Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Local queen of country, and pop, hits the town singing from all sides, then on the far north side of town, its pre-PepperFest sevenfold

Go visit Johnnie and Mel and the Best of Seven:
— Local country-and-other-styles, saucy singer and songwriter Chaunte Shayne will help you kick the summer off by kicking it at two River Falls clubs, one on each side of the main drag, and also on each side of the Memorial Day three-day weekend. She will be at Johnnie’s (east side) on May 18 and Mel’s Midtowner (west side) on June 3. Get there early in getting this early start to your summer because yes, the shows start early, at 6 p.m. and 4 p.m., respectively.
— Please be privy to a precious pre-PepperFest party, at any of the seven bars in North Hudson! Get free prizes (is that redundant?), special prices on festival entry buttons, and other special deals on Sunday, May 20, from 6-8 p.m. at any or all of those party places you can make. By the way, the real thing runs Aug. 17-19.
— Go for Two. And do it twice. First buy a Monaco cocktail at the Village Inn, which is advertised as providing two shots in each of seven cans, typically utilizing vodka, and some tequila in the mix too. Also consider a double-up afternoon, when paying just a dollar more, on each weekday from 2-4 p.m., good on all domestics and rails.
— Need the time to repair your friend’s damaged relationship, only their at a different bar? The Village also offers to plug in and recharge your cell phone for you, while you — get this — continue talking! Just ask the bartender, uhm, when you’re off with your friend.

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