Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Lots of mouth-watering, meaty options on mom’s day, and this isn’t just go fish — even though its the Minnesota opener

This mother’s day, bring mom the beef, and other meaty offerings that might include some music.
— This is indeed the mother of all buffets, as advertised, featuring a total of 11 different kinds of meat — as mom loves this stuff just as much as dad — among many other items. So to indulge in the Mother’s Day buffet at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt, you could get there as early as 8 a.m., only seven hours after the band from the previous night, Johnny No-Cash, had done their encore. So mom, if the order of the activities were flip-flopped, and you had taken both in, you could have tossed your free carnation at the lead singer (we’re kidding, you wouldn’t do that). But back to mom’s not-so-rock-star-fantasy celebration, her stellar day’s breakfast runs from 8-10 a.m., and the brunch from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. And you don’t have to pay a rock star price. But reservations are recommended, by calling (715) 386-5885.
— The ad pitch says that this “is not your father’s root beer,” and its not the Dad’s brand either. But it was on special at the Village Inn in North Hudson for a time, as they had an extra supply, and I’m sure there still are “float”-ing around some root beer bottles. At this point, their beer at the great special price has been replaced by the Dos Equis brand that probably was left over from Cinco de Mayo. But back to mother’s day, in a newspaper flyer seen at The Village, a beauty product ad struck my eye that seems along these same lines. It’s called “not your mother’s” Beach Babe soft waves sea salt spray.
— Also at The Village, as a dinner special especially each Friday, is the side option of “party potatos” to go with the walleye fish fry, rather than just plain fries. That just seems fitting for a bar and grill. Across the street, Kozy Korner had a sign that welcomed some new transplants and made the claim that their pizza could stack up against any from NYC, (as I believe that first letter on the sign was an N rather than an M).
— The annual, or more so, cribbage tournament is on again at Dick’s Bar and Grill. To participate on Saturday, see your bartender, maybe while taking in some tunes. Things get going at 1 p.m. and include a free drink for participants. That’s one of the things that go with the $10 entry fee.

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