Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Let it (continue to) snow. As that aids snowmo. As in a club party for the ages, or at least this winter. With Hitchville to play it out at The Gas-Lite. But that won’t put a chill on Monday, as if we need to be reminded …

There can be advantages to the snowfalls, inch by inch, we’ve been having lately, and they play out at The Gas-Lite in Ellsworth on Saturday, with the stellar (might as well be the house) band Hitchville playing as well.
But for starters, there is the Trimbelle Hill and Valley (both of those) Snowmobile Club Party that gets underway at 5 p.m. with a drawing to be held an hour later. And it seems a certainty that there will be while fluff on the ground to prime the snowmo pump for such an event.
Then at 8 p.m. Hitchville goes on, with their wide range of rockin’ country that goes back more than a decade, and at that point they broke onto the scene with songs (and we’re not just talking the usual tired covers) like Hole In The Wall — and that was definitely not penned for The Gas-Lite. But in 2016 there was more, with the tune Even When It’s Bad It’s … This was linked to the Soundtrack to Life, and does that not sound like a country theme?
But then we know what Monday is, so let’s get even more topical. Speaking of things that could be viewed as dive bars, but still have killer grub beyond the bar food, there is Dick’s bringing around their tried and true V-Day special. For under $30, you can get a pound of fresh-caught but way up north snow crab legs, or a 6 ounce filet minion, with fixings. For a few bucks more you can get both, but just a half-pound of the legs.
So why single out Dick’s? There is more on Mondays, although we won’t guarantee that being what this one is, they will be available then also. You can get the best of frozen pizza — and there is such a thing — for $4 at the bar, harkening back to a day when it used to be only 99 cents, but there is that inflation thing, you know. And there’s more, DJ trivia early, with the clue of the day on social media, so get out your Google. As advertised, good food, cold beer and marginal service. Ha, ha. And there can be ten-person team competition, so gather nine of your brainiac friends … And as far as the food special, it is certified safe by the likes of fish managers from the movie Perfect Storm, think Wahlberg and Clooney. Just kidding, but you get the rub. And jumping back to the game end of things, the only place you’ll get more and also varied is down the road at the Hudson Tap, but that’s for another time.

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