Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Light up everybody and join us in this celebration that is the beach party, then lights-out party, after a three-year hiatus of going into that void

Need more spring and its activities? Walk out of the darkness and into the light, like Pantera sings, as the darkness that filled the void (that’s only the case at this venue on scattered weekdays) gives way to sun rays. But wait, that Pantera reference could be backwards.
This Saturday, somewhat-post-pandemic Dick’s Bar holds, for the first time in three years, its spring break beach party, complete with sand-to-play-in (not contaminated of course) that’s way beyond a few buckets worth, filling the dance floor. That fun in the sun is followed, for perhaps the first time making this a duo and not on separate nights, by its black-out party that historically has had all the lights turned off and a series of tarps, black of course, taking care of any stray ray of brightness, even neon beer signs.
It all starts, including live music, at a 7 p.m. time when there still is … sunlight before it yields, hence my reverse order reference. And Black Out Bash, its semi-official title, is BOB but you don’t bring your own bottle, as they have you deeply covered on that.
This night also, fittingly, as part of the long and winding road, brings the band Redemption Road to Ziggy’s. (The next day is May Day, which can bring shades of dark and light, depending on your theology and politics). More on that in a later post.
With that said, have you finished all your Easter candy? Sin of gluttony? Maybe you weren’t able to fully go there, since some stores with full aisles of sweets did not have the prototypical jelly beans. It did not go unnoticed by staffers, in off-the-cuff conversations on both the day before Easter and a week later, when they still were not in and on the shelves. Supply shortages? Market conditions? The economy? Business decision-maker decision? Take into account that the same was true of some fairly common herbal supplements, better for you anyway then candy, although chocolate is said to have health benefits. That is not a license to go all out, as then you might need to add a weight loss supplement to your regime, caused by your “broadly” speaking high inflation.

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