the area, however, along with that Brew Crew banner, were frosty and stiff. I’m not quite Dr. Sheldon Cooper, but read all about the proliferation of flags that in many cases have been up since well before the elections, and although being taken up and down, have so far stood the test of time by simply being big, moreso than the vast majority of candidates. See it in the Notes From The Beat Department.>>
Sledding was back in vogue, whether in a park or going down a length of steep yard, as Global Warming takes a hiatus for the holiday and the snows came and stayed, like in old times, when Odd Uncle Sid insisted they rose to the height of the Empire State Building — that was before the Sear’s Tower, (bloated Chicago reference again). And so it has been for building snow forts. The next guy over helped his children construct one of these, then go for a second one, then place a wider-then-thusly-named, wooden two-by-four to take advantage of forming ice and prop it up even more. Next to the walkway to their porch was and is a small snow creature with more-to-the-point holiday stuff hung on it. And at the other end of the cul-de-sac something that hasn’t been seen for a few years, at least this early in winter — children playing king on the hill, the snow base being as high as the basketball hoop in the aforementioned neighbors yard, made possible by the village plows.
Before he was such a king, Santa Claus was, well, Santa Claus. Now that he is back on holiday, he recommends this treasured music collection, before we give it up for Valentine’s Day, to keep his legacy moving forward … 74 Minutes of your faves of Christmas, and that would be akin to the length of a Guns ‘N’ Roses concert when Axl finally shows up. He has chubby cheeks beaming, and why not, he has a drink in his hand and chubby toes in the sand, not to mention mistletoe on his cap visor. Smiling Like Brand New, just like he was when pictured with a dance line dancer on his lap in the old Hudson Star-Observer — a correlation pointed out by the photo taker Randy Hanson who is now also retired — say Hi Randy, Hi Randy! — and was given so much grief by parents I don’t doubt he opted out at 62, and he is probably thinking about my post-dated mention, here we go again! But don;t call him yet tonight, he’ll call you.
Lastly, the Pizza King lives beyond Dick’s Bar and Jeff Loven cameos and has been seen at Starr’s Bar as one of the Village People, and as a leader in the long-continuing rehab of that Little Ol’ House on Monroe Street. A look-alike also has been spotted elsewhere, including a gig as a paid spokesperson for … I don’t remember what. But there is only one Pizza King; it would be like comparing Tombstone to Tostitos!

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