Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Its loud (allegedly) and local (for the most part) with Pepper Fest music this weekend, and don’t forget to hit the (secret) sauce, not that kind of sauce, with Season’s Wicked Wings

Do you want some Salt ‘N Pepa with your yams? The latter is in the Haus.
PepperFest is on again with a peppering of new (to varying degrees) bands striving to become seasoned. My sister-in-law from the north metro, who is through and through country, said that when she heard Yamhaus she thought they were “heavy metal.” When any band has a vegetable as a part of its name, I highly doubt it. To decide, see this group of area people play in the Village of Hudson park on Friday night. Two other bands follow, The Roger Allen Band (their full ensemble) on Saturday night and Paisan and the Family Brass on Sunday night.
— Meanwhile, kitty-corner across the street, Seasons Tavern will again host their Wicked Wings Challenge on Saturday afternoon, and as has been the case each year with the contest (Pepper Fest is more than hot pepper and spaghetti eating races, although you can find that too, same day), the featured Season’s sauce is kept a secret — and kept in a vault under lock and key, OK we made that up — until the day of the ordeal that requires nerves of steel. Sufferin’ Succotash! And again OK, we doubt that’s the featured flavor this year.
— If all this Pepper pizzazz not enough for you, you can drive or walk northward and catch Jawsy as an additional music act at the Village Inn on Saturday night, as they play an hour longer than at the fest itself, going until 1 a.m.
— Want to buy one of thousands of golf balls, for a quarter each, that were gathered by a benefactor during and around the recent benefit event for Travis Ostby, a man who faces tremendous and expensive medical difficulties from rapidly spreading melanoma. All of that quarter go to his cause. Simply go to Jonesy’s The Local, in Plaza 94 next to Hudson Bowling Center, and you have it. The Local was opened a few months back, and longtime bartender all-around-town Jonesy says he was in no hurry to put a sign up front because those who know him, and how he operates, were well aware anyway of his club’s new existence, and its video and hands-on gaming/sports theme. To wit: People either get the place, and his thrown-out-there attitude delivered with a biting but hilarious and playful edge, or a few don’t.

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